Extra/Icon/ftprints.gif Merideth Naomi is now 15 months old No new pictures posted. Yet.

- Fritz. (Aug. 6th, 1998)

Fritz's Employment Page

Looking for a job? Here are some links that might be of use...

OK, here's some links and commentary that I borrowed from Ken Laws (LAWS@ai.sri.com) and the Computists' Communique vol.6 no. 5 Copyright (C) 1996 by Kenneth I. Laws:

Job Services:

Internet Business Network (10/95) evaluated over 500 employment-related sites. One of the best was JobCenter, http://www.jobcenter.com , (info@jobcenter.com), 1-800-JOBCENTER, 315-673-0122. You can post your resume at http://www.jobcenter.com/jol/post/resume.htm, for email notification of daily job matches. [12/27/95.]

CareerSite is a comprehensive job and blind resume service from Virtual Resources (Ann Arbor). http://www.careersite.com. [Bill Cavnar (wcavnar@sojourn.com), 1/9/96.] (Bill helped develop their concept-based search software.)

Three of the best jobs services are: Online Career Center, http://www.occ.com/occ/ ; CareerMosaic J.O.B.S. (North America), http://www.careermosaic.com:80/cgi-bin/rotate-jobs.pl ; and Science Global Career Network (from Science magazine), http://www.edoc.com/sgcn/ . [Frank Blanchard (fb@whitaker.org), ieee.general, 12/22/95.]

Help Wanted-USA posts 11K job ads each week. http://amsquare.com/america/starknsa.html. [(starknsa@intellinet.com), net-hap, 10/27/95.]

JobBank USA has listings for over 300 employment sites, plus a resume database. http://www.jobbankusa.com. [(webmaster@jobbankusa.com), 11/24/95.]

JobWeb links to over 400 of the richest job- and career- related resources on the Internet, including company profiles. http://www.jobweb.org . [(michael@jobweb.org), net-hap, 12/28/95.]

The J. Edgar & Associates Careers Page, http://www.the-wire.com/careers , offers information-technology and engineering opportunities in Canada and Northeastern US. [(careers@the-wire.com), net-hap, 10/18/95.]

The Senior Staff is a job bank for US workers over 50. Many part-time jobs. http://srstaff.com/ , 408/371-9064, 408/371-3255 Fax. [Marian Gallagher (moose@ccnet.com), c.i.www.announce, 12/11/95. net-hap.] (Expanding, but currently limited to the San Franciso Bay Area.)

The Virtual Global College offers educational support materials and career guidance. http://wn.apc.org/~pwest/vgc-wel.htm . [Paul West (pwest@wn.apc.org), DEOS-L, 12/22/95. net-hap.]

Federal Jobs Central has been matching people with federal jobs for over twenty years. http://www.fedjobs.com. [(tjc@interramp.com), net-hap, 12/17/95.]

Telecommuting jobs (and resumes) are listed free at http://www.cisc.com/tele.html . "We will shoot anybody who places get-rich-quick junk on our site." [Andrew Smith (smitha@qucis.queensu.ca), c.i.www.announce, 12/4/95. net-hap.]

For 1000 firms currently hiring home workers and telecommuters worldwide, see http://rio.atlantic.net/~mode/jobs. [James P. Morgan (database@freenet.tlh.fl.us), comp.infosystems, 12/16/95. net-hap.]

Commonwealth Jobsearch covers immigration, job finding, and resettlement services for Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. http://www.corpinfohub.com/cjs.htm . [net-hap, 10/31/95.]

If you need help finding a headhunter, check with IPA: an online association of over 1,200 employment recruiters and agencies. http://www.ipa.com/ipa/ . [Bill Vick (billvick@ipa.com), net-hap, 10/27/95.]

The Directory of Masters 1995 lists individual experts prepared to take on long-term apprentices. http://www.worldserver.pipex.com/nc/ISI/master.html. Published by the Apprentice Master Alliance. [(rhino@bbcnc.org), net-hap, 11/13/95.] (I've always had a fondness for apprenticeship jobs. There's such a feeling of community and continuity.)

The Information Technology Vendors' Executives Mailing List and Database lists over 15K senior executives at 12K firms. Other lists of telemarketing prospects are available. http://users.aol.com/mentorms . [(mentorms@gnn.com), net-hap, 10/30/95.]

(A rule of thumb is that if you mail to 1K executives -- and demonstrate good communication ability and attitude -- you can hope for 20 interviews and maybe four or five job offers. Try again two weeks later and you'll get an entirely different 20 prospects. If you're handicapped in some way, contact 2K or 3K executives. Postage is expensive, but a reasonable investment. Your percentages increase if you call first to verify addresses and job titles, and call afterward to "ask if your letter was received" and seek referrals.)

Career advice:

As the economy heats up, information systems managers are finding it much easier to job-hop. [IW, 11/20/95, p. 208. EDUPAGE.]

Mail-order computer programming schools generate complaints about advertising, accreditation, refund policies, or delivery of damaged PCs. Only 2% of surveyed companies in one study had hired a correspondence school graduate -- although 58% said they would consider it -- and 60% required a 4-year college degree. [Computerworld, 12/11/95, p. 109. EDUPAGE.]

WOMEN20S covers issues for women in their 20s. Send a "subscribe women20s your name" message to (listserv@sjuvm.stjohns.edu). [Florence Wong (wongf@sjuvm.stjohns.edu), NEW-LIST, 12/11/95.]

The FEM-BIBLIO discussion of books relating to women and/or spirituality has moved. Send a "subscribe fem-biblio" message to (majordomo@jpunix.com), or ask Kimberly Long (klong@phoenix.net) about the book currently under discussion. [NEW-LIST, 10/30/95.]

WISDOM AT WORK is a discussion list for people seeking to integrate spirituality into our work and organizations. Postings will include Let Davidson's consciousness-raising columns and his Perennial Philosophy "core unitive wisdom of the world's great spiritual traditions." Send a "subscribe wisdom_at_work" message to (majordomo@rbai.com). [Philip A. Kratzer (phil@bizcenter.com), net-hap, 12/14/95.]

DISGRUNTLED is a new magazine about the darker side of the world of work. Horror stories and amusing memos are solicited. (So are stories about how you coped or got even.) http://www.disgruntled.com , or contact (subscrib @disgruntled.com) for an e-newsletter. [Bill Park (park@netcom.com), 1/11/96.]

Losers Magazine is an e-pub for people who would like to be winners, but don't know how, or what to do. http://www.lawmall.com/losersmag [Carl Person (carlpers@ix.netcom.com), net-hap, 10/26/95.]

Again, these two sections are Copyright (C) 1996 by Kenneth I. Laws

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Fritz Freiheit<fritx@umich.edu>

Copyright (C) 1997 by F.E. Freiheit IV

Updated on Fri Aug 7 1:25:56 US/Michigan 1998
Generated at Fri Aug 7 7:04:10 US/Michigan 1998
