OK, this webpage hasn't been updated since 1997... so what the heck are you doing here??? Anyway, 8 years later, I thought it would be fun to update all these links so you can see what my pothead friends have made of themselves! Just goes to show, there's hope for all of us...

OK, so you're probably thinking, "That's not a lot of friends you've got there, Fred..." so I should probably point out that this list is restricted to those of my friends who have homepages. I figured it wouldn't be terribly interesting for me to list a bunch of people whom none of you have ever heard of unless you could actually see something about them. DISCLAIMER: These are in no particular order, although every time I add someone new, I just put them at the top. Also, I've finally added a new feature to my homepage! Check out my photo album to see some of the people who didn't make this list because they're computer illiterate! Enjoy, you internet voyeurs!

John "Li'l Chief" Turlais: John has no homepage but whined about being neglected so here he is anyway. Pro ballplayer, Harvard scholar, lady's man. What more is there to say? If you want to know what the "Li'l Chief" means, ask him to tell you one of his obviously false stories which he claims to be totally true.

Frank "William" Hsu: Frank has been my roommate for almost as long as I've had a roommate. That was until this year, however. Now I hardly ever see him. He's a natural with high-tech stuff, although you wouldn't be able to tell that by his homepage. He's working on it, though. I like to think of the web as his "final frontier."

Josh "It's pronounced Wee!" Uy: I have to say that Josh's webpage has come quite a ways since it began! In fact, I'd almost say... it's pretty GOOD! *gasp!* Not as good as mine, though. Still, it does get points for being the home of the Unofficial Gene Kim Homepage.

Eugene "Eugenius" Kim: Gene's homepage hasn't changed in about fifteen years. In fact, it used to be better than Josh's, but he has failed to keep up with the times. The only thing redeeming about it is that he has some funny pictures. See if you can find the one of Josh as a sumo wrestler!

Seema "The Warrior Princess" Baranwal: Enter the Temple of Seema! (She's not high on herself or anything.)

Mark E. "Mark" Jacoby: Mark is the weirdest person I know and has no computer knowledge whatsoever so I had to make a homepage for him. Please e-mail him because he's very lonely!

David "Psycho" Hanauer©: Dave is a weirdo and local celebrity. Ever since he copyrighted his last name, he's been getting these huge royalty checks in the mail every week!

Danika "Donald" LeDuc: Whoa, Danika finally got a homepage! OK, so it's not much, but at least she exists. Electronically speaking, that is.

Thomas "English Muffins" Young: This is the guy that I had to share a room with for eight months, and I am happy to say that he never broke any of my stuff, although he did kick a hole through the wall which he neglected to mention before he left. Thanks, buddy.

Chris "The Man" Lin: This is another guy I had to live with although I didn't share a room with him. All in all, Chris was a good guy, but he talked way too much. For those of you who don't know him, this blurb drips with sarcasm.

Brian "The Man" Roelofs: Brian aspires to be a web wizard like myself (j/k), so send him some encouragement, ok?

Darcy "The Man" Niven: Brian's ITD goddess. Really. He said so.

Sireen "Ready for the Beddy" Reddy: Sireen aspires to be as HTML-literate as Brian, so you know he's in bad shape.

Ming "Na Wen" Chen: This man is the master of HTML. (At least that what he told me.) I aspire to achieve his level of knowledge. Yep, we here at the University of Michigan do a lot of aspiring...

Josh "It's pronounced Wee!" Ehrenfried: Last I talked to him, he was heading off somewhere to start his real job. To be honest, I didn't see him much after I stopped working at ITD, but he was always at the bar when I was there!

Juris "Schwarzenegger" Shibayama: When Juris and I parted ways at our high school graduation, he was a pretty big guy already, but at least he looked like a normal human being. Now he looks like one of those guys in those muscle suits, only it's real. Look at his webpage. He's got pictures...

Henry "Chick Magnet" Chong: One of my best friends who has finally escaped the social black hole the rest of us refer to as MIT. Now he's at the social black hole that the rest of us refer to as Berkeley. Way to move up in the world, Henry!

Ethan "Hot Pants" Honda: Even though he doesn't mention me, Henry, or Ben on his webpage, you'll have to take my word for it that we're all high school buddies. If his homepage makes him sound like a geek, don't let it fool you! He is one!

Ben "Mega Meat" Mui: I lived with Ben, Henry, and Ethan for two years back in high school. Our exploits make for a pretty interesting story, let me tell you. Anyway, at some point, we coined the nickname "Mega Meat" for Ben. (Same time we came up with "Chick Magnet" and "Hot Pants".) I don't think Ben ever understood the irony of his nom de plume, though.

Mitchell "Little Brother #2" Wu: Yep, he's actually my brother, but I don't have a section for those. Browse his little corner of cyberspace and I'll give you three guesses as to what his hobby is.

Greg "Little Brother #1" Wu: And this is my other brother who only recently created his webpage. A little bitter are we, Greg? He used to have some interesting things to say about the high school we went to, but I think he's been censored.

Fred Ming-Chieh Wu, The University of Michigan (fwu@umich.edu)