Curriculum Vitae: Henry A. Buchtel

Current CV (pdf) (version February 2023)

   Undergraduate College          Years       Degree    Year
      Dartmouth College          1960-1964     B.A.     1964
      (Hanover, New Hampshire)
   Graduate School                Years      Degree     Year
      McGill University          1964-1965     M.A.     1965
      (Montreal, Quebec)
      McGill University          1965-1969     Ph.D     1969
Occupational History:
   Organization            Place            Position           Years
   McGill University    Montreal, Quebec   Teaching Assistant  1964-67
   (Donald Hebb, Robert Malmo & Ronald Melzack)

   University of Pisa   Pisa, Italy        Research Associate
   Institute of Physiology                 & Visiting Prof.    1969-71
   (Giovanni Berlucchi & Piergiorgio Strata)  
   Scuola Normale       Pisa, Italy        Teaching Fellow     1971-72
   National Hospital for                   Clinical
   Nervous Diseases      London, Eng.      Neuropsychologist   1972-75
   (Elizabeth Warrington)
   University of Parma
   Physiology Institute    Parma, Italy    Research Fellow     1975-78
   (Giacomo Rizzolatti)
   Department of Psychiatry                Teacher of General
                                           Psychology in the
                                           Schools of Specialization
                                           in Psychiatry and
                                           Neurology.          1975-78
   Montreal Neurological  Montreal, Que   MRC Research Fellow
   Institute (Brenda Milner)               and Clinical Neuro-
                                           psychologist        1978-80
   VA Medical Center      Ann Arbor, MI   Staff Psychologist  1980-2017
                                           Acting Chief       09/85-03/87
                                           Associate Chief    03/87-02/08
                                           Section Chief      02/08-03/17
   University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Mich. Associate Professor 1981-2020
   Dept. of Psychiatry            Network Director of Training 2002-2016
   Dept. of Psychology

For representative presentations and publications (1998-present) click on Bibliography
Last modified February 2023 (HAB)