Chapter Fifty-five: "Can I get my lunch before you're dead?" Felix visits Tir-na Nog'th. Ariana attempts to do the same. Just as she reaches the stairs, Felix is pulled through by Ahab, who was spotting for him. A large cloud bank drifts over the moon and the city disappears. Ariana asks if Felix learned anything useful about Sand. He claims what he saw involved Sand but it's not about her. He won't say anything further and joins Gerard in digging. Ariana stands on the stairs for a moment admiring the long drop to the ocean. Ahab is a wee bit concerned by this and asks if she's OK. She changes the subject to how to track down Sand. She thinks that locating the power source for the Spikards is a good place to start, since there's a chance Sand might be in the same place. Even if she isn't, if they can shut down the power source, that will even the odds. Ahab says he was under the impression that there was more than one source. Ariana tells him she has it on good authority that there's only one. Ahab figures it's a good idea. They to talk to Benedict, to see what he's planning with regard to Sand. Caine sits down next to Usires at the bar and joins him in drinking. He gives Usires some tips on his relatives in the simple sort of language that Usires can understand. Things like: Fiona is bad, Llewella is good, etc. He also tells Usires a little more about Amber and how the family is related to one another. Alex is off in Shadow with Delwin and Mary, having left the castle before it exploded. Delwin reveals that anytime someone uses one of the Spikards, it drains some of his life force. Unfortunately, Sand has arranged things so that he can't control the access. He gives Alex and Mary information for a spell to change this. He also warns them that Bleys and Fiona probably won't be too happy, since it will dampen the Spikards' power. Laughter is in the middle of her weekly state-of-the-alliance meeting when a cloaked woman walks in. She is carrying a tall, thin, rather battered man in irons with a sack over his head. Laughter stands up and bows. The woman says she has a prisoner that Laughter will find interesting. She then unhoods the man, who is a na siogai. He stands unsteadily and looks around. He is, of course, Vetch. Laughter asks the woman who she is. She says she is looking out for Laughter and claims this na siogai is important. Laughter doubts this, since she's killed the seven wizards who lead the na siogai. Sand tells her the na siogai are ruled by a king, and this man has his ear. Vetch gives Sand a look of hatred. Sand kicks him so that he falls to his knees and tells him to remain that way in the presence of his betters. Laughter advises Sand not to abuse her prisoners at dinner. Sand says he's Laughter's prisoner now, and makes to leave. Laughter asks for the woman's name. She claims she's Florimel of Amber and leaves. Laughter asks Vetch if that woman was really Florimel. He shakes his head. She asks what he did to incur the wrath of an Amberite. He indicates that he'd like some writing utensils. Laughter asks if the woman cut out his tongue. Vetch nods. She fetches him pen and paper. He writes her a note offering information about Amber in trade for his life. She comments that he must not value his life very much and calls a physician to treat his injuries. She asks why he thinks he'd know more about Amber than she's learned from her mother. He replies that he knows her mother. She says she does too. He points out that there's a lot she doesn't know about Amber then. She asks how he knows about Amber. He replies that he's been there before. She asks how. He tells her it was by the na siogai method. She asks if there's an equivalent of Trumps for the non-Pattern endowed. He says no. She asks how he knows about Amber. He tells her he discovered it long ago. It's one of the poles of reality, and one eventually drifts towards one or the other. Ahab and Ariana find a light on in Benedict's tent and pause outside of the flap. Benedict asks if they're going to stand out there all night and invites them in. Ahab mentions Felix's trip to Tir-na Nog'th, and his opinion that things need to be put in hand. Benedict says his near future plans don't extend beyond Amber. Ahab says that Felix's future vision showed Sand returning within a year. Benedict states that it's only his near future plans that don't include Sand. He wants to make sure Amber is stable again before going after her. Ariana asks if he knows where Sand is. Benedict admits that he does. He also says he doesn't think Ariana should remain in her current form. She asks if Pattern is necessary to reach Sand. He says there are other ways. Ahab notices that Benedict is studying Ariana. She asks Benedict if he knows where the power source for the Spikards is. He does and says blocking it is being worked on. Ariana asks how Sand could be reached. Benedict asks if she wants his advice. She says she does. He tells her not to try at the moment, since it would be a waste of life. She still wants to know how to reach Sand. He says it could be done through magic or Trump. Ariana thanks him and leaves. Benedict warns Ahab to keep an eye on Ariana, saying she's too emotional right now. Lacking any other options, Ariana Trumps Riftvan again. This time the contact actually goes through. She reaches for Riftvan, but his bindings prevent him from reaching out far enough for her to grab him. She observes through the Trump, trying to figure out where he is. Ahab spots her staring at a Trump and uses the Pattern to trace the call. Laughter asks Riftvan how long he can last while bound with cold iron. He says, with luck, about a month. She tells him that she will give him his life in exchange for two weeks of service. But she won't unbind him. She asks what his involvement was in the last conflict. He waits for clarification. She asks about his involvement in Patternfall. He admits he was a spy. She asks for which side. He says his own. She asks if he was working with Fiona. He replies not really. She asks what his name is. He tells her it's Riftvan Vetch. She ignores him while she continues with the rest of the counsel meeting. Riftvan watches Laugher so Ariana can get a good look at her. Usires figures he should meet this king that Caine has been talking about. Caine tells him that would be difficult, since Oberon is dead. There's a new king now. Usires asks if he's one of Caine's brothers. Caine says his name is Random. Usires observes that Caine doesn't seem to think much of this king. Caine says he's an idiot. Usires asks who the idiot with the missing arm is. Caine says that's Benedict, and tells Usires to show him respect, always. He suggests that if Usires is respectful, explains the situation, and promises never to do it again, Benedict might give Usires his ax back. Usires and Caine spend the rest of the evening getting drunk and wenching. Alex and Mary finish their preparations and cast the spell. It succeeds in dampening the Spikards' power. Mary figures she's done her part and leaves. Alex hangs around to see if they were successful. Delwin begins laughing maniacally, and continues long enough for Alex to get concerned. Then he smiles at Alex and tells him it worked. A servant tells Laughter that the Lady Fiona has arrived and is not in good shape. Laughter has Fiona taken to her quarters and calls for the physician to attend to her injuries. When the meeting is done, she goes to look in on Fiona, taking Riftvan with her. She finds Fiona looking a bit singed and cursing the physician. Fiona advises her not to play with fire. Laughter updates Fiona on the hooded woman who claimed to be Florimel. Fiona says that, last she knew, Flora was working on the soup line. Laughter tells her that the elf claims the woman wasn't Florimel. She also mentions that the woman cut the elf's tongue out. Fiona finds this amusing. She advises Laughter not to trust Riftvan and to keep an eye on him. Sequence, Laughter's sword, starts urging Laughter to kill the elf. Laughter points out that wouldn't be proper, since he's now her servant. Sequence is disappointed. Fiona is much amused. Laughter wonders if Fiona would tell the truth if she was held in cold iron. Fiona gives her a startled look. Laughter says it was a random thought. Fiona observes that she has many of those. She asks if Laughter really wants to keep Riftvan and suggests asking who he's in Trump contact with. Laughter does so. Ariana breaks the contact. Riftvan indicates that he needs writing utensils. Fiona figures it was his lover. Laughter asks if she's a na siogai. Fiona says she is at the moment. Laughter is confused by this. She spends the rest of the night in her study. Riftvan asks for something to drink and then goes to sleep on her coach. Ariana tells Ahab that she's found Fiona and Riftvan. Ahab says he knows where they are. Ariana asks if he can get Riftvan out of there. Ahab says he can take them there. He attempts to do so but they hit a barrier and fall unconscious. Alex asks Delwin if Theresa is his full sister. Delwin admits she is. Alex asks why Delwin would want to be the power source for the Spikards if their use drains his life force. Delwin says he didn't know that would be the case at the time. Alex asks what circumstances Delwin left Lucretia in. Delwin observes that Sand didn't leave him much time to pack. Alex asks what he's planning to do next. Keeping Sand from killing him is a high priority. He's not real keen on going back to Amber, since Caine and Julian are still mad, and he doesn't even want to think of how Gerard feels. He notes that Sand did something that drained the Spikards enormously, which is the only reason he was able to regain control over their use. Alex opts to head back to Amber and bids Delwin farewell. He uses the Logrus to pull himself along. When he reaches Ygg, his Logrus starts looking sort of strange. The part that is pointing towards Amber is no longer as flexible as the others. He continues onward. The closer he gets to Amber, the more inflexible this arm gets, and the weaker the other arms get. When he gets to the outskirts of Amber, the Logrus fades completely. Usires sleeps off the affects of his night out with Caine then cleans his armor while Caine belches and picks his teeth. Usires says he'd like to go back to Amber and talk to Benedict. Caine asks if he's ready for that, then asks how good an ass kisser he is. He advises Usires to tell Benedict that he was duped. This doesn't sit well with Usires. Caine tells him to say he was a warrior following orders. Usires asks if Caine is coming with him. Caine figures he should come along, since Julian has been getting rather paranoid lately. Before they leave, he shows Usires his Trumps and gives him a rundown on his aunts, uncles and a few of his cousins. Felix takes a break from digging and checks to see if Foster and Rinaldo are up yet. They're gone, but there's a note on the bed addressed to "Father." It's from Foster and it starts off telling Felix not to panic, but he's gone to help Eris find Driscoll. Apparently he was needed to provide the transportation. He warns that he's whipped up a spell to make his Trump inactive and ends by telling Felix not to worry. Naturally, Felix ignores this advice and runs back to the ruins. He finds Isabeux and hands her the note. She reads it and asks if Ahab could find Foster. Felix says he hasn't seen Ahab since last night. Isabeux tells him that she saw Rinaldo earlier this morning. Felix takes off yelling his name. Rinaldo observes that he got the note. Felix glares at him. Rinaldo claims that Foster chose not to take him along. He adds that he found the note when he checked in at 1:00 in the morning. Felix asks what he was doing. Rinaldo points out that there's a bit of excitement right now, and he's unsupervised... Felix says there'll be plenty of time for that later. Rinaldo looks surprised and says he wasn't doing what Felix implied. Molly is well pleased by her night with Bart and offers to be his guide around the city. Bart looks nonplused. She asks if he's one of those love 'em and leave 'em types. He denies it, but she doesn't buy it. She asks him to at least buy her breakfast. Bart is revolted by the fact that she wants to order lobster for breakfast. She asks if he has money. He says he can come up with something. She tells him she's going to get even by giving his name to her friends. Bart doesn't find that a horrible prospect. He suggests they bathe before eating. Molly asks for a sponge bath. He doesn't know what she means. She leads him naked down the hall to the baths and demonstrates. Ahab wakes up in a pastoral Shadow with a sheep staring at him. Ariana is still unconscious. Ahab orients himself and finds he's a Shadow away from where he wanted to be. He brings up a Pattern lens and looks into the adjacent Shadow. He glimpses a rather Shakespearean looking place before he's slapped down. He Trumps Fiona, but she doesn't answer. Ahab says she's not helping. Ariana wakes up with a splitting headache and asks what happened. Ahab figures Fiona is blocking them from getting into the Shadow and there's not much he can do about it. He shapes his psyche into the words "Can we talk?" and then "We mean no harm to your planet." Ariana checks Riftvan's Trump and finds it's still cold. She Trumps him, waking him up, and tells him that Fiona is blocking her access to the Shadow. Ahab notices his view into the next Shadow is starting be blacked out. Fiona tells him to go away. Ahab decides this is a good idea. He grabs Ariana and teleports back to Amber, breaking her contact with Riftvan. Laugher notices that Riftvan is awake and figures it's time for breakfast. She takes him with her into the nursery to get Beauty. She notices his interest in Beauty and asks if it's true that they eat children. Riftvan frowns. She says that it must be propaganda and takes him down to breakfast. She asks if the chains are necessary to bind him. He tells her that even one clasp is sufficient. She suggests a trip to the blacksmith might be in order and asks a servant if Fiona is up. The servant tells her that Fiona appears to be painting on an invisible canvas. She sends the servant to invite Fiona to breakfast. They return and tell her Fiona declined, mumbling something about keeping busybodies out. Laughter chalks it up to her mother's erratic habits. Riftvan looks interested in this bit of information. She takes him down to get cleaned up while she bathes Beauty. Felix asks Rinaldo when Foster left. He's hoping to catch up to the boy. Rinaldo thinks that's unlikely, since once Foster gets beyond Arden's barrier, Logrus is faster than Pattern. Felix mumbles that Foster really shouldn't have left. Ahab and Ariana appear. Felix runs over to them and shows them the note. Ahab asks if Felix is sure Foster is his son. Ariana asks if Vialle has been notified, since she was watching Eris. Felix says she hasn't. Julian Trumps Felix and says he'd appreciate Felix's efforts in keeping litter out of the forest. He hands a game sack containing Foster through. Foster looks rather displeased. Felix asks where Eris is. Foster says she's with her father, someplace safe. Ariana asks if Random was with Driscoll, but Foster says he wasn't. Ariana leaves to update Vialle, leaving Foster to the tender mercies of Ahab and Felix. Ahab asks if Foster has any idea what sort of trouble he could have gotten into. Foster asks if Ahab could have said no to Eris. Ahab tries to use the problems he had when he went after Rygat as an example of why Foster shouldn't have left. Of course, the fact that Ahab continued to go after Rygat despite the injuries he received pretty much nullifies his point. Foster argues that nothing actually happened. Ahab says that something could have. He argues that when Foster is older, he can decide his life means nothing to him. Foster asks when he comes of age. Ahab says that's up to Felix. Felix tells Foster that he really should have asked. Foster repeats that he couldn't say no to Eris. Ahab observes that Foster chooses the oddest times to tell the truth and lie. Lying to a ten-year old girl is out of the question, but lying about the fact that he fed Felix to Vetch is OK. Foster glares at Ahab. Felix looks upset and asks what Ahab is talking about. Foster says Ahab is just being evil to make his life uncomfortable. He adds that it's just water under the bridge and doesn't matter anymore. Felix asks again what Ahab meant by "fed Felix to Vetch." Foster asks Ahab to explain. Ahab says he won't help Foster continue to weasel his way around Felix. Foster claims it didn't happen quite like Ahab said. Ahab tells Felix the whole sordid story. Foster screams at Ahab that he's no better than those in Chaos and starts to run off, but Felix grabs him before he can get away. Felix says he's been so worried about Foster and Gerard that he took a trip to Tir-na Nog'th last night. Foster says that's dangerous. Ahab says he was watching. Foster tells him the fall isn't what's dangerous. Felix tells Foster that he has too much power for a child his age. He adds that if Sand ever shows up or Foster gets another Spikard... Foster asks if Felix saw a future for him when he was in Tir-na Nog'th. Ahab tells Foster that he made out like a bandit, cosmic power and all that. Felix says he's going to be hard on Foster in the coming months and that Foster is never to leave without telling him. He asks if there's anything else about Driscoll that Foster can tell them. Foster says that Driscoll is under Heather's care, but he's injured and has amnesia. Apparently he zigged when he should have zagged when the castle blew up. Felix suggests that taking Eris to a man who doesn't remember that he's her father wasn't very smart. Foster says he already got this lecture from Heather. Bart Trumps Llewella (or she Trumps him, my notes are unclear). He complains that he doesn't like Amber much. It's too dry. He also complains about Martin's method of providing him with water. Namely making him beg for it. He asks if he has to stay much longer. She says it will be a few days more. In that case, he'd like some money. He also asks what he should be looking for. She tells him to think of it as an opportunity to practice his gossiping skills and tells him to charge everything to Rebma. He tells her he's acquired an escort. She tells him not to ill-use her. Bart says she didn't understand. Llewella warns him that the concept of free love hasn't spread to the surface yet. She says that repeat visits are suggested. Two or three a month. Bart isn't pleased. She says he can come back when it's safe and breaks the contact. Laughter asks Riftvan what he prefers to be called. He replies that he's been called many things, and he's sure she can settle on something. She says na siogai scum has a certain ring to it. Riftvan bows slightly. Laughter figures Vetch will do. She tells him she was christened Lavender, but they call her Laughter, and she can't get a new name. He smiles and writes that he likes Lavender. Sequence prefers Mom. Laughter asks if it called its maker, Father. It says that was a different sort of relationship. Laughter asks Riftvan to delineate the process of shifting Shadow. He tells her one needs to expand one's imagination. She asks if this can be done in Foil. He tells her that not being of the blood, he doubts a shift would take her far. She mentions that she's better at it than the na siogai. He tells her the ones here are of poor quality. They are merely commoners. She asks how he accomplishes it. He tells her that he merely pictures where he wants to go and recites the proper rhyme. Fiona enters the room and asks if Laughter is still playing with that Faerie. Laughter admits that she is. Fiona warns her that if she asks him any undue questions, she'll have to get rid of him. Laughter asks what undue questions Fiona is referring to. Fiona says Laughter knows what she means. Sequence asks "Mom" why Fiona's like that. Fiona wonders how Sequence would look as cufflinks. Sequence opts to leave in a huff. Fiona observes that it's totally sick the way that thing refers to Laughter as Mother. Laughter thinks it's some sick joke of Cal's. Riftvan's ears perk up at the mention of Cal. Laughter says she hates it when he does that. Fiona suggests getting rid of him. Laughter says she still has questions for him. Fiona decides to sit in and Laughter is unsuccessful at getting her to leave. She asks Fiona what she was doing earlier in the infirmary. Fiona will only say that it was for her own good. Laughter opts to go and practice sword fighting. She takes Riftvan with her, so Fiona is forced to come along and watch. Alex encounters Julian in Arden and manages to finagle safe passage. He continues towards Amber. After a while he hears something growling behind him. He turns and sees Battlestar. Alex asks what he's done and swears he doesn't know where he is. He also says he's been given passage by Julian. Battlestar says he doesn't work for Julian and mentions that it's been a long time since he's tasted Chaosite blood. Alex asks under who's orders he is to die. Battlestar asks who he usually hangs around with and prepares to leap. Alex jumps to safety in a tree, getting his leg mangled in the process. Battlestar licks his chops, says later, and trots off. Alex replies that he hopes not. Caine and Usires return to Amber. Ahab notices their arrival but opts to ignore it. Felix rolls his eyes. Usires looks around and spots Ahab and Felix talking to Foster. He goes looking for Benedict. Caine hangs back. Usires tells Benedict that there's been a misunderstanding. He claims he was unaware of his relationship to this house and the true nature of the elves he was set to guard. He adds that Caine suggested that if he promised not to interfere with the family anymore, he might get his ax back. Benedict notes that Usires is a Norseman and asks if he intends to help Sand in the future. Usires says he doesn't think so. Benedict doesn't find this reassuring. Usires says he won't help her intentionally. Benedict warns that if Usires does so, he will take it as a personal affront. Usires nods. With this understood, Benedict says Usires will start with a clean slate with him and takes him to get his ax. Foster asks if Ahab and Felix are done yelling at him. Ahab says the deal was he'd keep his mouth shut if Foster squared things with his dad and didn't do it again. Since he didn't... Foster says that so far Heather, Julian and the two of them have made him feel like an idiot and he'd like a break. They decide to go get breakfast. Ariana finds Murine, who tells her that Vialle Trumped out in the middle of the night. Since she appeared to go willingly, Ariana figures Vialle probably went to join Eris. It occurs to her that she might be able to push something through her Trump contact with Riftvan and use that to grab him. She asks if Murine knows where she can find a staff or pole with a hook on one end. Murine finds one for her. Ariana gets some medical supplies and Trumps Riftvan again. Riftvan sees the hook and reaches out towards her, pretending to stretch. Ariana tries to push the hook through, but Fiona cuts off the contact before she succeeds. Fiona suggests that Laughter make Riftvan promise not to escape. Laughter tells Riftvan that if he's offered escape, she'd prefer he didn't leave. She also tells Sequence to guard him. It buzzes around him a few times before landing right between his legs. Laughter tells it that's not going to help. Riftvan isn't real pleased. Sequence argues with Laughter and Fiona for a while. Ariana tries to reach Riftvan again and is cut off once more. Bart annoys the Hell out of Foster on the food line. Felix, Foster and Ahab have a very silly conversation, which I am not going to dignify by recording it here. Alex changes into a bird and flies clear of Arden, then walks the rest of the way into town. He is surprised to find that the castle is gone and figures that must be why Sand drained the Spikards. He joins Felix, Foster and Ahab at breakfast and tells them of his encounter with Battlestar. They speculate as what exactly is going on in Arden. Ariana tells Benedict that Fiona appears to be alive and well. Benedict is not surprised. She asks him for advice on how to keep a Trump contact open when someone else is interfering. He suggests speaking with someone who's more skilled in Trump. He mentions that Bleys might be willing to help, since he likes tormenting Fiona. She thanks him, leaves, and Trumps Bleys. She says she has a favor to ask, but she doesn't want to discuss it over Trump. He pulls her through to him. She explains that Fiona is keeping something she wants in one of her Shadows. She describes the Shadow and Laughter and asks if he can help. Bleys advises her not to mention Laughter to Fiona and says he'll talk to his sister. He leaves the room. A short while later, he returns and tells her to go ahead. Ariana Trumps Riftvan and tries to hook his chains. He gives her an apologetic look and tries to move his hands away, but she succeeds and pulls him close enough to drop the pole and grab him. Sequence tries to cut her hand off, but she blocks it with Alastor. It flies through the contact and is engaged by Bleys. Laughter leaps forward and grabs Riftvan's leg. She is dragged through the contact and lands on top of him. Ariana points Alastor at Laughter and tells her to get off of Riftvan. She refuses. Ariana Process Snuffs Laughter and pushes her off. Sequence is most upset by this and engages Ariana. Ariana manages to hold it off. Bleys Trumps Fiona and winces in pain. He assures her that he's working on returning Laughter. He picks Laughter up, which causes her to wake up. She orders Sequence to her. Sequence reluctantly disengages. Ariana frees Riftvan. Laughter says she trusts Ariana has a reason for this attack. Ariana says she does. Fiona arrives and orders Laughter to return to Foil. Laughter asks Riftvan how he stands. Riftvan tells Ariana psychically that he must stay with Laughter for two weeks. Laughter says Ariana may come if she wishes. Ariana asks if Laughter will bind Riftvan with iron again. Laughter promises not to. Fiona insists that Laughter return. Laughter doesn't want to and asks why she must. Fiona admits Laughter isn't in danger but says it will be terribly inconvenient for her if Laughter doesn't go back. Laughter reluctantly agrees to return. Ariana decides to go with Riftvan. Fiona makes Laughter promise not to ask about Amber, her father, or Shadow shifting. Then Fiona picks up one of the iron bands and uses it to catch Riftvan's eye. Once she has eye contact, she forces him to approach her. Ariana breaks their eye contact, but it doesn't seem to help. Fiona puts the iron band on Riftvan's wrist. While he must tell the truth, she makes him swear not to tell Laughter of Amber, Chaos or Shadow. He swears to this and she removes the band. Laughter is upset with Fiona, since she had just promised not to do that. Fiona brings them back to Foil. Foster and Felix go back to moving rubble. Foster drops a rock on his foot when he sees Usires with his ax. Ahab tells Foster that Usires has been "cained," which earns him a rock in the back of the head. When Ahab turns around, Caine is innocently watching him. Felix suggests that Foster work over by Gerard. He approaches Usires and says he's surprised to see him again. He asks if Usires' will be using that ax on Foster. Usires says he won't, now that he knows who Foster is. Alex checks the dead but Lucretia is not among them. He approaches Benedict, who notes that he seems to be popular today. Alex asks if Chaos has been notified about the destruction of the castle. Benedict observes that would be unwise. Alex mentions that he was attacked in Arden. Benedict notes there are some elements in Arden beyond Julian's control. Alex tells him it was Battlestar who attacked him. Benedict says Julian left that little detail out. He Trumps Julian and asks if he needs help. Julian says it hasn't reached that stage yet. Alex joins the others in the rubble. Riftvan puts his arms around Ariana and hugs her. Laughter shows them to a room. Sequence tells Laughter it wants to go out, but won't say where. Laughter tells it to go ahead. It goes back to the room where Laughter left Ariana and Riftvan and knocks. Ariana asks who it is, and is surprised to hear it's Sequence. She draws Alastor and lets it in. It asks if it can spar with her later. She agrees. It also asks her about Shadow. She won't answer. Riftvan tells her Sequence might be able to move through Shadow, which means it might be able to lead Laughter out. He asks to examine Sequence magically. Sequence allows this and finds that it tickles. Riftvan determines that it can't move through Shadow on its own. Sequence continues to try and get information on Shadow from Ariana. It starts to remind her of Ahab in some ways and the idea of them meeting appeals to her, partly because of the inherent Faerie sense of mischief. She comments to Sequence that there's someone she'd really like it to meet. It likes the idea, so she tells it to leave and closes the door. She then proceeds to Trump Ahab. Or tries. It's blocked. Sequence flies through the door (literally) and is disappointed that it didn't work. Fiona walks in a short time later and she doesn't look happy. Sequence leaves in a hurry. Fiona starts casting a spell. When she directs the final lynchpin at Ariana, Ariana disrupts it. Fiona looks annoyed and says Ariana will return to Amber, it's just a question of doing it the easy way or the hard way. Ariana insists on knowing why. Fiona won't say. Laughter walks by and asks what's going on. Fiona says Ariana must leave. Laughter says that Ariana is her guest. Fiona insists. Laughter tells Fiona that she can leave. She points out she promised Ariana could stay, and Fiona has Riftvan's bond as well as her own. Ariana offers to swear to the same conditions. Fiona asks if she's willing to do so under iron. Ariana says she is. Fiona tells her it's a dark hole she's fallen down and she hopes she can claw her way out of it. She leaves in a huff, followed by Laughter. Laughter tells Fiona she doesn't have to go, but Fiona leaves anyway. Riftvan tells Ariana not to make an enemy of Fiona. Ariana says she's trying not to, and comments that being a Faerie can be annoying. Riftvan offers to change her back. She doesn't want him to, since then she can't go back to Tir-na Nog'th. She asks what set Sand off. He says she needed a new power source, since Delwin was fading, and she thought the Jewel would work. Ariana asks how Sand caught him. He says she nailed him with magic when he was trying to do something nasty to her. He warns Ariana that he's been locked in this form by Sand, which is why he couldn't shapeshift to escape his bonds. He doesn't know how to undo it. Given that one of his other forms is dying, this is not necessarily a bad thing. Laughter chooses the moment after this little bombshell has been dropped to knock on the door. Ariana asks her to wait a moment and asks Riftvan what happened. He tells her that he was infected with Chaos cancer in the process of saving Morgan. There's no one he trusts who can reverse it. She asks why he wished her luck before Sand attacked her. He says had a hunch Sand was probably going to try something. He didn't warn her explicitly because Sand would have noticed that she was prepared and done something worse to her. This would tend to go against his goal of keeping her breathing. Bart and Felix get into an argument in the soup line. Bart claims he's a member of the royal family. Ahab asks who his parents are. He won't say who his mother is, but claims that Felix is his father. Felix is most upset by this. Bart brings up the naked visit to Rebma that Felix, Foster, Ahab and Ariana made six months ago. Ahab isn't bothered by this. He points out that Bart had better be sure he's telling the truth, because if he's not a member of the royal family, Felix can take his head off and no one can do anything about it. Bart asks if this is true. Molly confirms it. Alex checks to see if Bart has Pattern and is surprised to find that he does. He shares this information with the others. Ahab runs his own check and confirms this. The conversation gets rather silly again. Ariana tells Laughter to come in. Laughter tells Riftvan that he can go, since she can't ask him what she wants to know and he can't tell her. Riftvan says he'll stay anyway. He tells Laughter that he'll do what he can, within the bounds of his promise, to help her leave Foil. Ariana asks Riftvan psychically if there's any other reason why he's staying. He tells her that since he agreed to stay while bound by iron, he can only be released the same way, and he's had quite enough of cold iron recently. Ariana asks Riftvan if he thinks the twins are OK. He says they were when he left them. She asks what the time differential is between Foil and Tir-na Nog'th and learns there's about a twelve hour difference. Riftvan asks if she wants to bring the twins to Foil. She does, as long as it's safe. Riftvan asks Laughter if he can bring his children to Foil, since their mother hasn't been able to spend much time with them since they were born. Laughter has no problem with this. Riftvan is still able to cast spells despite the loss of his tongue, so he opens a gate back to Tir-na Nog'th and sends Ariana through. Ariana gathers up the twins and some essentials, and then Trumps Riftvan. He pulls her through and she fusses over the twins for a while. Laughter takes them up to the nursery and asks if they're married. Riftvan says they aren't in the eyes of the law. Laughter says she could marry them. Riftvan declines. Laughter notes that Ariana and Riftvan attract quite a bit of unfriendly attention in their current forms and offers to disguise them with a glamour. Ariana winds up with blond hair and blue eyes while Riftvan looks like a handsomer version of Corwin. Ariana asks Laughter about her background. Laughter explains that she was brought to Foil when she was around three moths old by Julian, who subsequently forgot where he left her. She was swapped with another baby, who was raised by another family. Riftvan asks if Shakespeare's plays are still performed here. Laughter looks unhappy and says that she is dead. That's one of the things that set off the war with the na siogai. Ariana asks how Laughter came to be the Queen, since that's usually a hereditary position. Laughter explains that her mother's children were half na siogai, and there was a prophecy that a half-breed would rule. She's the only one of her mother's children left, and it's not commonly known that she's not her mother's natural child. Ariana asks if Laughter will teach her Faerie magic, in exchange for some weapons training. Laughter agrees to consider it. Ahab Trumps Fiona, who looks upset. He asks if she really needs Vetch. She says that's been taken care of. Ahab notes that Ariana can be a spoilsport. He asks what's troubling her. She looks innocent and asks why he called. He tells her that Kimdyl discovered Fiona's signature. He figures she left it there when she was patching him up after Mirelle shot him. She asks what he'd do if Julian was really angry at him. Apparently she's been holding something over Julian for decades and forgot to tell him she'd rectified it. He advises her to tell Julian that things are moving under their own power and that it might be conceivable that she's sorry. He points out that she's cute and female, which will help. Fiona finds the concept of Ahab giving her advice amusing. She tells him that she won't be answering Trumps for a while and asks him to tell Bleys that he's an asshole. Ahab asks if there's anything else he can do for her. She asks him to stay away from that Shadow and keep everyone else away from it too. He asks what she's keeping there. She says it's a hideous creature. He asks if it's her husband. She says no, but tells him it's playing with Vetch right now. She asks him to try and get Ariana to leave there. Ahab asks if he should tell Ariana that she's an asshole too. Fiona figures she already knows. Quotables: "Well it has to do with Sand, but it's not about Sand" -- Felix "I didn't bring your penis into this." -- Felix "Can I get my lunch before you're dead?" -- Alex to Bart