University of 
Michigan Documents Center


Table of Contents:

Introduction | Logging into the System | Basic Search Commands
Additional Search Commands | Refining Techniques
Searching Government Agencies | Abbreviations | Subject Searching | Logging Off

This guide reprints the Library of Congress instructions sent to libraries participating in its original pilot project. Instructions and comments added by the University of Michigan Library in italics.



  1. Telnet to:
  2. At the initial LOCIS menu, TYPE 2 for Federal Legislation.
  3. Choose the time period you would like to search.

      You will be given a choice of searching individual Congresses beginning with the 97th Congress (1981) as well as ALL Congresses beginning with 1981 and ALL Congresses beginning with 1973. If you would like to choose an individual Congress from the 93rd-96th Congress (1973-80), press RETURN.


 STEP                NOTES                           EXAMPLES 
 To SEARCH:          type B (for BROWSE) followed    b sen kennedy
                       by the name, title, or sub-   b rep kemp
                       ject, bill number, for pub-   b h.r. 123
                       lic law number, bill type;
   1) BROWSE index   the number in parentheses indi- b s. 456
                       cates the number of bills     b cigarette
                         found;                          safety act
                          SPON=sponsor               b civil rights
                          STLI=short title
                          BUCK=general heading
  Note: Searching capabilities vary from file to file. For more
        information on searching committees, subcommittees,amendments,
        public law numbers, bill status, and other options, type HELP and
        choose the number of the option desired.
   2) SELECT term    type R (for RETRIEVE) or S
                         (for SELECT) or F (for FIND)
                         followed by the "B" number(s)
                         of lines that match your
                       R creates 1 set                 r b6-b9/b11
                       S creates and displays a list   s b4/b6-b8
                          of sets
                       F creates sets, merges them,    f b4-b6/b10
                          and displays the merged set
   3) DISPLAY BRIEF form
       official title     type D (for DISPLAY) plus     d 1
                              set number
       abstract,chronolo- type D (for DISPLAY) plus     d 1/abst
        gy,or committee     set number, a slash and     d 2/chrn
                              ABST or CHRN or COMM      d 4/comm



 STEP                     NOTES                         EXAMPLES 
 go FORWARD in index      press ENTER key               ENTER
 go BACKWARD in index     type N plus -20 (or multiples   n -20
                            of 20 per page, 100 maximum)  n -100
 RETURN to index from     type B plus B6                  b b6
 search by BILL NUMBER    type name of file plus H.R.     cg95 h.r. 234
                            or S. and bill number         cg96 s. 56
 search specific FLOOR    type B (for BROWSE) and ACTN;   b actn
   ACTIONS                  then retrieve, select or
                            find appropriate "B" number
                            (Note: Actions continued on
                             the following screen)
 DISPLAY FULL form        type D (for DISPLAY) plus set   d 1/item 2
   see list of options      number, a slash, then ITEM
                            plus item number
   to see display of one  if you are looking at the list
    option                  of options, type desired
                            option name; if not
                          type D (for DISPLAY) plus set   d1/item 3/dgst
                            number, a slash, then ITEM    d3/item 5/all
                            plus number, a slash, then
                            option name
 RETURN from full to      type D (for DISPLAY) plus set   d1/lttl 7
   brief                    number, a slash, then LTTL
                            plus item number
   MOVE through a set       press ENTER key                 ENTER
     next page              type number of item to be       12
   (brief) previous page      first
     next item              type N (for NEXT)               n
   (full) previous item     type N plus previous item       n 11
 REVIEW sets              type H (for HISTORY)            H


All of the following techniques MUST occur after Step (2) in a basic search, that is, after "sets" have been created.

 STEP                     NOTES                           EXAMPLES 
 COMBINE contents of      type C (for COMBINE) plus set
   sets                     numbers linked with
                            AND (for items in common)     c 1 and 2
                            OR (for merged sets),         c 1 or 2
                            NOT (for excluded terms),     c 1 not 2
                            or these together             C (1 or 3) and

 LIMIT sets               by bill type, dates of introduction
                            and action, and bill status:
                          Type HELP C#LIMIT for complete
                          list of LIMIT options
 TAILOR results           type KEEP or DROP plus S and
   copies records into      set number followed by a
   a customized set, or     slash and items to be kept or
   drops records from       dropped;
   a set                  the result of the KEEP          keep s2/1/3/5-9
                            command is set 0 (zero),
                            which can be manipulated
                            like any other set;
                          the result of the DROP command  drop s3/2/4-8
                            is a smaller set with
                            same set number as the
 RELEASE sets             type RLSE (for RELEASE) and     rlse 1
                            set number(s) no longer       rlse 2-5/7-8



 STEP                     NOTES                           EXAMPLES 
 BROWSE index for name    type B DEPARTMENT OF (if        b department
                            appropriate and the name)        of energy
                                                          b civil
 SELECT the name          type R and "B" number(s) that   r b6
                            match your request            r b6/b8-b10
 DISPLAY results          type D plus set number          d 7


 In the INDEX (in response to a B or BROWSE command)
   1. Member:        SPON=sponsor              ASPON=amendment sponsor
                     COSP=cosponsor            ACOSP=amendment cosponsor
   2. Short          STHR=as reported by       STLR=as reported by
      titles,             House                     Senate
      type           STLH=as amended by        STLS=as amended by
                          House                     Senate
                     STLI=as introduced        BLTP=bill type
                     STLP=as enacted
   3.  Subject:      INDX=subject term         BUCK=general heading
                     LIVT=thesaurus term
   4.  Committees:   COMM=committee of         SCOM=subcommittee of
                          referral                  referral
                     CORG=committee origi-     ACOMM=committee of
                          nating                     amendment referral
                     CRPT=committee reporting
   5.  Numbers       PLNO=public law number    AMDT=amendment number
                     BLNO=bill number
 For searching BILL NUMBER
    h.r. = House bill                   s. = Senate bill
    h.j.res. = House joint resolution   s.j.res.=Senate joint resolution
    h.con.res=House concurrent          s.con.res.=Senate concurrent
              resolution                           resolution
    h.res.=House resolution             s.res.=Senate resolution
    h.a.=House amendment                s.p.=Senate printed amendment
                                        s.u.=Senate unprinted amendment
    ALL=all options except full text    OPTN=display of available
    ABST=abstract of bill as                 options
         introduced                     OTTL=official title(s)
    AMDT=amendment(s)                   RABS=most recent revised
    CHRN=chronology of major bill            abstract
         actions after reported         RDGS=most recent revised digest
         from committee                 STEP=detailed status steps of
    COMM=committee information               bill including committee
    COMP=comparisons of selected bills       actions
    COSP=cosponsor                      STTL=short titles(s)
    DGST=digest as introduced           SUMM=abstract or revised
    INDX=subject terms                       abstract and status
    KWIC=key words in context           XREF=identical and companion
                                        LAWT=full text of public law
    If these abbreviations are preceded by an "A," such as ACOSP,
    the option refers to an amendment.
 Congresses:   93rd:  1973-74           98th:  1983-84
               94th:  1975-76           99th:  1985-86
               95th:  1977-78           100th: 1987-88
               96th:  1979-80           101st: 1989-90
               97th:  1981-82           102nd: 1991-92
                                        103rd: 1993-94
                                        104th: 1995-96


      The Legislative Files use terms from the Legislative Indexing
 Vocabulary Terms (LIVT), a printed thesaurus available in the CCC.
 Subject searches may use headings from this list.  For instance,
         Desegregation in education
           UF  Discrimination in education      UF= used for; these
               Integration in education             terms are NOT
               School integration                   used
               Segregation in education
           NT  Busing (School integration)      NT= narrower terms
               Faculty integration
               Reverse discrimination in
           BT  Civil rights legislation         BT= broader terms
               Education law and legislation
               Racial discrimination
           RT  Black education                  RT = related terms
               Educational equalization
      For best results, search under the most specific subject terms
 relevant to your topic.  In addition, if you type a dash (two
 hyphens,--)immediately after a subject heading when browsing the index,
 you may see subdivisions on your topic that are of interest.
      LIVT is part of the oneline CG files. Subject terms used, related
 terms, broader and narrower terms, and terms not used are indicated by
 the initials LIVT in parentheses on the index screen after a B (BROWSE)
 STEP                     NOTES                           EXAMPLES 
 To VIEW THESAURUS terms  search index by typing B (for   b insurgency
                            BROWSE) followed by subject;
                          type EXPN (for EXPAND) or       expn b6
                            LIVT followed by the "B"      livt b6
                            number(s) that matches
                            your request
 To SELECT THESAURUS      if you used the EXPN command,
   terms                    the terms are automatically
                          if you used the LIVT command,   b firearms
                            type B (for BROWSE) and the      control
                            appropriate term              b community
   To SELECT ADDITIONAL     type R (for RETRIEVE) or S      r b6
     THESAURS terms           for SELECT) or F (for FIND)   r b6/b8-b11
                              followed by the "T" number    s t3/t5-8
                              that matches the term         f t2


      The Legislative Files allow key word searching for words in the
 titles, digests, abstracts, and texts of public laws, using the
 RETRIEVE command.  In these key word searches, RETRIEVE also
 automatically truncates searched terms, allowing for a broader range of
 appropriate responses.
      RETRIEVE is often most helpful when used in conjunction with a
 BROWSE command to verify the existence of appropriate subject terms.
 If the word or phrase you desire appears on the index screen, you may
 RETRIEVE from that screen to get subject headings AND key words.  If
 the word or phrase you desire does not appear on the index screen, you
 may RETRIEVE the terms directly.
 STEP                     NOTES                           EXAMPLES 
 RETRIEVE from index      search index by typing B (for   b insurgency
                            BROWSE) followed by the
                            subject; then
                          type R (for RETRIEVE) and the   r b6
                            "B" number(s) of the lines    r b5-b7/9
                            that match your request
 DISPLAY                  type D (for DISPLAY) and the    d 2
                            set number
 SEARCH KEY words         type R (for RETRIEVE) and the   r surrogate
   directly                 key word(s);                    mothers
                          more than one term may be       r (russia or
                            searched at one time;           japan) and
                          use the "w" to specify the      r air w4
                            number of words allowable       pollution
                            between chosen terms;
                          use single quotes to stop the   r 'refugees'
                            automatic truncation if you     and africa
                            want the exact word or        r 'income tax'
 DISPLAY                  type D (for DISPLAY) and set    d 3
 NOTE: Beginning with the 99th Congress, words retrieved will be in the
       same sequence or within the specified number of words.  In the
       93rd to 98th Congresses, words retrieved will be searched in
       simple combinations (AND) from anywhere in the title, digest,
       abstract, or text of the law.  Thus, in these earlier files
       retrieved words may not appear as exact phrases.


  1. At any command line, TYPE logoff.
  2. You will be brought back to the main menu. Press the "logoff and comments" number (currently 12) twice in order to disconnect.

Written by the Library of Congress and converted to HTML by Grace York

Center [an error occurred while processing this directive]