Chapter Fifty-six: "I was winning until they hit me on the head." Laughter takes Ariana to the library. Riftvan remains behind with Morgan. Fiona shows up and offers to take Laughter out of Foil. Laughter is rather surprised by this change of heart. Fiona brings Laughter to the Primal Pattern and instructs her in how to walk it. Sequence explores the nearby cave and finds a dragon. It asks "Mom" if it can kill it. This is followed by a loud roar and Sequence emerges bathed in flame. Laughter asks what it means if she walks the Pattern. Fiona tells her she will be able to leave Foil whenever she wants. Laughter asks if Fiona will be upset if she does. Fiona claims they're beyond that. Laughter asks if she can bring Sequence with her. Fiona doesn't advise it. Laughter decides to anyway. She walks the Pattern. Sequence can feel Laughter's pain and doesn't like it at all. When Laughter reaches the Final Veil, Sequence becomes silent. Laughter reaches the center of the Pattern, but has no idea what to do now that she's there. Fiona didn't give her any advice on that. Sequence remains unresponsive. Laughter idly thinks that she'd like to go to Amber, and there she is. Bart spends the night rewarding Molly for helping him assimilate into the land culture. Ahab engages in his usual form of foreplay with Kimdyl: bickering. Usires crashes in a tent by the castle remains. So does Alex. Felix asks Foster what he's been doing. Foster says he's been telling Rinaldo what happened. Rinaldo agrees with the opinion expressed so far by most of the adults: Foster's actions were stupid. Foster mentions that their side of the family tends to be a bit slow. He figures he got his wit from the Chaos side. Felix doesn't appreciate this. He goes to bed. Bart wakes up the next morning and Trumps Llewella. She comments that this is getting to be a habit. He tells her what happened to Driscoll. Llewella looks calculating when she hears about Driscoll's amnesia. Bart tells her that Usires is one of Caine's, but she knew that already. He notes that Benedict gave Usires his ax back, which displeased Felix. He comments that not much pleases Felix. Llewella figures Felix will forget about it. Bart's not so sure about Ahab and Alex. Llewella notes that Ahab can be distracted, and she can deal with Alex. Bart tells her that they discovered he walked the Pattern. She's not surprised. She tells him picking Felix as his father was a bad choice. She suggests picking Ahab instead. He tells her he has a date with Lyss. She tells him to choose someone other than Ahab then. Bart asks why. She explains that Ahab is Lyss' father. Sort of. She decides that Bart's news doesn't equal hers. She won't tell him what her news is until he brings her something better. She hints that it has to do with him and suggests he change his locale if he wants to find better information. Bart gets a determined look on his face. Ahab starts poking around Arden with a Pattern lens. He notices that all of Julian's men are on alert and spies lots of Stormhound carcasses, along with those of a few men. Julian does not appear to be happy. Ahab and Kimdyl engage in some more of their usual bickering. She's not interested in sex, so he goes jogging. Ariana's research in the library reveals that Laughter's sisters and niece were killed by the na siogai because they were half- breeds. She is disturbed by this and asks Riftvan if all Faeries feel this way. He claims that it's only those in Foil, which he refers to as the hinterlands. She asks if he's been to Foil before and he admits that he has. He's knows of Laughter's brother, Calamus, who betrayed his family to the na siogai. Laughter beheaded him in a duel. Ariana asks if it's possible to shift from Foil to Tir-na Nog'th. He says it is, but you still have to be Faerie to get in. She asks how she was able to Trump him from Tir-na Nog'th when there's a Trump barrier. He says it depends on the phase of the moon. He refuses to tell her the relationship between the Shadow and the city in the sky, claiming it would spoil the fun. She asks who he thinks should be the children's guardians if both of them die. He figures either the Faeries or someone from her family would do, although he'd prefer the Faeries. She asks who else knows about the cancer and learns she's the only one. He tells her you get Chaos cancer by overtaxing your shapeshifting abilities. In his case, this occurred when he was shifting to survive the poison. He's OK in his current form because it has no connection with primal chaos. It might spread, however if he shifted to another one. She tells him about Sand blowing up the castle. Usires joins the rubble clearing crew. Alex searches the rubble and finds some Trumps. Unfortunately they're of Corwin, Dworkin, Delwin, Driscoll and Fiona, so they're not as useful as he'd hoped. He looks around and spots Ahab running up and down the stairs of Kolvir. Felix clears rubble until lunch. Bart scouts out the town looking for a good place to take Lyss for dinner. Ahab decides he's had enough of jogging in circles and helps out around the castle. Bart gets some new (rather loud) clothes and heads back to the castle remains, looking for Martin. Laughter appears in right in front of him. Bart's eyes bug out and he hastens to catch up with her. Sequence thinks this is cool. Laughter's arrival does not go unnoticed by the rest of the castle crew, and everyone except Usires heads in that direction, much to Bart's chagrin. Naturally, Ahab arrives first. Laughter mentions that she's tired. Bart tries to guide her to a place to rest, but Laughter refuses to be led. She notes that she's seen Ahab's Trump but she hasn't seen Bart's. Ahab introduces Bart as "the man who has a date with my daughter tonight." Laughter introduces herself. Alex joins the group. He looks at Bart's clashing colors and comments that Rebmites must be colorblind. Laughter mentions that she's just walked the Pattern. Alex tells her he's the Chaos ambassador. Laughter says she hasn't heard good things about Chaos. Ahab says there are two kinds of Chaosites, decent ones and ones that you know aren't. Laughter figures that they're better than Faeries. Ahab replies that it's funny she should mention that. Bart claims first Brand, then Julian as his Amber parent. The others find Julian more believable, since there is a resemblance. Ahab asks how Bart's brother is doing, referring to Shard. Bart is confused. Ahab asks why Laughter came to Amber. Laughter says she doesn't know. Ahab figures she's doing well. Bart asks if she wants a drink. She observes that it would be rude to vomit on his shoes, although it would be an improvement in his case. Felix arrives on the scene and is introduced. Bart tells Felix he's Julian's son, so Felix is off the hook. Felix gives Laughter his jacket, since she's not exactly dressed for winter (it was summer in Foil). Ahab offers to take her into town. She accepts, and everyone else is eager to tag along. Ahab shows off by using the Pattern to take them all to a nice restaurant (although he does try to leave Bart behind). In a most unusual display, the cousins all decide to tell their stories and be truthful. Bart offers to go first. Laughter casts a Faerie spell on him to ensure that he's telling the truth. It's supposed to turn the subject blue if they lie. Bart isn't happy about this. He starts insulting Felix's intelligence. Felix does not take this well at all. He starts insulting Bart in return. Bart starts to leave, but Laughter calls him back. Felix notices that a bunch of sailors nearby have turned blue. When they stop talking, it fades. Further observation reveals that it seems to be happening all over the restaurant. Ooops. Apparently something increased the range on Laughter's spell. Most of the patrons decide to leave. Bart begins his story by claiming that there's not much to tell. He immediately turns blue. He says the truth of the matter is that he's a Rebman spy. Bart and Felix exchange more insults. Bart decides beer must not be good for Felix and takes Felix's mug away. Felix is not pleased. The others warn Bart that this is a bad idea. Felix wants to know how Laughter walked the Pattern when it's under the castle. Bart points out that there's more than one. Ahab adds that he knows of at least five. Laughter says there was a cave and a dragon near the Pattern she walked. Ahab figures it must have been the Primal Pattern. He thinks that either makes her an elder, or one of the red-head's children. Laughter replies that she doesn't know the color of her father's hair, leaving little doubt in everyone's mind as to who her mother is. Alex tells Laughter that she needs to learn how to be more evasive. Bleys walks into the restaurant and approaches their table. Felix asks if he can stop them from turning blue. Ahab tells Bleys that Fiona thinks he's an asshole, which amuses him. He asks to speak to Laughter for a moment. Ahab introduces them. Laughter says they've met. Bleys takes her out of earshot and asks what she said to her mother. Laughter says she objected strongly to being left in that Shadow. Bleys figures that explains her presence and Fiona's absence. He guesses that Fiona didn't explain anything about the Pattern or what comes afterward and offers to cover for Fiona by playing Laughter's father for a while. Laughter points out that she kind of blew that already and explains what happened. Bleys admits that it will be tough to displace the idea from Felix's head. Laughter tells him about the spell she cast and the unexpected results. Bleys tells her that Faerie magic will be running wild right now. Sequence says it doesn't want to cover for Fiona. Laughter reminds it of cufflinks. Sequence complains that she's taunting it. She replies that taunting would be telling it there was a na siogai in the room. It leaps out of her scabbard and flies around the room looking for one. Truly a sword of little brain. Bart excuses himself and leaves. Felix wonders if Bart is Julian and Llewella's and finds it a revolting thought. Ahab figures Bart is Llewella's, because he gets evasive when she's mentioned and she's the only person he hasn't claimed as his Amber parent. Bart notices a thin line of smoke rising from Arden. He goes back to his room and Trumps Llewella. He tells her about the smoke over Arden. Then he tells her all about Laughter. Llewella's eyes sparkle when she hears that Laughter is Fiona's. She suggests he call Laughter "giggles". Bart is thinking of "titter". He tells Llewella that Laughter has found a way to cast spells in Amber, while he can't do so. He also tells her about Sequence. Llewella decides his information was good enough and gives him her news: she's arranged the best of marriages for him. Bart is quite shocked, to say the least. He asks when. Llewella says the wedding will occur when it's appropriate. His intended's name is Lilith. Bart asks who she is and is told that she's the Duke's new daughter. He'll have to wait a while for the wedding, but Llewella doesn't think that will be a problem. Bart asks if Lilith has any objections. Llewella points out that Lilith is only three weeks old. Bart claims he was just trying to make the best of the situation and turns blue. Llewella asks why he did that. He says it was the magic. She asks what Laughter did. He evades the question. She asks what the trigger is for the color change. He doesn't want to say. She persists and he eventually gives in and tells her. She decides she doesn't want the spell removed. The others give Laughter a bit of an explanation about the destruction of the castle. Laughter doesn't understand why the na siogai haven't overrun the place. When she explains what she means by na siogai, Felix comments that he was a Faerie once. Laughter finds this confusing. Foster runs in and tells Felix that Arden is on fire. Alex says that's terrible and turns blue. Ahab tries to Trump Julian but can't get through. Alex opines that Julian's son is behind it. No, not Bart, the liar. The dim one. No, not Felix either. Felix Trumps Gerard and tells him that Arden's on fire. Ahab Trumps Kimdyl. She asks what he's done this time. He asks if that's any way to greet her husband. She says that depends. He says she's right and turns blue. Kimdyl is nonplused. He gives her the news and says he'd like to come through to get his armor. After he turns blue a few more times Kimdyl figures out the trigger. Alex goes up to the ruins of the castle. Laughter follows and asks what he's doing. He says he intends to watch. She asks if they shouldn't help. He says that's Ahab's department. Laughter is disturbed by the fact that Alex's eyes are a uniform gray with no pupils. Alex notices her reaction and shapeshifts to have normal eyes. Felix Trumps Gerard again and asks to come through. Bart wanders around town getting drunk. Ahab Trumps Ghostwheel. He asks if it can dump an ocean over Arden to put out the fire. Ghostwheel says it doesn't work that way but it'll try its best. Those observing the forest see a column of water the square width of a football field appear over the forest and drop. It puts out most of the fire. It also knocks just about everyone in Arden off of their feet and drives Julian to his knees. He Trumps Ahab and tells him "Don't do that again." Ahab Trumps Ghostwheel and tells it Julian doesn't think that was a good idea. Ahab teleports himself to Arden and finds himself right into the middle of Dalt's charge. Shard appears to be helping Dalt. Ahab hunts cover and manages to elude Dalt's notice. Battlestar pauses in passing but keeps going. The charge heads straight for Amber. Those on the hill spot the charge as it emerges from Arden. Ariana realizes that Riftvan is rather drunk. He claims he's not used to not being able to compensate for the effects of alcohol. He tries to persuade her that making everyone look in Foil look like Faeries would be fun. She disagrees. She doesn't think making them look like women is a good idea either. Riftvan tries to leave but she won't let go of his wrist. He suggests going through Laughter's drawers. She tries to get him to sleep it off. He claims he has to go to the bathroom. She lets him go after he promises that's all he's going to do. Naturally, he doesn't return. Ariana Trumps Ahab, who tells her that Dalt is attacking Amber. She Trumps Felix. After she explains who she is, he says she looks like a Barbie doll. She points out that she doesn't call him dim, so she'd appreciate it if he'd refrain from calling her a Barbie. Felix tells her that Amber is being attacked and asks if she wants to come through. She says she can't at the moment and asks if someone new has appeared in Amber recently. He mentions Laughter. Ariana asks to speak with her. Felix is confused but brings Laughter into the link. Ariana asks if Laughter has ever seen what happens when a Faerie gets drunk before. Laughter decides to come through. Ahab tries to teleport ahead of Shard but gets tackled by Battlestar. It becomes obvious that Battlestar has the upper hand. He suggests that Ahab play dead for a while and warns he'll take it badly if he sees Ahab near Shard again. Ahab opts to follow Battlestar's advice, for the moment. Dalt's men enter the town. Benedict brings his men up behind Dalt's. The two forces engage each other in the middle of town. Felix starts taking out horses by throwing rocks at them. Ahab Trumps Gerard and comes through to join the battle. Laughter discovers that everyone in Foil looks like Fiona. While she's watching, they grow beards. She tries to remove the glamour and fails. Riftvan realizes that he can talk while non- corporeal. Ariana manages to convince him to become solid although they have to promise not to hurt him first. Sequence shreds his clothes instead. Riftvan is not happy. Laughter asks him to remove the glamour, but he claims he's much too drunk to do so. He and Sequence exchange insults, so Sequence goes after him again. He hides behind Ariana. Sequence threatens to remove her clothes, too. Riftvan motions that it should do so. Sequence passes this along to Ariana. She steps out of the way. Sequence flies over and gives Riftvan what would be a really close shave if Faeries had beards. Ariana and Laughter try to get Riftvan to drink a concoction to sober him up. He proves uncooperative and manages to spill most of it. Sequence continues to threaten Riftvan. He turns invisible and stands behind Ariana, wrapping his arms around her. Ariana shifts the subject and asks Laughter about her trip to Amber. Riftvan is bored by the conversation and quickly falls asleep. Ariana grabs his arms before he slides to the floor and carries him to bed. Gerard and Felix engage Battlestar with difficulty. Ahab uses his power to force Shard to call off Battlestar and attack Dalt. Shard punches Dalt and knocks him off of his horse. Ahab tells him to use his whip. Shard complies and makes short work of Dalt. With Dalt out of the picture, Ahab orders Shard to go over to Benedict. He suggests that Benedict knock Shard out and make him a prisoner. Benedict lets Julian do the honors. Julian is more than happy to clock his son. He throws Shard on Morgenstern and rides off. Benedict suggests that Ahab be more careful in the future. Ahab explains that he was practicing for Sand. Felix can't find Foster and is concerned. Bart, who managed to avoid being injured despite wandering around drunk in the middle of the battle, stumbles across the lad. Foster has a concussion. Bart gives him some Bayles to drink (hey, it worked for Bart). Felix asks Rinaldo if he knows where Foster is. Rinaldo says he last saw him gnawing on a leg. Felix Trumps Foster. He learns about the concussion and asks Foster to come through. Foster insists he'll be fine, they only hit him in the head. Then again, he's seeing triple and kind of wobbly... Random comes walking up the street wearing the Jewel. Felix tells him about Driscoll's amnesia and asks where he's been. Random says it's hard to explain and now is not the time. He and Benedict go off and talk. Felix yells at Rinaldo for reading the note addressed to him. Rinaldo says he thought it might indicate that Foster had done something stupid. Ahab asks why he didn't find Felix after he read it. The log has no record of the answer, but it must have been good. Sometime in here, Battlestar tells Felix that Shard ran into a cloaked woman and then things got all nasty. Or maybe Battlestar told Ahab who told Felix. My notes aren't clear. Ariana Trumps Felix and passes Laughter through. Felix is happy to get his cloak back. Ariana asks how the fight went. Felix tells her that Benedict's forces won, but Foster got a concussion. He adds that Bart gave Foster alcohol. Ariana tells him to hit Bart. Felix relays the information that was obtained from Battlestar. They both agree that it sounds like Sand was involved. Felix tells Ariana about Laughter's spell. She finds this delightful and asks him to show her the effect. Felix demonstrates by saying that Shard was highly regarded in intellectual circles. He turns a lovely shade of blue. Ariana warns Felix to keep an eye on Foster, since he's in danger of slipping into a coma. Laughter says that Riftvan is mischievous but not that bad. Ahab points out that he hasn't kidnapped her children yet. Laughter corrects him by saying child, thereby giving away the fact that she has one (sort of). Lyss joins the group. Ahab tries to discourage her from going on her date with "fish boy". She points out that this will only drive her to sleep with Bart. Ahab says that's sick. Lyss notes that he obviously knows nothing about the female psyche. He points out that he knows nothing about psyche in general. She suggests he stay out of it then. After all, he didn't raise her. He points out that she'd asked him to look after her, but obviously that was a mistake. He walks away. Lyss is most upset by this. She spends the evening crying in Rebma with Bart. Laughter holds onto Foster for Felix. Foster mumbles something about seeing Rimfall if he finishes his lessons. Felix is concerned and asks if Foster can do anything about his concussion. Foster says he's working on it. Felix asks Alex what Rimfall is. Alex asks why he wants to know. They explain what Foster said. Alex is his usual helpful self (that is to say, not at all). Mirelle flirts with Usires. She tells him to kiss her hand. When he does, she shows him how women should respond. She asks what brings him to Amber. He tells her that he was in an accident. She points at Felix and says that one has a very clean bum. She knows because she plucked it bald herself. He was being very naughty. Usires looks around for help and finds none. Felix tells Laughter that Riftvan is not really a Faerie. Neither is Ariana. Alex says that Riftvan is the Head of a House in Chaos. Laughter asks why cold iron affected him. Alex says that if he was in Faerie form he has to live with the rules. Ariana Trumps Felix and asks to speak to Laughter. Felix complies. Ariana tells Laugher that she needs to talk to her again. Laughter figures she needs to put Beauty to bed, anyway. Ariana pulls her through. She asks Laughter not to mention Morgan to anyone, since if it's known that he's alive, he won't be for long. Laughter reveals that she knows Ariana isn't a Faerie. Ariana figures Fiona already brought Laughter to Amber, so there's no point in keeping quiet about it anymore. She admits that she's an Amberite and gives Laughter her opinion on some of her relatives. She also offers Laughter Trumps of Ahab and Felix, who she says are good people to know since they don't like the family games. Laughter takes her up on the offer. Quotes of the day: "Don't give me that look. I don't know where you've been." -- Felix to Bart "What do you know about pedestrian, fish boy?" -- Felix to Bart "I was a Faerie once and I didn't like it at all." -- Felix "Hang on a second, I'm in the middle of Ahab." -- GM "It means you're being socialized normally." -- Felix "Normally is perhaps too strong a word." -- Ahab "I was winning until they hit me on the head." -- Foster to Felix