ADMINISTRATIVE NOTES Newsletter of the Federal Depository Library Program ------------------------------------------------------------------------ July 15, 1999 GP 3.16/3-2:20/11 (Vol. 20, no. 11) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Depository Administration Branch Update Selection Update Cycle 2000 Selection Update Cycle 2000 began June 1, 1999. Libraries are responsible for entering their own amendments to selections using the Web site "Amendment to Item Selections" on the FDLP Administration page at . Instructions for the Selection Update Cycle are located at: . The Update Cycle is open from June 1 through July 31, 1999. On October 1, 1999, the new additions to selection profiles become effective. Drops will be recorded and activated as soon as they are entered. You will need your depository library number and INTERNAL PASSWORD to submit your additions or deletions. If your library does not have Web access, please contact: Joe Paskoski, e-mail: , fax: (202) 512-0877; phone: (202) 512-1698 or Yvonne Washington, e-mail: , fax: (202) 512-0877; phone: (202) 512-1131. Paid Online Services Available Through the Federal Depository Library Program Depository libraries may access some fee-based online services at no charge to the library through the Federal Depository Library Program. Each service requires a log-in procedure. If you are unsure of the password for your library to access these databases, please contact DAB staff for assistance in obtaining your user ID and password. Please remember to protect all user ID and passwords. They may not be given out to faculty, patrons, or students. Environmental Health Information Service Libraries may access the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Environmental Health Information Service (EHIS). Each depository library is being provided one free subscription to the database located at . This service includes online access to the Environmental Health Perspectives, the National Toxicology Technical Reports, and the Historical Control Database. The user must be in the library to access the database, and the library is limited to one user at a time. National Climatic Data Center Online Document Library The National Climatic Data Center is providing no-charge access for the Federal depository libraries to the Online Document Library located at . Libraries may access the Monthly Climatic Data for the World, Storm Data, and Local Climatological Data via this controlled access site. The user must be in the library to access the database, and libraries must protect the passwords. At this time there are no limitations on the number of concurrent users able to access the database. STAT-USA STAT-USA, a product of the U.S. Department of Commerce, provides comprehensive economic, business, and social/environmental data. Each depository library is provided one free subscription to the database located at . This service includes online access to the State of the Nation, Globus & NTDB, and the National Export Directory. The user must be in the library to access the database and the library is limited to one user at a time. CenStats Information on CenStats is now available free of charge to all at . Applications available from this site include the Annual Survey of Manufactures, Census Tract Street Locator, and the Consolidated Federal Funds Report. Libraries no longer need to use a password to access this site. Fugitive Document Activities LPS receives many inquiries for information on fugitive publications. The estimated time to research, request, acquire, and process fugitive publications averages over 2.5 hours per document. On the average, DAB receives 24 requests per month for true fugitive documents, those not ordered or printed through GPO. LPS also receives many additional requests for missing issues and updates for serial titles. Recently, staff from LPS worked with auditors from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) audit to review access of NIH printed products for dissemination to GPO for purposes of distribution to the depository libraries and inclusion in the Cataloging & Indexing program. The report, issued in March by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Inspector General, found that of the 100 random FY97 printing jobs chosen for the audit, 38 items were not subject to distribution to the libraries (internal use only such as letterhead stationery, signs, and administrative forms). Of the 62 remaining print jobs, 46 publications were identified in the audit as requiring copies for distribution to the depository libraries. NIH provided sufficient copies to GPO in only 10 instances. According to the report, because NIH did not provide copies of publications to GPO for FDLP distribution, depository libraries and the people who use them did not have ready access to documents to which they are entitled; nor were those products listed in the Monthly Catalog. Since this audit, LPS has seen a significant increase in notification and cooperation in obtaining NIH publications for distribution to the libraries and for inclusion in the Cataloging & Indexing Program.