By Mark Canter

Nobody knows who wrote them, but every guy knows them.

When the movie E.T. first came out, a woman I know was surprised that her husband had shed a tear or two during the scene where the alien munchkin dies. This same guy, see, hadn't so much as misted an eye at the "Terms of Endearment," but a kid's movie got him where he lived.

That's not so odd, I said. Her husband was just following the rules: Guys must stay strong and tear-free through tragedies, but are permitted to cry over the death of a pet (and E.T. was essentially Old Yeller from outer space). The only time I ever saw my father cry was the day we buried our beloved dog: As we lowered Duke into a hole in the backyard, he hung his head and bawled.

Men follow a covert propriety--a set of unspoken rules that govern our ways and define what it is to be MALE. It's more than just knowing when it's okay for a red-blooded all-american guy to cry; there are dozens of inner "prime directives" that tell us how to act like a real man.

Where do these by-laws come from? From everywhere: Dad, first-grade readers, coaches, the Hardy Boys, baseball players, Ben Cartwright, Captian James T. Kirk, older brothers, the Boy Scouts and Ozzie Nelson; and from hanging out with the guys.

Some anthropologists say the codes we follow today were set down way back when men got together to paint bison and saber-toothed tigers on the walls of caves. "Many of these behaviors have been selected by evolution," explains Warren Farrell, Ph.D., author of the book "Why Men Are the Way They Are." "For example, it's a rule that men are supposed to be tough and protect women. This traces back to acient times, when if women bred with men who were gentle and sensitive, those guys got wiped out by invading tribes. The men who were able to bash in some enemy skulls and save them- selves and their women and children were the ones whose genes were passed on."

For modern men, we've compiled a brief list of those unspoken guidelines. These rules look fairly ridiculous on paper, but now that we've documented them, you can show them to your wife or girlfriend and say, "See, honey, I'm not the only one who does this stuff..."


Contributors:Mark Bricklin, Glenn Deutsch, Warren Farrell, Tom Gettings, Sid Kirchheimer, Michael Lafavore, Don Mann, Mike McGrath, Eric Rinehimer, Porter Shimmer, David Sloan, Patrick Taylor, Bob Teufel.
