Brand, Prince of Amber

"Then there was a figure both like Bleys and Corwin. Corwin's features, though smaller, Corwin's eyes, Bleys' hair, beardless. He wore a riding suit of green and sat atop a white horse, heading toward the dexter side of the card. There was a quality of both strength and weakness, questing and abandonment about him. I both approved and disapproved, liked and was repelled by, this one."

Trump of sane Brand Trump of crazy Brand
(2nd Trump series) "The kind of wretched little creep that you should be scared of"
(4th Trump series, color)
Black and white 
	Trump of crazy Brand
"The kind of wretched little creep that you should be scared of"
(4th Trump series, black and white)

OF Unicorn
"Outrageous Fortune"

Done by Kris Fazzari.

Trumps are the work of Wendi Strang-Frost and are © by her. Please contact her before reproducing them in any fashion. For more examples of her work, check out her web page or the "Wavedancers" story in Elfquest.

Quote is taken from Roger Zelazny's Nine Princes In Amber and is © by Roger Zelazny.

Last modified on November 16, 1998 by Kris Fazzari.