F e d e r a l D e p o s i t o r y L i b r a r y P r o g r a m ADMINISTRATIVE NOTES Newsletter of the Federal Depository Library Program ------------------------------------------------------------------------ November 15, 2001 Vol. 22, no. 16 (Vol. 22, no. 16) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safety of FDLP Shipments The Library Programs Service (LPS) has been receiving numerous telephone calls and emails concerning the safety of the shipments to Federal depository libraries. While we wish we could answer all of these questions, we do not have all of the information to respond to you concerning the safety of the depository shipments, or whether they may, in some way unknown to GPO, pose any hazard. GPO's Director of Occupational Health and Environmental Services has stated that "We do not believe that any area of GPO has been exposed to anthrax." No trace of anthrax was detected in tests of GPO's incoming mail processing areas. Here is what we know about how your materials are shipped: FedEx Ground: Most depository shipments are delivered to you by the LPS' shipping contractor, FedEx Ground. FedEx Ground deliveries do not go through the postal stream. FedEx Ground shipments include: Depository shipments to the "lower 48" states. U.S. Geological Survey maps from Denver, CO. NIMA and other maps from LPS. Separate shipments from LPS. U.S. Postal Service: Shipments to International Exchange System (IES) libraries. LPS depository shipments beyond the "lower 48" states. Microfiche shipments from LPS' contractors. These are not mailed from Washington, DC. You may obtain the latest information from these carriers by checking their Web sites at . This is the extent of the information that LPS has at this time. Should additional information become available we will provide an update.