Marmalade Boy Episode Fourteen

"You don't deserve Yuu!"

Meiko is writing in the diary and apologizes to Miki about what she said about Miki needing both Ginta and Yuu. She tells Miki that it took a lot of courage to give Ginta to Arimi.

Na-chan!Miki is in her room not wanting to face Yuu. She is embarrassed by what happened. Yuu comes out of his room and acts like nothing happened. Miki figures she shouldn't be so surprised.

At school, Namura is telling his students to pay attention to what he is saying. One of the students asks if it is going to be on the exam. He tells them that he can't give that kind of into but that it is likely. They are all surprised and grab their notes. Meiko is watching and remembers a date at an aquarium. It was the same day that he tells her he is going to be teaching her class. They won't be able to date anymore, he says. Student/teacher relationships are taboo. She tells him she will wait.

Later, Miwa is in the library looking for Meiko but she is not there. He does find Yuu who is looking for a book by Miwa's father. Miwa offers to let Yuu come to his house and see the book but Yuu, still believing that Miwa is "dangerous" refuses. Yuu runs out of the library.

Arimi is waiting for Miki on the school grounds. She tells Miki that even though Ginta told her about the ruse, she is going to keep going. She tells Miki that Miki doesn't deserve Yuu. She says that she has only Yuu while Miki has Ginta and Yuu. Arimi tells Miki that she doesn't understand a girl like her and she will never forgive Miki.

Arimi leaves, crying. Yuu comes out of the school and Arimi sees him. She embraces him and tells him that she loves him. Then she kisses him. All of the students are shocked.

Miki is thinking about what Arimi said and is miserable. Miki can't help loving both of them. Miki's friends sees her walking and rush to tell her about Arimi kissing Yuu. Miki runs off.

Crying Meiko.Kijima, Namura and Ryouko are sitting in a bar discussing Arimi and Yuu. Kijima asks Namura what he intends to do about it. Namura says that it is none of his business and doesn't plan on doing anything about it. Kijima agrees with him.

Miki and Yuu are in their rooms in the dark thinking about the day.

At Meiko's, there is a screaming match between her parents. Meiko can't stand being there so she runs out of the house, crying.

Ryouko, who has never told Namura how she feels about him, asks him to come up after walking her home and have a drink. He declines saying he has to get his things together for tomorrow's lecture. Ryouko can't understand why he doesn't notice her.

Meiko goes to Namura's apartment and bangs on his door. He comes up behind her and asks what is wrong. She says that she gives up. He hugs her as she cries on his chest.

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