F e d e r a l D e p o s i t o r y L i b r a r y P r o g r a m ADMINISTRATIVE NOTES Newsletter of the Federal Depository Library Program [ PDF version ] [ Back Issues ] -------------------------------------------------------------------- February 15, 2002 GP 3.16/3-2:23/03 (Vol. 23, no. 03) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Department of the Interior Library Services Continue Despite Internet Access Shut-down [Text provided by the Department of the Interior Library.] As a consequence of a recent court order, Internet access to most Department of the Interior (DOI) Web sites, including the Web pages of the DOI Library has been effectively shut down. Despite the shutdown, the library continues to serve patrons needing to use depository materials housed in the library. While some services, such as interlibrary loan and cataloging activities, have been limited due to the lack of DOI Library access to OCLC via the Internet, the DOI Library is still able to perform most other routine library functions. Anyone who has questions about accessing the DOI Library's collection or the status of library services can call 202-208-5815 or visit the library at 1849 C Street, NW in Washington, DC.