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I am Harish Narayanan, a doctoral candidate and research assistant (and the occasional teaching assistant) with the Computational Physics Group at the University of Michigan, currently working toward my PhD in Mechanical Engineering and Scientific Computing.

During this seemingly never-ending journey, I’ve received two master’s degrees: an MSE in Mechanical Engineering in December 2003 and an MS in Mathematics in December 2006. Prior to this, I received my BE from the University of Madras, India, in July 2002.

A suitably GIMPed mug-shot.

Me in a coffee shop somewhere.

I work with professors Krishna Garikipati, Ellen Arruda and Karl Grosh. Currently, we are looking at interesting questions relating to continuum field formulations to describe and simulate the biophysics of developing tissue.

These pages contain links to our work in greater detail, lists of publications, talks I’ve given, and details regarding my coursework and general academic progress. There is also the obligatory plug to my vita, for when I plan to leave graduate school.

A shot of me with kids.

Me paying a visit to an SOS Children’s Village, where I support two kids.

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Help icon International students wandering over here aiming to bug me with questions about graduate school, please peruse the frequently asked questions before contacting me.
Warning icon I wish my parents were a little more creative when it came to naming their son. As it turns out, there are numerous other Harish Narayanans all over the internet: flickr, wordpress, blogspot, … . Needless to say, I have nothing to do with them, or their sites.