Marmalade Boy Episode Twelve

"Yuu And Ginta, I Love Both Of Them..."

This episode opens up with Miki remembering her conversation with Ginta. She doesn't want to face him tomorrow at school.

Ohhh, Yuu!At school the next morning, Miki is looking in the classroom for Ginta when he comes up behind her and scares her. She runs away. At lunch, Meiko reads the diary and realizes what is going on. Then, Miki is called to the teacher's room where she finds out she is going to be in a tennis tournament. Miki is stunned.

After school, Ginta cofronts her and demands an answer. She asks him to wait until after the match. He agrees but no longer than that.

The parents come home and talk non stop about Hawaii. Miki and Yuu leave to go upstairs. Yuu notices that something is bothering Miki and he suggests that she go and visit Meiko. Miki is touched by his kindness. At Meiko's house, Miki tells Meiko everything and they agree to talk all night long.

The match.At school the next day, Ginta tells Miki that he will start helping her get ready for the match. He won't let her lose. They train constantly. Yuu sees Miki getting more and more tense so he takes her shopping. She buys a ton of stuff. She realizes on the way home that it was his way of making her relax.

At the tennis tournament, Ginta and Rokutanda fight over who will win. Then, a group of girls notice Yuu and decend on him because he is so cute. Miki is stunned. The tournament begins. Miki wins the tournament. Miki is ready to give Ginta his answer when Arimi pulls him away from the group. Miki is hurt.

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