Diversity and Distribution of Plants and Animals

Biology/Geology 445 (G. SMITH, Winter, 1999)


The goal of this course is to learn about causes of evolution and extinction as revealed by patterns of distribution of animals and plants on the earth. Lectures and discussions will address problems in molecular, morphological, and ecosystem evolution in relation to the history of continents, tectonic plates, oceans, and climate of the past.

Time: Tues, Thurs 10:10 B 11:30. Place: 1139 N.S.

Text: Brown and Lomolino, 1998, Biogeography, Sinaur


INTRODUCTION (Chapter 1, 2)

  1. Overview: Questions, issues, and methods in the history of ecological and evolutionary biogeography, as exemplified by the works of:
  2. Lyell, Darwin, Wallace, Hooker, Sclater, Gray, Willis, Gleason, Matthew, Liebig, Merriam, Dansereau, Cain, MacArthur, Wilson, Pianka, Connell, Brown, Rosenzweig (ecological approach).
  3. Simpson, Mayr, Darlington, Croizat, Brundin, Rosen, Nelson and Platnick (systematic approach).



  1. Physical factors that limit plant and animal ranges: solar energy, seasonal temperature distribution, moisture distribution, soils, topography, wind; ocean currents, light, salinity, depth/pressure.
  2. Biotic processes that limit geographic ranges (Chapter 4): niches (Hutchinson), productivity, food, predation, competition, facilitation, (Vandermeer; Werner), demography, genetics.
  3. Visit to Matthai Botanical Gardens: Plant exercise--plant life forms in relation to habitat and climate.

  5. Distribution of Communities, Biomes, Ecosystems (Ch. 5)
  6. Tectonics and Paleobiogeography: volcanism, mountain building, topography, hydrography, ocean vents, biomes and geological barriers on continents and in oceans (Ch. 6).
  7. Paleoclimate and organisms through the ages: Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic, Pleistocene, Holocene. How old are the tropics? Causes and Effects of Pleistocene glaciation and seasonal climates (Ch.7).



  1. Speciation and extinction; Species selection; extinction (Chapter 8)
  2. Dispersal--Niches, life history, reproduction, immigration, emigration, migration, range size, and interactions with diverse barriers--dispersal agents, fruits, seeds, spores, e.g., Hawaiian ferns (Wagner); molecular phytogeography, North American Miocene fruiting trees; African alpine Senecio and Lobelia (Knox).
  3. Endemism and patterns (Chapter 9) Animal examples, e.g. freshwater fish and snails (Taylor); amphibians and mammals (Darlington); crickets (Alexander et al.); Hemiptera (Polhemus), spiders.



  1. Changes in temperature and moisture distribution in the past 3 million years. The marine record and the DSDP. Continental patterns. How much of the observed pattern is correlated with glaciation? Causal models (Milankovitch; Imbrie; Bartlein).
  2. Responses of Quaternary continental plants: temperature, latitude, altitude, and lapse rate (Pielou). Independence of species movements (Davis).
  3. Continental animals; Great American Interchange (Vrba; McFadden).




  1. Evolutionary processes in space and time: Speciation modes.
  2. The pace of life: Rates of evolutionary and ecological processes such as species formation and extinction (Punctuated equilibrium vs. variable rates (Gould and Eldredge; Gingerich; Bennett).
  3. Exhibits Museum: Exercise--time and evolution.



  1. Phylogenetic analysis, and historical biogeography; cladistic methods, area cladograms (Nelson and Platnick).
  2. Marine examples of vicariance: Plate tectonics, sea level change; Panamanian vicariance and the molecular clock (Rosenblatt; Collins) coordinated stasis and metapopulation biology (Brett; Ivany).
  3. Continental examples of vicariance: Gondwanan floras and faunas (Lars Brundin). Water as barriers; freshwater as islands.



  1. Island examples of vicariance: Indo-Malay (Wallace) and Caribbean (Rosen).
  2. Island biogeography, the Theory: Area effect; Immigration, Extinction, and species density (MacArthur and Wilson); Critique-- Equilibrium vs non-equilibrium assumptions (Simberloff).
  3. The Great Basin



  1. Latitudinal patterns in plants and animals. (Latitude is not a variable).
  2. Pianka's hypotheses: time, climate, latitude, stability, productivity, competition, predation.
  3. Rosenzweig's hypotheses: heterogeneity and niches.

  5. Species density gradients: productivity, intermediate disturbance (Huston)
  6. Ecology and diversity, cont. (Hubbell; Ricklefs and Schluter; Tilman)
  7. Mammal evolution, geography, and climate (Vrba);
    North America(Van Valkenburg and Janis); multivariate models (Badgley).



  1. Extinction (Lawton and May; Ehrlich)
  2. Conservation (Soule; Quammen) (Chapter 16).
  3. Continental Patterns





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Bookstein, F., P. Gingerich, and A. Kluge. 1978. Hierarchical linear modeling of the tempo and mode of evolution. Paleobiology 4:120-134.

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