Gérard, Prince of Amber

"A big, powerful man regarded me from the next card. He resembled Corwin quite strongly, save that his jaw was heavier, and I knew he was bigger than Corwin, though slower. His strength was a thing out of legend. He wore a dressing gown of blue and gray clasped around the middle with a wide, black belt, and he stood laughing. About his neck, on a heavy cord, there hung a silver hunting horn. He wore a fringe beard and a light mustache. In his right hand he held a goblet of wine."

"Outrageous Fortune"
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Done by Kris Fazzari.

Quote is taken from Roger Zelazny's Nine Princes In Amber and is © by Roger Zelazny.

Last modified on July 24, 1997 by Kris Fazzari.