
(See also Powers: Demonology.)

The Noncorporeal Demons

(For the purposes of game mechanics, these demons can be classified via point value, as per item and creature creation from the rule book. So, the least powerful of noncorporeal demons would cost 1 point and would increase in power as follows: 2 pts., 4 pts., 8 pts., 16 pts., etc. And while there are certainly noncorporeal demons who are more powerful than this, none have been successfully summoned and bound by any sorcerer.)

Fire Demons

Arguably the most powerful of the noncorporeal demons, fire demons are the most popular variety to be summoned and bound by sorcerers. They are made of living flame and can expand and contract as they will and control the amount of heat they generate. Fire demons have the normal strengths and weakness of flame.

Water Demons

Composed of living water, water demons are most popular with Rebman sorcerers and others dwelling in watery realms. They can control their size like fire demons. Water demons have the normal strengths and weakness of liquid.

Earth Demons

Unlike the first two varieties of noncorporeal demons, earth demons cannot change their size. Therefore, the more powerful the demon, the larger it tends to be. Earth demons have the normal strengths and weakness of stone and soil.

Air Demons

Air demons are naturally invisible, and the second most popular type of noncorporeal demon to summon and bind. They have few weaknesses.

Corporeal Demons

(There are nearly as many corporeal demons as there are kinds of Faeries. As such, only those encountered in the game so far will be listed in any detail here. And unlike noncorporeal demons, corporeal demons can be summoned, but not bound. Once into this existence, they can only be bribed, not commanded.)


Cross a corporeal demon with any other race and you produce a half-demon, which combines the best qualities of the races involved. For this reason, half-demons are often stronger than either of their parents, and they tend to rule other corporeal demons.

Abyssal Demons

(The Abyss is rather like a half-way house between the corporeal and the noncorporeal world. As such, there are hybrid demons of both varieties that dwell there.)

The Tel'aere

Only one member of the Tel'aere has been seen, and only by Gavin. She returned the product of their union to him later, and he named her Jessica.

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Text and artwork © Wendi Strang-Frost, 1999, unless otherwise noted.
This page was last updated on July 30, 1999.