F e d e r a l D e p o s i t o r y L i b r a r y P r o g r a m ADMINISTRATIVE NOTES Newsletter of the Federal Depository Library Program [ PDF version ] [ Back Issues ] --------------------------------------------------------------------- July 15, 2002 GP 3.16/3-2:23/09 (Vol. 23, no. 09) --------------------------------------------------------------------- DEVELOPMENTS IN THE LIBRARY PROGRAMS SERVICE Remarks by Robin Haun-Mohamed Chief, Depository Services Before the Government Documents Round Table American Library Association Atlanta, GA June 15, 2002 Good afternoon folks-it's been a while since I have had the opportunity to address you at a GODORT session, so I am pleased to be here. I have just a few things to mention-some of which are in the LPS handout, which can be found in the back of the room. I will try not to repeat information that Mr. DiMario and Mr. Buckley mentioned this morning, other than just to touch on the topic as a reminder. LPS continues to experience staff shortages, but I am pleased to announce some improvement in the overall outlook. For those who have not heard, James Mauldin is now Chief of the Depository Distribution Division. James was a Program Analyst with LPS for several years and he is carrying over that experience into the Division Chief position. New projects that staff in Distribution are working on include a tracking system for depository shipments and development of a Web Claim Form. Implementation for these projects is tentatively set for October 2002 with the beginning of the new fiscal year. The Cataloging Branch has two new section chiefs-Mike Levinson and Jennifer Davis. Both have worked in the LPS Cataloging Branch and we welcome their enthusiasm and expertise. The Cataloging Branch continues to recruit for catalogers. Tad Downing is conducting interviews to fill six cataloging positions for serials, monographs, and maps. We presently have 14 catalogers and hope to bring this number to 20 within the next few weeks. People interested in discussing these positions are encouraged to contact Tad at the Days Inn Downtown Atlanta. He has scheduled discussions with a number of people on Friday and Sunday and would be pleased to fit additional people in on Sunday and particularly Monday. These are not formal interviews but are excellent opportunities to discuss positions, income, and benefits; and to obtain advice on how to successfully work through the employment process. The position of Librarian in the Depository Administration Branch recently closed and we are looking forward to seeing a selection list of candidates in the near future. A position that recently opened is the Congressional Documents Assistant in the Congressional Printing Management Division. This position deals with compiling the materials for the U.S. Congressional Serial Set. I have copies of the announcement for anyone that may be interested. Work towards the acquisition of an Integrated Library System (ILS) continues in LPS. JCP has approved the acquisition of a commercial, off-the-shelf ILS. The solicitation for the automation consultant contract should be posted sometime this next week. Two positions, a program analyst and an outstanding scholar position, will also be open, for those of you interested in working under the office of the Director, with Laurie Hall, Supervisory Program Analyst. The Electronic Documents Working Group continues to be active in providing sites and resources for inclusion in the FDLP Electronic Collection. There is a new email address, for folks to use when submitting entries for consideration. If you need the URL for the Electronic Docs Working Group, see me after this session and I can provide that for you . For the month of May, 140 titles were received and 77 titles were processed and added to the collection. The Web Document Digital Archive (WDDA) Pilot Project with OCLC continues to progress. The first phase involved testing preservation metadata creation tools added to the CORC interface. The phase 2 beta version was delivered on June 3rd and will be tested for approximately 60 days. It introduces harvest and archived file transfer functionality as well as administration functions. In August 2001, Mr. Buckley wrote to the library directors requesting assistance in revising state plans for the delivery of FDLP services. The response to this request has been very commendable. We have been advised of the revision of many state plans, and the initial development of the first state plan in two states. Many states have posted copies of the state plans or drafts on a website. You can link to many of these plans from the Library of Michigan's Regional Depository Libraries page. Again, if you need the URL, please see me after this update < http://www.libofmich.lib.mi.us/services/plans.html >. Now for the really exciting stuff-all the inspector positions have been filled-we have four inspectors on board. The newest library inspector is Linda Resler, who comes to us from the Marine Corps Research Center in Quantico, Virginia. We have begun inspecting libraries again, after taking about one year off due to lack of staff and the many self-studies that needed to be evaluated. Recent inspections have taken place in Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, and Virginia. Libraries in Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Pennsylvania still need to be inspected as a result of the completion of the self-study evaluation backlog. In December, LPS issued a call for self-studies from libraries in Michigan, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania. We are moving slowly but surely through these studies, and inspections will be scheduled later this year for some of these libraries, depending on how fast the self-study reviews go and how many library inspectors have completed the training. I have just a few reminders for you. The 2003 Annual Item Selection Update Cycle is underway. Any item numbers you wish to add must be submitted during this period, which ends July 31, 2002. The new item number selections go into effect with the new fiscal year, October 1, 2002. Libraries are reminded they may not make claims for materials selected during the update cycle until October 2002. Also remember that while you can add material only during the update cycle, you can deselect material year-round. The 2002 Recommended Minimum Specifications for Public Access Workstations in Federal Depository Libraries will be published in the June 15, 2002 issue of the Administrative Notes (vol. 23, # 08). These guidelines are useful for depository librarians when new computer purchases are being considered. The recommendations become requirements on October 1, 2003. Information about the workstation specifications can be found on the FDLP Desktop . As part of the inspection/self-study process, we are finding many libraries that do not meet the Minimum Specifications because they do not have a DVD Reader/Player. This will be a problem in the near future as Census continues to release material from the 2000 Census in DVD format. There has been much discussion recently about the Essential Titles for Public Use in Paper Format list. The list was printed in the January 15, 2001 issue of Administrative Notes (vol. 22, # 02), along with the Dissemination/Distribution Policy for the Federal Depository Library Program (SOD 71). The Essential Title list was developed with input from the depository library community. Titles can be added or removed from the list. Titles recommended by the library community will be considered for inclusion in the list. Titles will be removed when it has been determined that the agency has ceased publication in paper. Major changes in the operations or funding of the FDLP may also initiate changes to the list. If you wish to make recommendations for the Essential Titles list, please use the askLPS service. There are some publications in broad categories that are mentioned specifically in the essential titles list-for example, see the entry for Decennial Census publications. Most specific titles are generally covered under the Section 4.b. of the SOD 71 policy: "the tangible product is of significant reference value to most types of FDLP libraries." Paper Census publications produced under contract through GPO will be disseminated to the libraries. I have brought a handout with both the Essential Titles list and SOD 71 that is available in the back of the room. In past updates I always enjoyed sharing title information about new products disseminated to the libraries. When I became head of Depository Services, I thought I had to leave that behind, but behold, here I am again, so one more time let me share with you some interesting titles that have been or will soon be sent to the libraries: Tangible Products: * Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2001-2003 * Federal Justice in the Mid-Atlantic South: United States Courts from Maryland to the Carolinas, 1789-1835 * Measuring America: The Decennial Censuses from 1790 to 2000 * Patterns of Global Terrorism, 2001 * World Trade Center Building Performance Study: Data Collection, Preliminary Observations and Recommendations Online only titles include: * Status of Technology and Digitization in the Nation's Museums and Libraries (2002) * You, Your Privacy Policy and COPPA: How to Comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act * Beyond Nunn-Lugar: Curbing the Next Wave of Weapons Proliferation Threats from Russia I want to thank you for asking me to speak and now I will turn the program over to T.C. Evans for the GPO Access update.