Place Population Size Code   PLACESC             2        124           A/N

         00  Not in universe        12  2,500-4,999    
         01  0                      13  5,000-9,999    
         02  1-24                   14  10,000-19,999  
         03  25-99                  15  20,000-24,999  
         04  100-199                16  25,000-49,999  
         05  200-249                17  50,000-99,999  
         06  250-299                18  100,000-249,999
         07  300-499                19  250,000-499,999
         08  500-999                20  500,000-999,999
         09  1,000-1,499            21  1,000,000-2,499,999
         10  1,500-1,999            22  2,500,000-4,999,999
         11  2,000-2,499            23  5,000,000 or more

Primary Metropolitan Statis-
 tical Area(9)               PMSA                4        126           A/N
Region(8)                    REG                 1        130           A/N

     1    Northeast     2     Midwest     3     South     4    West

State (Census)(8)            STATECE             2        131           A/N
01  Northern Mariana    15  Rhode Island 47  Kansas          72  Louisiana
     Islands            16  Connecticut  51  Delaware        73  Oklahoma
02  Palau               21  New York     52  Maryland        74  Texas
03  American Samoa      22  New Jersey   53  District of     81  Montana
04  Guam                23  Pennsylvania      Columbia       82  Idaho
06  Puerto Rico         31  Ohio         54  Virginia        83  Wyoming
07  Virgin Islands of   32  Indiana      55  West Virginia   84  Colorado
     the United States  33  Illinois     56  North Carolina  85  New Mexico
09  Federated States    34  Michigan     57  South Carolina  86  Arizona
     of Micronesia and  35  Wisconsin    58  Georgia         87  Utah
     Marshall Islands   41  Minnesota    59  Florida         88  Nevada
11  Maine               42  Iowa         61  Kentucky        91  Washington
12  New Hampshire       43  Missouri     62  Tennessee       92  Oregon
13  Vermont             44  North Dakota 63  Alabama         93  California
14  Massachusetts       45  South Dakota 64  Mississippi     94  Alaska
                        46  Nebraska     71  Arkansas        95  Hawaii


State (FIPS)(8)              STATEFP             2        133           A/N

01  Alabama      19  Iowa           35  New Mexico     53  Washington
02  Alaska       20  Kansas         36  New York       54  West Virginia
04  Arizona      21  Kentucky       37  North Carolina 55  Wisconsin
05  Arkansas     22  Louisiana      38  North Dakota   56  Wyoming
06  California   23  Maine          39  Ohio           60  American Samoa
08  Colorado     24  Maryland       40  Oklahoma       64  Federated States
09  Connecticut  25  Massachusetts  41  Oregon              of Micronesia
10  Delaware     26  Michigan       42  Pennsylvania   66  Guam
11  District of  27  Minnesota      44  Rhode Island   68  Marshall Islands
     Columbia    28  Mississippi    45  South Carolina 69  Northern Mariana
12  Florida      29  Missouri       46  South Dakota        Islands
13  Georgia      30  Montana        47  Tennessee      70  Palau
15  Hawaii       31  Nebraska       48  Texas          72  Puerto Rico
16  Idaho        32  Nevada         49  Utah           78  Virgin Islands
17  Illinois     33  New Hampshire  50  Vermont             of the United
18  Indiana      34  New Jersey     51  Virginia            States
Urban/Rural(8)               URBANRUR            1        135           A/N
                1    Urban                          2    Rural
Urbanized Area(9)            URBAREA             4        136           A/N
Urbanized Area Population
 Size Code                   UASC                2        140           A/N

         00  Not in universe        12  2,500-4,999    
         01  0                      13  5,000-9,999    
         02  1-24                   14  10,000-19,999  
         03  25-99                  15  20,000-24,999  
         04  100-199                16  25,000-49,999  
         05  200-249                17  50,000-99,999  
         06  250-299                18  100,000-249,999
         07  300-499                19  250,000-499,999
         08  500-999                20  500,000-999,999
         09  1,000-1,499            21  1,000,000-2,499,999
         10  1,500-1,999            22  2,500,000-4,999,999
         11  2,000-2,499            23  5,000,000 or more


Special Area Code (1)        SAC1                5        142           A/N
Special Area Code (2)        SAC2                5        147           A/N
Special Area Code (3)        SAC3                4        152           A/N
Special Area Code (4)        SAC4                4        156           A/N
Special Area Code (5)        SAC5                3        160           A/N
Special Area Code (6)        SAC6                3        163           A/N
Special Area Code (7)        SAC7                2        166           A/N
Special Area Code (8)        SAC8                2        168           A/N
Special Area Code (9)        SAC9                1        170           A/N
Special Area Code (10)       SAC10               1        171           A/N

Area Characteristics 

Area (land)(12)              AREALAND           10        172           A/N
Area (water)(13)             AREAWAT            10        182           A/N
Area Name/PSAD Term/
 Part Indicator 14           ANPSADPI           66        192          A/N

Functional Status Code       FUNCSTAT            1        258          A/N

A  Active governmental unit, except American Indian reservations and Alaska 
    Native village statistical areas.    An active governmental unit has 
    the legal capacity to have officers, to raise revenue, and to conduct
    governmental activities under State laws, and currently is doing so.
B  Functioning governmental unit providing no substantive governmental 
    services.--These areas may be coextensive with and administered by
    officials of another governmental unit (such as towns in Connecticut
    that are coextensive with cities), or the number of officials and/or
    the functions they perform are so minimal and/or vestigial that the
    Census Bureau does not recognize them as governmental units for census 
    purposes (such as townships in Iowa).
F  False entity.--In order to maintain complete coverage of every State at 
    the county level and of every county at the county subdivision level,
    we create false entities at these levels for any place that is
    independent of a county or independent of a minor civil division (MCD).
    This code also is used for place records that represent the remainder 
    of a consolidated city or the remainder of a county subdivision.
I  Inactive governmental unit.--An inactive governmental unit has the legal
    capacity to be active, but currently has no legal officers, raises no
    revenues, and conducts no activities.
N  Nonfunctioning governmental unit.    A nonfunctioning governmental unit
    has legally established boundaries, but has no legal capacity to
    conduct governmental activity.
R  An American Indian reservation, an American Indian tribe whose name is
    associated with trust lands, or an Alaska Native village statistical
S  Statistical entity, except Alaska Native village statistical areas and
    tribal jurisdiction statistical areas.    A statistical entity 
    has no governmental status and is defined by or in cooperation with the 
    Census Bureau or other Federal agency.  This category includes census
    regions, census divisions, census county divisions (CCDs), census
    designated places (CDPs), metropolitan areas (MSA/CMSA/PMSAs),
    urbanized areas (UAs), unorganized territories (UTs), tribal designated
    statistical areas (TDSAs), census areas and census subareas in Alaska,
    and comunidades and zonas urbanas in Puerto Rico. 
T  Tribal jurisdiction statistical area.    A tribal jurisdiction
    statistical area (TJSA) is not a legally defined governmental unit, but
    is recognized as a statistical area for the 1990 census.  These areas 
    exist only in the State of Oklahoma and were not recognized separately
    in 1980.

Geographic Change User Note
 Indicator                   GCUNI               1        259         A/N
   0    No geographic change note for the area within the summary level
   1    See User Notes for a geographic change note
Housing Unit Count (100%)
 (15)                        HU100               9        260           A/N
Internal Point (latitude)
 (16)                        INTPTLAT            9        269           A/N
Internal Point (longitude)
 (17)                        INTPTLNG           10        278           A/N
Part Flag                    PARTFLAG            1        288           A/N
                0    Not a part                  1    Part
Political/Statistical Area
 Description Code            PSADC               2        289           A/N

01  State or State equivalent - no status is appended to the name of the 
     entity in census publications and related data products.
04  Borough - county equivalent in Alaska; "Borough" is appended to the 
     name of the entity in census publications and related data products.
05  Census area - county equivalent in Alaska; "Census Area" is appended to 
     the name of the entity in census publications and related data 
06  County - "County" is appended to the name of the entity in census 
     publications and related data products.
07  District county equivalent in American Samoa; "District" is appended to
     the name of the entity in census publications and related data
08  Independent city - county equivalent in Maryland, Missouri, and
     Virginia; "city" is appended to the name of the entity in census 
     publications and related data products.
09  Independent city - county equivalent in Nevada; no status is appended
     to the name of the entity in census publications and related data
10  Island - county equivalent in Virgin Islands of the United States; 
     "Island" is appended to the name of the entity in census publications
     and related data products.
11  Island county equivalent in American Samoa; no status is appended to
     the name of the entity in census publications and related data
12  Municipality county equivalent in Northern Mariana Islands;
     "Municipality" is appended to the name of the entity in census
     publications and related data products.
13  Municipio - county equivalent in Puerto Rico; "Municipio" is appended
     to the name of the entity in census publications and related data
14  (none) - county equivalent; used at county level for the District of 
     Columbia and Yellowstone National Park (Montana).  No status is
     appended to the name of the entity in census publications and related
     data products.
15  Parish - county equivalent in Louisiana; "Parish" is appended to the
     name of the entity in census publications and related data products.
16  State county equivalent in Palau; "State" is appended to the name of
     the entity in census publications and related data products.
19  American Indian reservation - minor civil division (MCD) in Maine and
     New York; "Reservation" is appended to the name of the entity in
     census publications and related data products.
20  Barrio - minor civil division (MCD) in Puerto Rico; "barrio" is
     appended to the name of the entity in census publications and 
     related data products.
21  Borough - minor civil division (MCD) in New York; MCD equivalent in New 
     Jersey and Pennsylvania; "borough" is appended to the name of the
     entity in census publications and related data products.
22  Census county division (CCD) - minor civil division (MCD) equivalent in
     21 States; "division" is appended to the name of the entity in census 
     publications and related data products.
23  Census subarea - minor civil division (MCD) equivalent in Alaska;
     "census subarea" is appended to the name of the entity in census
     publications and related data products.
24  Census subdistrict - minor civil division (MCD) equivalent in the
     Virgin Islands of the United States; "subdistrict" is appended to the
     name of the entity in census publications and related data products.
25  City - minor civil division (MCD) equivalent in 20 States and the
     District of Columbia; "city" is appended to the name of the entity in
     census publications and related data products.
26  County minor civil division (MCD) of a district in American Samoa;
     "county" is appended to the name of the entity in census publications
     and related data products.
27  District (magisterial, road) - minor civil division (MCD) in
     Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia; "district" is appended to
     the name of the entity in census publications and related data 
28  District (assessment, election, magisterial, supervisors', or parish
     governing authority) - minor civil division (MCD) in Louisiana,
     Maryland, Mississippi, and West Virginia; no status is appended to the 
     name of the entity in census publications and related data products.
29  Election precinct - minor civil division (MCD) in Illinois and
     Nebraska; "precinct" is appended to the name of the entity in 
     census publications and related data products.
30  Election precinct - minor civil division (MCD) in Illinois and
     Nebraska; no status is appended to the name of the entity in 
     census publications and related data products.
31  Gore - minor civil division (MCD) in Maine and Vermont; "gore" is
     appended to the name of the entity in census publications and related
     data products.
32  Grant - minor civil division (MCD) in New Hampshire and Vermont;
     "grant" is appended to the name of the entity in census publications
     and related data products.
33  Independent city - minor civil division (MCD) equivalent in Maryland,
     Missouri, and Virginia; "city" is appended to the name of the entity
     in census publications and related data products.
34  Not used.
35  Island minor civil division (MCD) in American Samoa; no status is
     appended to the name of the entity in census publications and related
     data products.
36  Location - minor civil division (MCD) in New Hampshire; "location" is
     appended to the name of the entity in census publications and related
     data products.
37  Municipality minor civil division (MCD) in Palau; "municipality" is
     appended to the name of the entity in census publications and related
     data products.
38  (none) - minor civil division (MCD) equivalent Arlington County,
     Virginia; no status is appended to the name of the entity in census
     publications and related data products.
39  Plantation - minor civil division (MCD) in Maine; "plantation" is
     appended to the name of the entity in census publications  and related
     data products.
40  Plantation - minor civil division (MCD) in Maine; no status is appended
     to the name of the entity in census publications and related data
41  Barrio-pueblo - minor civil division (MCD) in Puerto Rico; "barrio-
     pueblo" is appended to the name of the entity in census publications
     and related data products.
42  Purchase - minor civil division (MCD) in New Hampshire; "purchase" is
     appended to the name of the entity in census publications and related
     data products.
43  Town - minor civil division (MCD) in 8 States; MCD equivalent in New
     Jersey, Pennsylvania, and South Dakota; "town" is appended to the name
     of the entity in census publications and related data products.
44  Township - minor civil division (MCD) in 16 States; "township" is
     appended to the name of the entity in census publications and related
     data products.
45  Township - minor civil division (MCD) in Kansas, Nebraska, and North
     Carolina; no status is appended to the name of the entity in census
     publications and related data products.
46  Unorganized territory - minor civil division (MCD) in 9 States;
     "unorg." is appended to the name of the entity in census publications
     and related data products.
47  Village - minor civil division (MCD) equivalent in New Jersey, Ohio,
     South Dakota, and Wisconsin; "village" is appended to the name of the
     entity in census publications and related data products.
48  State minor civil division (MCD) in Palau; "state" is appended to the
     name of the entity in census publications and related data products.
49  Charter township minor civil division (MCD) in Michigan; "charter
     township" is appended to the name of the entity in Census Bureau
     publications and other data products.
51  Subbarrio - sub-minor civil division (sub-MCD) in Puerto Rico;
     "subbarrio" is appended to the name of the entity in census 
     publications and related data products.
55  Comunidad - place (census designated place) in Puerto Rico; "comunidad"
     is appended to the name of the entity in census publications and
     related data products.
56  Borough - place in Connecticut, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania; "borough"
     is appended to the name of the entity in census publications and
     related data products.
57  Census designated place - place; "CDP" is appended to the name of the
     entity in census publications and related data products.
58  City - place; "city" is appended to the name of the entity in census
     publications and related data products.
59  City - place; used for some cities that have a unique description, no
     description, or a description included with their name, as follows: 

        Anaconda-Deer Lodge County (Montana): incorporated municipality; 
        Butte-Silver Bow (remainder) (Montana): (none); 
        Carson City, Nevada: (none); 
        Columbus city (remainder) (Georgia): (none); 
        Indianapolis city (remainder) (Indiana): (none); 
        Jacksonville city (remainder) (Florida): (none); 
        Lexington-Fayette (Kentucky): Urban County Government; 
        Lynchburg-Moore County  (Tennessee): (none); 
        Milford city (remainder) (Connecticut): (none); 
        Nashville-Davidson (remainder) (Tennessee): "Metropolitan 
         Government of Nashville and Davidson County"; 

    No status is appended to the name of the entity in census publications 
     and related data products.
60  Town - place; place in 30 States and the Virgin Islands of the United 
     States; "town" is appended to the name of the entity in census
     publications and related data products.
61  Village - place; place in 19 States; "village" is appended to the name 
     of the entity in census publications and related data products.
62  Zona urbana - place (census designated place) in Puerto Rico; "zona
     urbana" is appended to the name of the entity in census publications
     and related data products.
65  Consolidated city in Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, and Indiana -
     "city" is appended to the name of the entity in census publications
      and related data products.
66  Consolidated city - used for some consolidated cities that have unique
     descriptions or no descriptions, as follows: 

        Butte-Silver Bow (Montana): (none); 
        Nashville-Davidson (Tennessee):  "Metropolitan Government of 
         Nashville and Davidson County";  

    No status is appended to the name of the entity in census publications 
     and related data products.
68  Census region - no status is appended to the name of the entity in 
     census publications and related data products.
69  Census division - no status is appended to the name of the entity in 
     census publications and related data products.
71  Consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA) - "CMSA" is appended 
     to the name of the entity in census publications and related data
72  Metropolitan statistical area (MSA) - "MSA" is appended to the name of
     the entity in census publications and related data products.
73  Primary metropolitan statistical area (PMSA) - "PMSA" is appended to
     the name of the entity in census publications and related data
75  Urbanized area (UA) - no status is appended to the name of the entity
     in census publications and related data products.
77  Alaska Native Regional Corporation - no status is appended to the name
     of the entity in census publications and related data products.
79  Alaska Native village statistical area - no status is appended to the 
     name of the entity in census publications and related data products.
80  Tribal designated statistical area - American Indian reservation
     equivalent for non-land-based tribes outside of Oklahoma; "TDSA" is
     appended to the name of the entity in census publications and related
     data products.
81  Colony - American Indian reservation; "Colony" is appended to the name
     of the entity in census publications and related data products.
82  Community - American Indian reservation; "Community" is appended to the
     name of the entity in census publications and related data products.
83  Joint area - American Indian reservation equivalent; "joint area" is 
     appended to the name of the entity in census publications and related
     data products.
84  Pueblo - American Indian reservation; "Pueblo" is appended to the name
     of the entity in census publications and related data products.
85  Rancheria - American Indian reservation; "Rancheria" is appended to the
     name of the entity in census publications and related data products.
86  Reservation - American Indian reservation; "Reservation" is appended to
     the name of the entity in census publications and related data 
87  Reserve - American Indian reservation; "Reserve" is appended to the
     name of the entity in census publications and related data products.
88  Tribal jurisdiction statistical area - American Indian reservation
     equivalent representing historic tribal areas in Oklahoma; "TJSA" is
     appended to the name of the entity in census publications and related
     data products.
89  Trust lands - American Indian reservation equivalent; no status is
     appended to the name of the entity in census publications and related
     data products.
90  (none) - American Indian reservation; no status is appended to the name
     of the entity in census publications and related data products.

Population Count (100%)(18)  POP100              9        291           A/N
Special Flag                 SPFLAG              1        300           A/N


1.  A unique identifier for each file series.  Dress rehearsal files have 
    a "D" in the character following the last character in the file 
    identification code for the equivalent 1990 decennial census file; for 
    example, PL94171D is the identifier for the dress rehearsal file for 
    the P.L. 94-171 data.  File identification code for the P.L. 94-171
    file is PL94171.  File identification codes for summary tape files are
    STFnn where nn = file number; for example, STF1A is the identification
    for Summary Tape File 1A.  File identification codes for subject
    summary tape files are SSTFnn where nn = the number of the subject
    report.  File identification codes for special project files are 
    identified by SPmmm where mmm = a three digit special project number.
    See How to Use This File for further information.

2.  Identifies the geographic level for which the data matrices on the 
    summary tape file have been summarized.  The summary level sequence 
    chart describes the hierarchical arrangement of the specified 
    geographic areas with other geographic areas, if any.  The summary 
    level must be used in combination with the geographic area codes to 
    identify a specific geographic area (for example, summary level 050 and 
    a specific county code must be used together to locate the data for a 
    particular county).  See How to Use This File for further information.

3.  Indicates an iteration (repetition), for the specified summary level, 
    of the data matrices on the summary tape file for the geographic 
    components listed in the Geographic Component field.  See How To Use 
    This File for further information.

4.  Indicates an iteration (repetition), for the specified summary level, 
    of the data matrices on the summary tape file for a population or 
    housing characteristic.  Only matrices containing a "B" in the prefix 
    have characteristic iterations.  See How to Use This File for further 

5.  The logical record is the complete record [identification and set of 
    tables (matrices)] for a geographic entity defined by the summary 
    level, but exclusive of the characteristic iteration.  A logical record 
    may have one or more parts (or segments).  Each logical record has an 
    assigned sequential integer number within the file.  See How to Use 
    This File for further information.

6.  Within the logical record, each part is identified uniquely in terms of 
    its sequence.  See How to Use This File for further information.

7.  This field identifies how many parts (or segments) comprise the entire 
    logical record.  See How to Use This File for further information.

8.  See appendix A, Area Classifications, for definition of this field if 
    it is applicable to this file.

9.  See the publication, Geographic Identification Code Scheme, for codes 
    in this field and related terminology if it is applicable to this file.   
    See appendix A, Area Classifications, for definition of this field if 
    it is applicable to this file.

10. See the publication, Geographic Identification Code Scheme, for FIPS 55 
    codes in this field and related terminology if it is applicable to this  
    file.  See appendix A, Area Classifications, for definition of this 
    field if it is applicable to this file.

11. Codes in unspecified arrangement for Census Bureau use.

12. Land area measurement in thousandths (.001) of a square kilometer.  The 
    accuracy of the area measurement is limited by the inaccuracy inherent 
    in 1) the mapping of the various boundary features in the TIGER File 
    and 2) rounding affecting the last digit in all operations that compute  
    and/or sum the area measurements.  Land area includes intermittent 
    water and glaciers, which appear on census maps and in the TIGER File 
    as hydrographic features.  An area of .0005 square kilometer is rounded 
    to .001; an area smaller than .0005 is rounded to .000.  The decimal 
    point is implied on the file.  Square miles can be derived by dividing 
    square kilometers by 2.59.  See appendix A, Area Classifications, for 
    definition of this field if it is applicable to this file.

13. Water area measurement in thousandths (.001) of a square kilometer.  
    Water area is excluded from census blocks by definition, so the water 
    area for a block always will be zero.  The accuracy of the area 
    measurement is limited by the inaccuracy inherent in 1) the mapping of 
    the various boundary features in the TIGER File and 2) rounding 
    affecting the last digit in all operations that compute and/or sum the 
    area measurements.  Water area excludes intermittent water and 
    glaciers, which are treated as land even though they appear on census 
    maps and in the TIGER File as hydrographic features.  An area of .0005 
    square kilometer is rounded to .001; an area smaller than .0005 is 
    rounded to .000.  The decimal point is implied on the file.  Square 
    miles can be derived by dividing square  kilometers by 2.59.  See 
    appendix A, Area Classifications, for definition of this field if it is 
    applicable to this file.

14. Name of the lowest-level entity represented by the summary level.  In 
    addition to the name of the entity, the name field contains the 
    political/statistical area description (PSAD) when appropriate, and  
    sometimes contains the State abbreviation.

    For legal entities, the name is the one reported to the Bureau of the 
    Census in the Boundary and Annexation Survey and by other appropriate 
    sources; for statistical entities, the name is determined by the Office    
    of Management and Budget for metropolitan areas and, for other areas, 
    the name is determined by the Bureau of the Census, usually in 
    cooperation with local officials.

    When the summary level represents only part of the area specified in 
    the name, the name usually will have "(pt.)" appended to the name/code 
    terminology to designate that this entry for the entity represents only 
    a part of the total entity.

15. The total number of housing units enumerated in the specified summary 
    level as determined in the 100-percent processing.

16. Latitude in degrees, to six decimal places, of a point within the 
    geographic area represented by the summary level.  The decimal point is 
    implied on the file.  The character immediately preceding the first 
    digit of the latitude of an internal point identifies the direction 
    (hemisphere):  a plus sign (+) indicates the Northern Hemisphere; a 
    minus sign (-) indicates the Southern Hemisphere.  See appendix A, Area 
    Classifications, for definition of this field if it is applicable to 
    this file.

17. Longitude in degrees, to six decimal places, of a point with the 
    geographic area represented by the summary level.  The decimal point is 
    implied on the file.  The character immediately preceding the first 
    digit of the longitude of an internal point identifies the direction 
    (hemisphere):  a plus sign (+) indicates the Eastern Hemisphere; a 
    minus sign (-) indicates the Western Hemisphere.  A point on the 180th 
    meridian is assigned to the Western Hemisphere (-180000000).  See 
    appendix A, Area Classifications, for definition of this field if it is 
    applicable to this file.

18. The total number of persons enumerated in the specified summary level 
    as determined in the 100-percent processing.