24 ways

to impress your friends

Centered Tabs with CSS by Ethan Marcotte

Doug Bowman’s Sliding Doors is pretty much the de facto way to build tabbed navigation with CSS, and rightfully so – it is, as they say, rockin’ like Dokken. But since it relies heavily on floats for the positioning of its tabs, we’re constrained to either left- or right-hand navigation. But what if we need a bit more flexibility? What if we need to place our navigation in the center?

Styling the li as a floated block does give us a great deal of control over margin, padding, and other presentational styles. However, we should learn to love the inline box – with it, we can create a flexible, centered alternative to floated navigation lists.

Humble Beginnings

Do an extra shot of ‘nog, because you know what’s coming next. That’s right, a simple unordered list:

<div id="navigation">
          <li><a href="#"><span>Home</span></a></li>
          <li><a href="#"><span>About</span></a></li>
          <li><a href="#"><span>Our Work</span></a></li>
          <li><a href="#"><span>Products</span></a></li>
          <li class="last"><a href="#"><span>Contact Us</span></a></li>

If we were wedded to using floats to style our list, we could easily fix the width of our ul, and trick it out with some margin: 0 auto; love to center it accordingly. But this wouldn’t net us much flexibility: if we ever changed the number of navigation items, or if the user increased her browser’s font size, our design could easily break.

Instead of worrying about floats, let’s take the most basic approach possible: let’s turn our list items into inline elements, and simply use text-align to center them within the ul:

#navigation ul, #navigation ul li {
     list-style: none;
     margin: 0;
     padding: 0;

 #navigation ul {
     text-align: center;

 #navigation ul li {
     display: inline;
     margin-right: .75em;

 #navigation ul li.last {
     margin-right: 0;

Our first step is sexy, no? Well, okay, not really – but it gives us a good starting point. We’ve tamed our list by removing its default styles, set the list items to display: inline, and centered the lot. Adding a background color to the links shows us exactly how the different elements are positioned.

Now the fun stuff.

Inline Elements, Padding, and You

So how do we give our links some dimensions? Well, as the CSS specification tells us, the height property isn’t an option for inline elements such as our anchors. However, what if we add some padding to them?

#navigation li a {
     padding: 5px 1em;

I just love leading questions. Things are looking good, but something’s amiss: as you can see, the padded anchors seem to be escaping their containing list.

Thankfully, it’s easy to get things back in line. Our anchors have 5 pixels of padding on their top and bottom edges, right? Well, by applying the same vertical padding to the list, our list will finally “contain” its child elements once again.

’Tis the Season for Tabbing

Now, we’re finally able to follow the “Sliding Doors” model, and tack on some graphics:

#navigation ul li a {
     background: url(“tab-right.gif”) no-repeat 100% 0;
     color: #06C;
     padding: 5px 0;
     text-decoration: none;

 #navigation ul li a span {
     background: url(“tab-left.gif”) no-repeat;
     padding: 5px 1em;

 #navigation ul li a:hover span {
     color: #69C;
     text-decoration: underline;

Finally, our navigation’s looking appropriately sexy. By placing an equal amount of padding on the top and bottom of the ul, our tabs are properly “contained”, and we can subsequently style the links within them.

But what if we want them to bleed over the bottom-most border? Easy: we can simply decrease the bottom padding on the list by one pixel, like so.

A Special Note for Special Browsers

The Mac IE5 users in the audience are likely hopping up and down by now: as they’ve discovered, our centered navigation behaves rather annoyingly in their browser. As Philippe Wittenbergh has reported, Mac IE5 is known to create “phantom links” in a block-level element when text-align is set to any value but the default value of left. Thankfully, Philippe has documented a workaround that gets that [censored] venerable browser to behave. Simply place the following code into your CSS, and the links will be restored to their appropriate width:

 #navigation ul li a {
     display: inline-block;
     white-space: nowrap;
     width: 1px;

IE for Windows, however, displays an extra kind of crazy. The padding I’ve placed on my anchors is offsetting the spans that contain the left curve of my tabs; thankfully, these shenanigans are easily straightened out:

 * html #navigation ul li a {
     padding: 0;

And with that, we’re finally finished.

All set.

And that’s it. With your centered navigation in hand, you can finally enjoy those holiday toddies and uncomfortable conversations with your skeevy Uncle Eustace.

About the author

Ethan Marcotte blogs intermittently as the curator of sidesh0w, runs a little design shop called Vertua Studios, and would like to be an unstoppable robot ninja when he grows up. He doesn’t really have an Uncle Eustace.

Your comments

  1. § Rick Vugteveen:

    Thank you so much for the simple tutorial! It is exactly what I needed, and published o my birthday no less! I am printing this off, along with the alistapart articles, as having the information at hand is incredibly useful.

    A while back I was wanting to implement centered navigation on a site that I was working on. Being my first try at designing with CSS for layout, I struggled for hours trying to get a simple navigation bar that worked. Finally I managed to hack one together, although the method was a bit of a hack job (“whatever, it works”) that I can no go and fix. You can see the original site here: http://www.vugmedia.com/dustytodollars/

    Thx a million! This site is my home page over the Christmas holidays and is increasing my coding skills by the day.



  2. § Maarten Docter:

    Nice article Ethan! The scaling of font sizes works great.

    Tabs are still popular and often used in websites, because they look the same as in the real world. So people automatically know how to use them.

    One thing I’m missing, though. And that’s the current active tab? In your example they ALL look like the currently active one…So how does your visitor know, which tab he/she is looking at?

  3. § gunni:

    Thanx very much!

    I’m working on a website and need a centered navigation exactly like this one! I tried with margins/paddings and percentage but didn’t even got close enough. It’s funny that it’s so easy.

    Greetings from Switzerland

  4. § Mats Lindblad:

    Nice article, i’m gonna try this too.

    And by the way. If you open the JS Console in FF 1.5 you’ll see that it thinks your CSS i broken.

    I guess it doesn’t like the hacks either. ;)

  5. § Alan Pyne:

    Thanks for this Ethan.


    To achieve the effect of only one tab looking “current”, you need to do 3 things:

    1) Have a way to identify the current tab

    2) Add a bottom border to all tabs

    3) Remove the bottom border from the current tab

    For (1), you can add a class “current” to the appropriate li element. [See note below for an alternative]

    For (2), you’ll add a border-bottom to each tab’s inner span (adjusting the padding to account for the extra pixel used):

    #navigation ul li a span {


    padding: 5px 1em 4px 1em;

    border-bottom:1px solid #979797;


    For (3), you’ll add a rule which targets the current tab, and remove the border (effectively undoing the more general rule in step 2):

    #navigation ul li.current a span {

    padding: 5px 1em;

    border-bottom: 0;


    Note An alternative (better?) way to identify the “current” tab would be to give a unique id to each li element and use contextual selectors combined with unique page ids set on the body element, like this:

    body#home #navigation ul li#nav_home { <em>somerules</em> }

    Good luck,


  6. § Ethan:

    Mats, I’m not sure why Firefox is squawking about that CSS, but I’ll look into it; thanks for the heads-up. For what it’s worth, the validator doesn’t seem to complain too loudly.

    And Maarten, Alan’s suggestions are spot on. You could take his modifications and use them as the basis for any number of improvements, such as rollovers and a “current tab” state (see the second Sliding Doors article for examples on how to do this).

    Thanks for the feedback, all. Glad you liked the tip!

  7. § Nathan Pitman:

    Love that this does away with the old ‘float: left;’ approach.


  8. § Pete Freitag:

    very handy thanks!

  9. § Veracon:

    But—all this unnecessary markup just for a bunch of tabs? Why wrap the list in a division and, most importantly, it’s stupid to have a span inside a link.

    I don’t know…

  10. § Patrick Haney:

    Rock on Ethan. Good writeup.

    One thing to note is that I’m finding the bottom border mysteriously appears if you increase the text size twice in Firefox 1.0.7 for OS X and Windows. In 1.5, everything is fine. Odd.

    Oh, and for the record, I’d like everyone to know that Ethan likes to use fun class names like “hotitude” and “ineffable” in his CSS code.

  11. § Mark:

    What if IE7 fixes the comment parsing bug, but doesn’t fix the padding error?

    I’m going to have to side with Microsoft and say that conditional comments are the best way to work around errors in their CSS implementation.

  12. § Dustin Diaz:

    Damn, someone figured it out. I love it.

  13. § Ethan:

    Mats: in a caffeine-deprived binge, I’d apparently managed to put some old-school JavaScript-obscuring comments around my CSS. It’s the trailing ”//—>” that seems to be causing Firefox to complain; remove that leading double backslash (”//”), and you’ll be set. Sorry about that.

    Veracon: Unnecessary in what sense? Compared to the old table-based way of doing things, I think an extra span is a small price to pay. Of course, your semantic mileage may vary.

    Patrick: thanks for the Firefox 1.0.7 note. I’ll take a look at that, but I’m guessing there’s some weird pixel rounding error at play there.

    Mark: Fair enough, and you’re obviously more than welcome to use that approach. I normally wouldn’t put any browser-specific hacks in my core stylesheet, but I thought it the best approach for the purposes of a quick write-up.

    Thanks for the feedback, all!

  14. § Dustin Diaz:

    Technically, if you really wanted the parent to contain it’s children, you can just set your parent to overflow:hidden

  15. § Bob Sawyer:

    Just in time for a redesign! Thanks much! (But what’s with the “rockin’ like Dokken” reference? That’s the second time in as many days that I’ve heard that. I mean, Dokken rocked it, to be sure, but is this a new phrase making the rounds or am I just way out of touch? ;-))

  16. § Gregor Martynus:

    Thanks for the nice article!!

    I would suggest to use &nbsp instead of a normal space, because the breaks inside of the tabs are uggly (if you increase the font size or your window is to small).

  17. § Velouria:

    The tabs get all squashed up in my IE (5.01 SP2).

    Any ideas / remedies?

    Anyone care?

    P.S. Nice article.

  18. § Philippe Wittenbergh:

    You could avoid the use of the li.last class by applying equal margins to the left and the right of the li, like so: li {margin:0 .375em}

    – nit-picking :-)
  19. § harry:

    This seems like way too much work.

    All of my pages are just one big image. I can make my pages look exactly how I want.

  20. § Ethan:

    D’oh. Philippe: you’re right, of course. I was probably a bit low on caffeine when I cooked up this example. Thanks for the catch!

  21. § John Schuster:

    Why do the images disappear before they change for the hover effect?

  22. § Scott Johnson:

    With that last set of tabs bleeding over the bottom border, it’s look much more than just “appropriately” sexy. These tabs are beautiful. I have loved the sliding doors for a long time now, but I’m a centered layout kind of guy. You just made my dreams come true! Or maybe I just need a vacation. ;-)

  23. § MikeWS:

    “if we ever changed the number of navigation items, or if the user increased her browser’s font size, our design could easily break.”

    Sorry mate, your solution still does. Sadly, I think the reason is a fundamental one and there may not be a real answer though I hope someone proves me wrong one day.

  24. § Someone that says THANKS for these nice articles:

    but as Velouria pointed out, it doesnt look right in IE5.01/WIN. theres no padding or so..

  25. § Tryst:

    Regarding your hacks, what browsers do the IE hack fix, is it all (as I will obviously need to use IE conditional statements instead of hacks with IE7 looming).

    Also, is there anyway you can detect a browsers on a system with conditional statements? (For example, I want to run a statement for only Mac versions of IE 5)


  26. § Ian Lloyd:

    Dude! You were reading my mind! I was getting a sore head trying to crack this one … and then I gave up (see http://ianandmanda.com/ – it looks centred, but bump font sizes up and it breaks, bah!). I owe you a Shiner Bock for the chance to let me copy this idea in the future :-)

  27. § Egor:

    Nicely pulled off, but I’m going to have to agree with Veracon here. Apart from the span being a bit of a nasty, it’s also completely unnecessary in your example. There are already two elements in play – the list item and the anchor… why the need for a third one?

    And also, with the corner images. I see you’ve made the right image big enough to scale for multiple sizes, so why not combine the two edges into one image and re-use it on both elements?

    Perhaps I’m being a little picky here though. :)

  28. § Egor:

    Oh, forgot this.


    You can specify specific Windows versions through conditional comments (although I’d be tempted to use only “lte IE6” and specify hacks for IE 5.x inside of it to keep the number of external style-sheets to a minimum.

    Mac IE doesn’t understand conditional comments, however there is another way to feed it a separate style-sheet:

    /*\*//*/ @import “ie5mac.css”; /**/

  29. § Marko:

    I will test these tabs. I tried a lot of but never looks good. Hope this one will work.

  30. § Kohout:

    Oh, nice :) thx

  31. § moesjly:

    looks good

  32. § Martin:

    How can we fix the problem with IE? The tabs appear broken in IE6…

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24 ways: day 8