Chapter Forty-one Felix drops Foster off at the library and goes to check in on Swiss Family Ahab. Ahab invites Felix in to his quarters. Felix explains he was in the neighborhood so that Foster could get a book. Ahab asks what the title of the book is. Felix doesn't know. Ahab opines that Foster is going to take over the world. Felix doesn't appreciate this. Ahab asks why Felix looks so nervous. Felix explains that he met Foster's friend today. Ahab asks him to go on. Felix tells Ahab that this friend was real enough to travel across shadow. Ahab notes that Felix doesn't appear to have detained the individual in question. Felix says the friend claimed he wasn't from Chaos. Ahab points out he could be lying. He asks what Felix did do. Felix admits he invited the friend to dinner. He observes that Ahab disagrees with his actions. Ahab admits it's not what he would have done. Felix says he found out what house Foster is from. Ahab says it's Vetch. Felix asks how he knew. Ahab pats Kimdyl on the head and says he has his sources. Felix tells Ahab there may be hope for Murine, since her body doesn't seem to be decomposing. Ahab asks if Kimdyl's thought about that spell. She says she's working on it. He's tells her he's just making sure that she hasn't forgotten it, like everything else he asks. She glares at him. Felix says he doesn't need to hear this. Kimdyl asks Felix for a set of 12-inch knives for her wedding. Felix doesn't think that would be appropriate. Ahab asks Felix what Foster's friend told him. Felix gives him the details. Ahab asks for a description of the man. Felix provides it and mentions he called himself Riftvan. Ahab tells Felix to call him when Riftvan turns up again. Kimdyl tells Felix not to. Ahab asks how Foster is doing. Felix thinks Riftvan's visit cheered him up. Felix excuses himself, claiming he just dropped in to check on the happy couple. Kimdyl asks what happy couple. Felix says he meant her and Ahab, but it could mean her and Nicholas. Ahab asks Kimdyl if she's been abusing their child. Kimdyl smacks him. Felix notes they seem to have things to work out. Kimdyl says they don't, tells Ahab he's baby-sitting, and walks out. Felix and Ahab discuss how similar Kimdyl and Murine are. Felix leaves to go check on Foster. Still feeling upset about what happened with Mirelle, Ariana rides for a while. Eventually she winds up on the beach near the spot where she and Martin made love. While she's bathing, a blood- red raven lands and watches her. It's carrying a white rose in its beak. When she walks over to the bird, it drops the rose at her feet and flies away. Ariana can find no indication of who sent it. She gets dressed and rides back to Amber. Heather is in the kitchen watching Rinaldo eat his squash when she gets a Trump call from Brand. He tells her that there appear to be Logrus tendrils heading towards the Star and advises her to take care of it. As the contact fades, a servant announces that a Lord Vetch is there to see her. She turns and sees a man, about 6'4" tall, with broad shoulders, a narrow waist, gray hair with a little red around the temples and bright blue eyes. He asks if he's come at a bad time. Heather apologizes for the lack of decorum. Vetch mentions his surprise that he wasn't shown to a more appropriate location. Heather notices the servant has left and observes that she will be training a new one. She brings Vetch to a sitting room, sits down, and says she'll pretend he just entered the room. Vetch tells her he's come to pay his respects and to offer his fealty. Heather asks why. He points out she may one day be Queen of Chaos. She figures she won't last long in that case. Unless she has backing, Vetch adds. Heather thanks him for his support, but doesn't see how one man can help. Vetch smiles. He mentions he wouldn't mind having the support of House Sawall. Heather asks why he's there. He insists it's just a social call. Heather says she finds his timing odd, since there's a personal vendetta declared against him. Vetch claims he isn't too worried about that. He asks how she's adjusting to her new role. She asks which one. He notes there have been quite a few of them lately. She admits this. Heather gets a Trump call from Brand, who warns her the Logrus tendrils are getting closer. Vetch asks how the new Pattern is doing. Heather suggests he see for himself. He asks if that's an invitation. She offers him a hand. He takes it. Heather notices that he's wearing gloves. She takes him to the Star. Vetch inspects the Star. At one point, he stops and cocks his head for a moment. He observes that it appears he's not the only person interested in Heather's Pattern and asks how strong it is. Heather smiles enigmatically. He asks if she knew of this. She nods. He assures her that he won't interfere then. Heather Trumps Brand, but he doesn't respond. Vetch asks what she plans. She says she plans nothing. He asks if she thinks the Pattern can survive the attack. She doesn't. He asks if she can do anything. She claims she can't. He asks if she minds if he does something. She says she will allow this. Vetch summons the Logrus. The ground trembles for a while and then stops. Vetch has broken into a slight sweat. He breathes a sigh of relief and remarks that Hendrakes can be rather forceful. Heather says she's heard this. Vetch tells her he's given them something to think about for a while, but he wouldn't rule out the possibility of a return. He asks if there's anything else he can do for her. She asks him to refrain from inciting a war. He claims that he likes Amber and wouldn't like to see her damaged. Heather asks if she can be blunt. He nods. She points out that his attitude is at odds with his previous behavior. He claims he was sidetracked during Patternfall, but Heather removed the cause. Heather says this is true, until Rygat regains her sanity. Vetch figures that will be a while. They propose a new beginning. Vetch observes that he's taken up enough of her time and thanks her for indulging him. He wishes her luck with her Pattern and disappears into the mist. Ahab Trumps Fiona, but she's not taking calls. He Trumps Random next. When Random answers, Ahab explains that he's making a follow-up call about the location of Rygat's Trump. He wants to know if the issue was successfully resolved. Random says it disappeared a week ago. He has his suspicions about who has it, and if he's right it's being taken care of. Ahab figures it's out of his hand then. He breaks the contact and starts working out in his room. Ariana goes to the library to look up the meaning of a white rose. She finds Foster there reading a book about the Pattern. Foster doesn't appear to notice her. Eventually she locates a book on symbols which says a white rose symbolizes purity, while red symbolizes martyrdom. A white rose is also likened to Venus, with the pricking of its thorns like the pain of love. Ariana walks over behind Foster and asks him what he's reading. He jumps at least a foot in surprise. Felix walks into the library and notices that Ariana is standing by Foster, who looks nervous. He gives her an odd look. She asks how he's doing. He says he was talking to Ahab and remarks that Ahab and Kimdyl have an odd relationship. Ariana asks if Ahab's been making any more plans to find Vetch. Foster picks up his book and moves to the other side of the room. Ariana asks Felix what the look he gave her meant. Felix explains that he saw her standing by Foster, and Foster's odd expression, and he thought... Ariana assures him that she wouldn't approach Foster in that way, since he's only ten. Felix asks what will happen when he's older. She says that depends on Foster. Felix figures he'll cross that bridge when he comes to it. Alex walks into the library and pesters Foster. Foster leaves, followed by Alex. Felix and Ariana check to make sure Alex goes somewhere different than Foster. Ariana asks Felix if there will be services for Murine. Felix explains that he's not sure she's dead yet. Ariana offers to check for any psychic activity. Felix invites her to stay at the summer house. She tells him that she and Gerard are trying to help Mirelle, and explains what she's learned, including the truth about her parentage. Felix tells Ariana that those are Mirelle's problems, not hers. Foster Trumps Ahab and asks what Felix wants in a son. Apparently he's been trying to change his behavior to please Felix. Ahab tells him he's trying too hard. He says Felix tends to find something he likes and do it until he's tired of it. Foster asks how Ahab gets along with his parents. Ahab says his relationship with his father is distant. They talk some more. At one point, Foster claims he doesn't girl-watch. Ahab gives Foster a disbelieving look. He says he's Foster's uncle, so Foster can be straight with him. Foster asks if Ahab has seen Ariana naked. Ahab points out that Foster has too, on that trip to Rebma. Foster admits he didn't really look. Somehow Ahab is not surprised. Ahab changes the subject, asking if Felix was surprised by the visit from Riftvan. Foster doesn't want to talk about it. Ahab advises Foster that it's one thing to manipulate the family, it's another to let them catch on. He also suggests that Felix isn't as dense as he acts. Foster thanks Ahab for his advice. Ahab invites him to bring his friend by sometime. Alex goes into town looking for watchmakers. The Star manifests itself with an image of a six-year old Brand. It looks at Heather sideways and says it assumes she's going to tell Mandor about the attack, so he can do something next time. Heather observes they still need to find the Star a better avatar. It wants something like Ghostwheel. She tells she'll be back as soon as she can. It asks her not to scare it like that again. They discuss Vetch. Heather finds it convenient that Vetch arrived when Mandor was gone. The Star suggests that maybe Vetch is afraid of Mandor. Heather thinks Mandor may know something about Vetch. She asks the Star to tell Brand he's an asshole if he arrives and returns to Mandorways. Heather Trumps Mandor. Mandor has Jasra slung over his shoulder. He asks if she has another errand for him. She says that depends on how much stress he wants his poor wife to be under. He asks what's happened. She tells him his servants are poorly trained. Mandor claims if the servant was poorly trained, it wasn't one of his. Heather pulls him through and describes the servant. He's positive it's not one of his. Heather tells him that a Lord Vetch visited, and suggests the servant may have been Vetch's creature. Mandor says Vetch may not have been responsible. He tells Heather that Vetch is up against some pretty severe opposition. Heather thinks Mandor should look into the matter of the servant. Mandor gets ready to go, telling her he expects her to take care of Jasra. Heather stops him, saying she doesn't want him to leave, yet. She explains that she was distressed by Vetch's arrival, since she knows nothing about him. She tells Mandor about Vetch's visit. Mandor observes that it sounds harmless enough. Heather complains that all she knows about Vetch is that her relatives are clamoring for his blood. Mandor smiles and says Vetch had been having a bit of fun with them. He tells her that Vetch is rather honest, for a Chaos lord. Mandor leaves a globe for Jasra, kisses Heather and leaves. Rinaldo notices Jasra lying on the floor and asks if Mama is taking a nap. Heather suggests he do the same. He refuses. She spends the rest of the afternoon modifying Annwfngwyn for use as an avatar for the Star. Felix finds Foster in a sitting room. He asks if Foster is ready to go. Foster says he is. They go to Gerard's room. Gerard is sitting at his desk, surrounded by books. Ariana goes to Gerard's room as well. Felix tells Gerard that he and Foster are returning to the summer house. Gerard says he'll join them later. Felix asks if Ariana still wants to come. She says she does, but she needs to talk to Gerard first. Felix Trumps Isabeux and asks her to pull him and Foster through. Foster takes his book into the living room. Isabeux tells Felix she's invited Driscoll and Eris to stay for the weekend. Felix isn't sure that's a good idea. Isabeux figures Foster should be around other children. Then she observes that Foster seemed to be having a good time the other day. Felix blushes. Isabeux asks why he's blushing. Felix tries to get out of answering the question. He says he's learned that his relationship with Foster is like his relationship with Ahab. Isabeux asks what that means. Felix claims he has to go check on his son. Isabeux grabs him by the scruff of his neck and asks what he means. Felix doesn't want to talk about it. Isabeux warns that dinner's getting cold. Felix asks what's for dinner. When she says it's lobster, he figures it can get cold. Isabeux asks if his embarrassment has anything to do with the number of bathing suits left on the beach the other day. She's shocked to learn that he went to Rebma butt-naked. Felix argues that Foster dared him to, or he wouldn't come out from under the porch. Isabeux bursts out laughing. The tips of Felix's ears turn red. When she gets her laughter under control, Isabeux says they'll have to have a talk about raising children. She tells him Foster was bluffing. She points out that Felix always came out for dinner. Felix says Foster doesn't like food. Isabeux figures Foster is Felix's son, so that's unlikely. She asks if Felix has learned anything. Felix guesses it's not to do what Foster tells him. Isabeux congratulates him and says he can go now. Felix asks if there's room for one more at dinner, since he's invited Ariana. He explains that Ariana is going to look at Murine and she needs to get away from the Castle. He adds that Ariana and Gerard "talked" to Mirelle and Ariana was disturbed by what she found. Isabeux says she can make do. Alex finds no watchmakers in Amber, so he goes looking for one in shadow. He has to go out near Ygg in order to find what he's looking for. He obtains four watches and brings them back to Amber. Ariana suggests to Gerard that Random might help Mirelle by talking to her, since he was the only one who was close to her and he also had to deal with Paulette's suicide. Gerard agrees with her and says he'll speak to Random about it. He doesn't think they should try probing Mirelle psychically again. Ariana tells him she doesn't think she could go through it again. She tells him that she learned that Mirelle is her mother. Gerard assumes this should be kept in confidence. Ariana leaves Gerard's room and goes to Ahab's. He invites her in. She tells him about the blood-red bird and asks if he's heard of anything like it before. He tells her that Oberon created one once, to bring the Jewel of Judgment to Corwin. They discuss who might have sent it, and both of them figure it was Vetch. Ariana asks if Ahab has any new ideas for locating Vetch. Ahab claims he's been too busy lately. Ariana tells Ahab what she's learned about her parentage. She admits she doesn't think she can kill her child's father. Ahab insists Vetch deserves to die. Ariana points out that Ahab reacted rather poorly when he thought Deirdre had killed Ramon. They agree to disagree. Ariana asks if Ahab's talked to his Pattern ghost about Ariadne. Ahab says he was planning to. Ariana asks if he knows how to interpret the rose. Ahab figures it's a peace offering. They discuss possible ways of responding. Ahab recalls the method he used to send his message to Rygat, namely finding a creature of his desire and giving it the message. Ariana thanks Ahab for his suggestions and leaves. Felix meets the girl next door while walking along the beach. She's 5'6" tall, with curly brown hair tied back in a pony-tail. Her name is Irene and she's Lord Feldane's daughter. It turns out she met him once before, at the banquet for the Golden Circle ambassadors. Felix remembers that Irene was one of the women he asked to dance with Shard. Ahab uses his own Trump to contact his Pattern ghost. His ghost looks extremely paranoid when he answers. Ahab mentions Ariadne, which earns him a guilty look from his ghost. Ahab suspects Ariadne is there. He questions his ghost, but the ghost doesn't seem to know about Ariadne's earlier encounter with someone who looked like Ahab. Ahab notices that his ghost seems different and asks what he's up to. The ghost says it's none of his business. Ahab asks why he's so substantial. The ghost claims the Rose is experiencing a Pattern surge. Ahab asks if the Rose has found an avatar. His ghost won't discuss the matter over Trump, since they can be overheard. Ahab asks if his ghost seduced Ariadne. His ghost says he hasn't, but they are mutually happy now. Ahab asks who was involved. His ghost won't say. Ahab guesses it was Vetch. The ghost admits it's a good guess. He points out that Ahab doesn't know the whole story. Ahab asks him to go on. He figures he has a stake in it since Vetch used his form. His ghost claims Vetch did it for Ariadne, who needed it. He adds that they've benefited from it. Ahab tells his ghost that if it gets Ariadne pregnant, he fucking quits. Kimdyl returns to their quarters shortly before dinner. Ahab tells her about Ariadne and his ghost. Ghostwheel appears and tells Ahab that his Pattern ghost isn't really a ghost anymore, he's more like a twin. Ahab asks what happened. Ghostwheel says Ariadne came across the procedure to make ghosts real. It adds that it would be disappointed if Ahab killed his twin, since now that Ahab 2 is not tied to the Rose, he's incredibly useful. Ahab says he'll be pissed if Ahab 2 starts impersonating him. Ghostwheel thinks that's unlikely, since Ahab 2 claims Ariadne's better in bed than Kimdyl ever was. Kimdyl does not look happy to hear this. Ghostwheel asks Ahab not to kill his twin. Ahab says he wants Ghostwheel to sweat about it. Ghostwheel points out it doesn't have pores. Ahab asks Ghostwheel what the Rose's avatar is. Ghostwheel says it is. Ahab figures this news indicates Ghostwheel has already been fucked. He observes that Patternfall has taught him that the Pattern considers people disposable. Ghostwheel claims that the Rose and the Star don't view people that way, it's only the old Pattern that thinks like that. Ahab asks what the Star is. Ghostwheel tells him it's Brand's Pattern. It says it thought he knew. Ahab points out he's low on the notify list. He orders Ghostwheel to leave. Ghostwheel points out that Ahab has no way to make it do so. Ahab suggests it leave before he tells Fiona that there's a fascinating piece of machinery around. Ghostwheel leaves in a hurry. Kimdyl glares at Ahab. He points out that he didn't do anything. She asks how he expects her to react to this information. Ahab mumbles that this is his day for taking shit for things he hasn't done. Heather brings her whip and Annwfngwyn to the Star. After a while, it manifests and suggests that it would speed things along if she'd let it know she wanted to speak to it. Heather lays the items down, but the Star can't absorb them. It tells her the Annwfngwyn is Trump based, which is too alien. The whip it might be able to absorb, but it would take a long time. It tells her it needs a Pattern object. It suggests she find someone skilled in Pattern who is interested in the balance. Ariana rides out to the summer house. Dinner passes uneventfully. Afterwards, Isabeux shows Ariana to her room. Felix asks if she's ready take a look at Murine. She is, so Felix brings her to Murine's room. Felix notes Murine's color has improved. Ariana detects the presence of Logrus in the room. She asks if Foster can use it. Felix doesn't think so. She tells him that someone has been using Logrus in the room within the past hour. Ariana suggests it may have been Kimdyl, since she was looking into a spell to help Murine. She makes psychic contact with Murine and discovers that there is a small psychic presence. She also determines that Murine's heart is beating, albeit slowly (only once per minute). She tells Felix of this, warning that the psychic presence she is detecting is much smaller than normal. She points out that even if Murine recovers, she may not be the same woman he knew. Felix decides to tell Foster the news. Ahab eventually manages to convince Kimdyl that she's being petty. They go down to dinner. Dinner in Amber is also uneventful. Ahab notices that Deirdre isn't there. After dinner, he goes to his quarters and Trumps her. Her Trump grows dark but doesn't animate. He figures this means she's unconscious. He tells Kimdyl about it. She tells him to run off and rescue Deirdre, she'll watch Nicholas. Ahab pretends that's not what he had in mind. Kimdyl doesn't buy it. Ahab starts suiting up. Ariana Trumps Ahab. She asks if Kimdyl took a look at Murine. Ahab asks Kimdyl if she did. Kimdyl says "Kind of." Ahab asks her to elaborate. She says she cast the spell, but she doesn't know the results. Ahab tells her that since Ariana's asking about it, it must have done something. Ariana tells Ahab the latest about Murine's condition. She notes that he's in chainmail and wearing Morglyph and asks what's up. He tells her he's off to rescue Deirdre. She offers her assistance. Ahab asks if she really wants to be involved in helping Deirdre. Ariana figures two have a better chance than one, and besides, she's sick of stitching Ahab back up. He asks if her armor's handy. She says it is and tells him she'll Trump him when she's ready. Felix finds Foster and tells him the news about Murine. Foster takes it well. Felix says good-night and turns in. Heather talks to Brand about the day's happenings. He points out that she'd be more useful if she had Pattern but offers little other help. Alex Trumps his mother. It's morning in Chaos. He tells her he has a few new toys and says he's had time to do some research. She asks what he's researching. He tells her "This and that." He says he'll show it to her some time. She asks if there's something troubling him. He warns it's going to be an untoward question, given present company. She tells him to ask. He asks if she and his father were ever actually married. She tells him they weren't. He thanks her and hopes she enjoys her day. She mentions something about breakfast in bed. Alex grimaces and says he'll see her in a few days. She tells him to call first. Ariana puts on her armor and grabs her sword. She knocks on Felix's door, waking him just as he was dropping off to sleep. She tells him that Kimdyl did cast a spell on Murine to try and remove the poison. She also tells him that she and Ahab are going in search of Deirdre. Felix wishes them luck. Ariana Trumps Ahab. He pulls her through and Pattern transports to Deirdre. They appear in front of Dworkin's door, which has been smashed. Deirdre's bloody body is lying at their feet. Ariana picks Deirdre up and they run for the infirmary. Ariana asks Ahab to find help, preferably not Gerard, since she doesn't want to disturb him, unless it's necessary. Ahab tries Fiona, but there's no answer. He tries Gerard next. As the contact goes through, Ahab realizes that Gerard is, um, occupied. He breaks the contact and tries Driscoll. Driscoll answers and Ahab asks him to come through. They set up a blood transfusion from Ahab. Ahab Trumps Kimdyl and tells her what's happening. They start getting cute. Ariana tells Ahab to stop, claiming he's making her nauseous. Ahab tells her it must be that indeterminate-time-of-the-day sickness. Driscoll looks confused. Ariana says she'll explain later. After several hours of work, they manage to pull Deirdre through. Ahab and Driscoll go back to their quarters to get some sleep. Ariana rides back out to the summer house. Felix wakes up the next morning and discovers that Foster is on the beach talking to Riftvan again. He asks what they're doing. Riftvan says they're are playing Hearts. Felix suggests the house may be a better place. Foster claims they didn't want to wake people up. Felix asks if Riftvan has completed his errands. Riftvan says he has. Felix tells him that Murine seems to be recovering, thanks to Kimdyl. Riftvan asks if he's invited to breakfast. Felix says he is and brings him to the house. He introduces Riftvan to Ariana, who has come downstairs. Riftvan kisses her hand and says the morning is brightened by the presence of such beauty. They all sit down and talk. Felix mentions that Ahab wanted to talk to Riftvan. Riftvan asks why. Felix thinks it's because he's surprised Foster has a friend. Foster looks unhappy about this. Ariana asks Riftvan where he's from. He tells her he's from a place very near to Chaos. She asks how long he's known Foster. He figures it's been five years. She asks if Foster was always so serious. He says he was. Foster looks uncomfortable. She asks what they did together. Riftvan says they played games and asks if she plays Hearts. She does, so he produces a deck. Felix says that Ariana doesn't play for money. Riftvan raises an eyebrow. Ariana asks Felix what he meant by that. Felix claims he was just trying to save her money. Mebd arrives at Alex's door. She explains that Heather has freed her and asks if he minds that she's low-born. Alex says he doesn't mind. She kisses him. Heather brings her Annwfngwyn and whip to the Star and prepares to walk it.