American Library Association
Government Documents Round Table
Education Committee

GODORT Handout Exchange

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Last updated on February 8, 2005

What's New | What's Old (Archives)
Statement for Contributors

General, historical

User guides for individual titles

Census of Population and Housing
Print, CD-ROM, and Internet

Collection Development Policies
Collection policies of government documents departments

Documents Guides
General user introductions to Documents and Maps Departments

Documents Policies
Access, binding, internet use, reference, etc.

Economic Censuses
Print and CD-ROM

Electronic Products
General materials

Federal Government
General materials about government.

Foreign Governments
Canada, Great Britain, and General Sources

International Documents
European Union, League of Nations, United Nations, General

General, subject, and title guides

Federal statutes, regulations, and case law

Federal legislative sources and specific products

User guides, collection development and processing

Processing Procedures
Processing and cataloging documents and maps

Reference Training, Tutorials, and Documents Courses
Training plans for documents and non-documents staff; syllabi for library school documents courses

Self-studies and annual reports of federal depository libraries

State and Local Governments
Local governments listed under their respective states

Exclusive of Demographic and Economic Censuses

Subject Guides
Ranges from abortion to welfare reform

The Government Documents Round Table of the American Library Association provides librarians working with government documents a forum for the exchange of ideas. It actively promotes education and training, bibliographic control of documents, and public access to government information at all levels of government.

American Library 
Association Govt Docs Roundtable GODORT Education Comm GODORT Handouts UMich 

Contact Larry Romans, Vanderbilt University, for questions of content
Contact Grace York, University of Michigan, for technical questions

Graphics by Mary Scott, University of California-Berkeley; Amy Spare, Rice University,
and Grace York, University of Michigan

Since March 26, 1997 this page has been accessed