Design-Based Implementation Research: An Emerging Methodological Model for Conducting Design Research within Educational Systems

Design-based implementation research (DBIR) is an emerging model for research and development of educational interventions that are inherently usable, scalable, and sustainable. DBIR is motivated by a concern that interventions rarely survive the translation from research to practice, and posits that existing research paradigms are inadequate to address the problem. DBIR changes the relationship between research and practice such that interventions are designed from the start with their ultimate use(s) in mind, with work motivated and informed by theories and methods from both learning sciences and policy research. This structured poster session is designed to provide a broad overview of DBIR, and invite audience members to find connections with their own work while challenging and extending the evolving DBIR approach.

This site is an archive of poster presentations from a structured poster session at AERA 2013.

To see the session overview presentation, click here.

To read all abstracts from the session, click here.

Click here to go to the download page for all posters.