Marmalade Boy Episode Ten

"Surprise in the bathroom."

Miki and Yuu wake up to their parents getting ready to go on a trip to Hawaii. Rumi gives Yuu a credit card and tells him if they need anything, to just use it. Yuu gets hungry and asks Miki to cook him something. Miki tells him "no". He touches her hair and that persuades her to change her mind. The stir-fry turns out bad and he remembers that Rumi can't cook either and decides that it is her heritage. She replies that if that is how he feels, they can eat out the rest of the time. He says that it is ok, she can cook for them. She asks what he means by that and he says that she is so cute when she cooks. She can't argue with him when he says things like that.

So light...Miki then looks at a cookbook and decides she can cook if its not too complicated. Yuu brings out the credit card and says lets go shopping. At the grocery store, Miki puts everything she sees in the grocery cart. Yuu thinks that going to a supermarket with a woman was a bad idea. The bags are heavy and Yuu complains about carrying them. Miki tells him that he's just a weakling. Yuu tells her not to underestimate him. He picks her up with one arm. She gets embarrassed and tells him to put her down. She calls him an idiot.

At the crosswalk, they run into Kijima who teases Yuu that he took off work because his parents were gone but he is really on a date with Miki. Yuu shows him that they went shopping. Miki asks why he wasn't working and Yuu explains that he didn't want her home alone. Miki gets mushy when she realizes he did that for her. He then tells her that he is thirsty and they go to a cafe for a drink.

At home, Miki is cooking when she burns herself. Yuu comes in and decides that he can't let her cook. It's too dangerous. Yuu cooks a wonderful meal for them. After dinner, they are watching tv when Yuu puts his hand on hers. He looks intensely at her and it likes he is going to kiss her. All of a sudden he suggests they watch a movie. Surprised, Miki says yes. He leaves and she suddenly thinks, "its' not a dirty movie, is it?". Yuu then turns off the light and Miki gets the wrong idea. He puts his hand on her shoulder and she freaks. She starts throwing books at him. When he explains that he thought it would be better with lights out, she understands. The movie is a thriller called "Elm Street on Friday". Miki gets scared and clutches Yuu. She pulls away when she realizes what she's doing. The movie ends and Yuu says that he thought it would be more scary. She laughs and agrees. He touches her had and calls her a liar because she is shivering. She laughs and says that he figured it out. secretly she thinks "I wasn't shivering because i'm scared. Yuu's so dense."

What kind of movie?They decide that its time for bed and Miki goes to her room. She remembers she needs a bath and walks in on Yuu who is putting his shirt on. She freaks and slams the door. Miki finally gets to use the bathroom and takes a long bath. Yuu teases her about being in there a long time. She gets out of the tub, dries off and discovers that she got overheated. She faints. Yuu hears her fall and breaks through the door and carries her up to her bed. She wakes up, finds herself only in a towel with Yuu standing over her and she slaps him.

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