
"His hair looked golden, or even coppery, by what light there was upon it; but I remembered it as a kind of dirty blond by natural light. His eyes, I recalled, were green, and he was pretty big. I saw that he had on a heavy, green sleeveless doublet without a collar, over something black and also heavy, with sleeves that extended down his arms to vanish within green gauntlets. His trousers were black, as were the high boots they entered; his cloak was black and lined with an emerald green that caught the light as the cloak furled about him in shifting, oily landscapes of yellow and red. He wore a heavy circular medallion, which looked to be gold, on a chain about his neck; and though I could not make out the details of its device, I was certain that it bore a lion rending a unicorn."

"Outrageous Fortune"
Main Page

Done by Kris Fazzari.

Quote is taken from Roger Zelazny's Sign of Chaos and is © by Roger Zelazny.

Last modified on July 24, 1997 by Kris Fazzari.