Geoffrey M. Lorenz


Welcome! I am a Research Associate for the Legislative Effectiveness Project at the Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy at the University of Virginia. I recently completed my Ph.D. in Political Science at the University of Michigan.

My scholarship focuses on why Congress addresses some public policy problems and ignores others. In particular, my research is focused on the influence of interest group lobbying on legislative agenda-setting.

My work has been supported by the Dirksen Congressional Center, the American Political Science Association, and the University of Michigan.

I teach in the areas of American politics and research methods, emphasizing my students’ communication and collaboration skills while fostering an appreciation for students’ diverse experiences as a valued educational resource.

View my CV here.

Prior to coming to Michigan, I worked as a lobbyist for a small firm advocating at the Texas State Legislature, helping design and enact new state laws in a wide range of issue areas.

You can find me on several platforms:

Twitter: @GeoffLorenz

Google Scholar


Post-Doctoral Research Associate

Frank Batten School of Leadership & Public Policy

University of Virginia