The Players

The Players

Aelric [ Patrick Franklin ] - Son of Prince Caine of Amber and Felicity, a woman of Arnok. Raised in Llateri's Shadow hell, a trap built to hold Caine, Aelric grew up with no idea of his true parentage, nor any idea of the nature of reality. He grew to be a kind, noble soul, much to his father's surprise, and campaigned to rid his homeland of all evil. He succeeded, but in doing so became exposed to the Broken Pattern, which gave him the ability to move beyond Arnok, and into darker lands still. Now he finds himself in Amber, playing a far more dangerous game than any before. Can he learn quickly enough to survive Amber's little games, or will his wife and newborn child pay the price of his ignorance?

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Brand [ Wendi Strang-Frost ] - Gawain's son by a Shadow dancer named Candi, he was given to a demon along with his brother and sister, in exchange for safe passage for Gawain. The brother and sister were eaten. Brand was made Abyssal. As the only surviving Abyssal person with the power to cross the veil, Brand is the object of much interest from those in power on both sides of reality. Often referred to as 'Little Brand' by the players.


Ignatius Pod [ Sean Frost ] - An Amber resident of modest lineage, he has unexpectedly found himself the surviving legacy of the digger wasp invasion that precipitated Queen Emma's demise. He strives to learn control over his new abilities, especially since they currently prevent inebriation.

Jacob [ Liam Hoekenga ] - As the son of Prince Bleys of Amber, Jacob has done a good job of keeping his humor through the tragedies of the Abyss War and the stress of the reconstruction. Following the death of Rhiannon, Jacob has taken a greater role in assisting with the maintenance of the kingdom, and is regularly seen in the presence of the Regent.


Jonathan Sawall [ Jarrod Van Kirk ] - Son of Emperor Despil and Empress Rowan of Chaos, Crown Prince of Chaos, Duke of House Sawall. Raised in Avignon following the conclusion of the Abyss War, Jonathan returned to Thelbane and assumed his role as Crown Prince with little difficulty. To further peaceful relations between Amber and Chaos, he was married to Queen Rhiannon of Amber. Following the death of his mother, Jonathan and Rhiannon adopted his younger sister Lenore and announced her as Heir to the Throne. Following Rhiannon's death, he finds himself striving to help guide his infant sister's upbringing, and assuming the challenges that come with being named Duke of Sawall.

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Melanie Chanicut [ Kris Fazzari ] - Daughter of Prince Brand of Amber and Selena of Chanicut, member of the Chanicut Council of Nine. She made the mistake of earning Swayvill's disfavor, and awoke to find Chaos much changed from the Courts she knew. As right hand to Duchess Sarah, Melanie found herself becoming increasingly embroiled in the affairs of State. Now that Sarah is Empress, how high will Melanie's star rise in accordance?

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Miranda Sawall [ Kevin Collins ] - Duchess of House Sawall, wife of the Crown Prince of Chaos, former Ambassador to Amber, formerly a member of House Jesby by marriage. Miranda distinguished herself to the Emperor through her repopulation project, which enabled the Courts to correct their dearth of laborers by importing whole populations from Shadow. As a reward, she was appointed Ambassador to Amber, and survived some of the less pleasant situations that arose at the end of Rhiannon's reign. She has recently been wed to Crown Prince Jonathan and has taken up residence in Sawall Manor in Amber City. From Ambassador to Duchess to future Empress of Chaos, certainly Miranda seems to be going places.

Robert Marcellus [ Lisamarie Babik ] - Owner of one of the largest smithies in all of Amber City. An orphan of the Abyss war who recently discovered himself to be the son of Prince Gérard of Amber, Robert now finds himself living as a Lord of Amber, adjusting to the tensions that this change has brought to his life. Though neither ignorant nor slow by any stretch of the imagination, Robert has made his living through the sweat of his brow, but can a simple upbringing and an honorable nature serve him amidst the royals of Amber? And how must he feel to see how his own changes have affected his wife and children?


Seth Sawall [ Philip Brenner ] - Son of Emperor Shaenan of Chaos and Regent Meredith of Amber, Lord of House Sawall. Raised in Sawallways, Seth was kidnapped and taken to Amber by Rhiannon in an attempt to force Shaenan to return the infant Lenore. Following Rhiannon's death, Shaenan chose for Seth to remain in Amber, as the war in Chaos had made things too dangerous in the Courts. Now Seth finds himself watched over by Renton, Emily, and a rather reluctant mother in the form of Meredith. The war has ended, but his father does not summon him. What has happened in the Courts?


Queens of Amber

All text on this page is © 1997-2004 by Matthew Richardson and Kris Fazzari.

Last modified on May 12, 2004 by Kris Fazzari.

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