Geoscience 205    Fall 2005
The Dynamic Planet

T,Th 3-4 PM 1528 C.C. Little Building
Instructor:  Jeff Alt

                    3502 CC Little

  Updated:  8 Sept, 2005

Class Links:

Plate tectonic reconstruction1
Plate tect reconstruction2

Volcano World

Basic Geology Course<>


1. Building Blocks

2. Igneous Rocks

3. Volcanoes

4. Sedimentary and Metamorphic rocks

3. Dating rocks and the age of the Earth

4. Radioactive Decay

5. Plate Tectonics Development of a Theory

6. Plate Tectonics: Plates and Plate Boundaries

7. Plate Tectonics: Transform Faults and Hot Spots

8. Mountain Building

9. Mountain building and deformation

10. Earth's Interior

11. Earth's Interior II

Lect 13 Mid Ocean Ridges

Lect 14 Origins

Lect 15 Early Earth: The Precambrian I

Lect 16 Phanerozoic I. Paleozoic

Lect 17 Phanerozoic II. Mesozoic

Lect 18 Phanerozoic III Cenozoic

Lect 19 Climate: Past present and future

Homework Questions:

Homework no. 1

HW no. 2

HW no 3

HW no 4

HW no 5

HW no 6

HW no 7

HW no 8

HW 10