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- Fritz. (Aug. 6th, 1998)

Whirlpool Appliance Diagnostics

During the time I was consulting at Whirlpool (from 1990 to 1992) I was involved as co-project leader in the development of a an appliance diagnostic system for use in the SuperCenter, later called the One Call, project. My co-leader was Dale Danilewitz, who is a good friend of mine and was employed directly by Whirlpool at the time. Since then it has come to my attention (as of April 1996) that this diagnostic system has been made available on the web. So, if you have one of the following appliances that is having troubles, you can diagnose them yourself from the web.

A paper about this project, called A Knowledge-Based System within a Cooperative Processing Environment, appears in Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence - Vol. 4 .

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Fritz Freiheit<fritx@umich.edu>

Copyright (C) 1997 by F.E. Freiheit IV

Updated on Fri Aug 7 1:26:04 US/Michigan 1998
Generated at Fri Aug 7 7:05:29 US/Michigan 1998
