* Author: William D. MacMillan * Prepared for ICPSR time-series and cross-section data analysis * Hausman, Xtmixed, and SUR * 5/20/09 * 7/6/10 update * 7/6/11 Revised and updated by RJFjr clear use http://www-personal.umich.edu/~franzese/garmit_esspanel1.dta, clear * Define the 'model' and the 'rhs' to facilitate their future repeated use: local model spend unem growthpc depratio left cdem trade lowwage fdi local rhs unem growthpc depratio left cdem trade lowwage fdi * Let's take a second to remind ourselves what stata has pre-programmed for us more help xt * Let's explore a few we've covered so far, starting with xtreg: more help xtreg * So that's the standard battery of classical panel-heterogeneity models * and now FGLS for GLRM more help xtgls * And that's where we'd find Parks' procedure and the like * and xtpcse more help xtpcse * And that's where we'd find Parks' procedure and the like * And the random-coefficients model more help xtrc * Oops. Notice the use of the Swamy estimator here... * How about the multilevel-model version: more help xtmixed * That's better (but wow, syntax seems messy to me!) * OK, let's do some estimating... * HAUSMAN TEST of RE vs. FE: more xtreg `model', re estimates store remodel more xtreg `model', fe estimates store femodel more * for the Hausman test, the always-consistent model is listed first more hausman femodel remodel more * Let's try PWLS more xtgls `model', panels(het) more * And using xtgls to do pooled OLS more xtgls `model', i(cc) * Just to compare to OLS with clustered s.e.'s... more reg `model', cluster(cc) * ....and to pcse more xtpcse `model' more *And a random-coefficient model, using default estimator; effect of unem random by cc more xtmixed `model' || cc: unem more *Comparing unit-by-unit to SUR unit-by-unit: more forvalues i = 2/3 { qui reg `model' if cc == `i' estimates store ols`i' } suest ols* more est clear forvalues i = 1/18 { qui capture reg `model' if cc == `i' capture estimates store ols`i' } qui suest ols* ereturn list test [ols1_mean]unem=[ols2_mean]unem more testparm *unem