Session Six: Not Necessarily the Beginning
		"You can put a lot of living into a week."

	Keeping in mind that the game already has a history of several
sessions before the game log started being just that, it would probably be
helpful to know who the main players of the game are, and a little of
what's been going on. 

	Alastair, son of Eric, was being groomed for the Crown Prince/Heir
Apparent thing until his Dad left the picture and Corwin took over the
throne.  Alastair suffered several kidnappings and dealt with all manner
of psychos, until Brand stabbed him in an attempt to erase the Pattern. 

	Farad, son of Brand, also went through kidnappings and the like,
except that he kidnapped his dad.  He also made several excursions to the
Abyss looking for Brand, as did many of the males of his generation. 

	Gabriel, son of...  Uhm, well, anyway, Julian wouldn't acknowledge
him, and beat him up something fierce.  Then a vacation in Shadow, or
something, after that "looking for Brand thing." 

	Sand, daughter of Oberon, wandered around, poked her nose in here
and there, thither and yon, and otherwise did not come to major harm in
the first few sessions, nor did she manage to do major harm. 

	Lilith, "simple attache to Flora" and daughter of Corwin, got shot
and such, and her family connection was eventually revealed, to her
chagrin.  She helped turn the tide of many a family conflict by messing
with the Jewel of Judgment.  Notably, she was a party to finding Corwin. 

	Colin, son of Fiona, did all manner of things, like visiting the
Abyss, looking for people like Brand, stabbing people like Brand... 

	Rasa, daughter of Bleys, was neglected by her father, beaten by
Julian, stolen from by Corwin and punched by Flora.  Then I missed a
session and a half, and was not abused further by the Elders. 


	-after the Log caught up on last session...
	-after Farad stabbed Brand with Werewindle...
	-after Llewella contacts Sand with the info that Brand is walking
	 the Rebman Pattern... 
	-after Sand determine that Corwin is busy fighting the monsters of
	 the Black Road... 
	-after we learn that Alastair has severe memory loss...
	-after Sand learns that Lilith is "busy" as well...

	On Tir na Nog'th:

	Fiona takes Alastair, Lilith and Colin and transports to her room;
there she tosses a Trump of Rebma to Alastair and transports off with
Colin.  Lilith Trumps Sand through to her, realizes that Alastair
remembers nothing about Trump, animates the Trump and goes through,
leaving Sand and Alastair and the Trump behind.  Alastair and Sand realize
quickly that they are not impressed with each other. 

	Rasa comes in and gets invited to go interfere with Brand walking
the Rebman Pattern.  She desires some weaponry, and is pleased to note
that Fiona is not one for fashion over warfare, for the closet is full of
implements of death.  She grabs a crossbow and a sword. 

	Thusly, Sand, Alastair and Rasa Trump to Rebma, where Lilith seems
to be in a psychic battle with Brand.  Rasa shoots at him with her
crossbow with no effect at all.  Sand pretends to join in psychic contact
with Lilith, which of course does not help.  Alastair tries to join, but
doesn't remember how. 

	Duncan is busy fighting in the Black Road War...  In his expert
opinion, he thinks Corwin is going to lose.  He returns to the castle,
where he notes that Julian has escaped and is now out of Trump range. 
Duncan finds Farad, who has returned to Amber to refresh his spells. 
Farad is on his way to the Pattern with his Pattern sword.  Duncan pleads
for his help in the military cause, and Farad seems to think saving Amber
is a Good Plan. 

	Lilith takes Alastair's willing but ignorant help, and manages to
get herself out of the corner she was in with Brand.  Brand tromps onward,
undaunted.  Lilith takes charge of the situation, and sends Alastair to
walk the Pattern while having Sand and Rasa join her in mental contact to
fight Brand through the Jewel.  Lilith "seizes" Sand's mind, but she asks
politely for Rasa's.  Alastair's memory returns when he reaches the second
veil, which is also the point when Brand reaches the center of the
Pattern, where he has paused to fight off Lilith, Rasa and Sand. 

	Farad and Duncan, that merry pair, meet up with Colin and Fiona in
the Pattern room, where they learn that Fiona is battling Brand from a
distance through this Pattern, even though he's at the Rebma Pattern. 
(Neat, huh?)

	Duncan asks for Colin's help in the Black Road War.  Farad thinks
his spells would be an asset to Duncan, but Colin thinks it would be
cooler to fight the mean and nasties on the Black Road *after* they defeat

	Colin offers to send Farad and Duncan to Rebma to help out.  They
agree, and Colin sends them through. 

	Alastair is stuck at the third veil.

	Farad debates aiding Alastair, but joins in the psychic link
instead, and tries to take over the attack from Lilith.  Rasa decides to
throw her power behind Farad instead of Lilith in order to keep the effort
from totally fragmenting, but the effort fails totally, since Farad
doesn't have the knowledge that Lilith does. 

	Brand gains attunement to the Jewel and leaves, knocking out the
spell that makes the water in Rebma breathable to the average human as a
parting gift.  Farad teleports away with Rasa and Duncan to the library in
Amber.  Sand Trumps away; she Trumps Alastair off the Pattern to the
library of Amber. 

	Alastair has a vision of Brand drawing a Pattern, and tells the
folks in the library this.  Someone suggests getting Fiona's help, but she
doesn't answer Trump.  Rasa Trumps Colin to find out that Brand stabbed
Fiona.  Rasa goes through to help Colin with his mother. 

	Duncan, Farad, Sand and Alastair try Trumping Brand, and end up in
a Trump trap.  They are in a black room with a wet floor, where Sand's
ring doesn't work and neither does magic of any sort thanks to a
suppression spell.  Alastair starts shifting Shadow out and they end up in
a bright forest glen -- in the middle of a pool of water -- about halfway
between Amber and Ygg.  Alastair feels "the echoes of a Pattern being
made," i.e., dizzy. 

	Duncan finds it imperative to head back to battle.  Trump seems
weaker.  Farad notes his spells are getting weaker, as is the influence of
the Pattern in general.  He considers walking Brand's Pattern.  Duncan and
Alastair Trump Flora in order to get in touch with Lilith.  Flora finds
Lilith is too far away, and joins Alastair and Duncan.  Alastair continues
getting visions, mainly of Lilith confronting Brand.  He borrows Flora's
Trump and gets a brief contact of "Lilith smirking." 

	Rasa assembles herself some ass-kicking armor and goes out to join
the battle when she can't find Lilith and finds that Bleys is busy doing
battle himself.  She ends up leading troops through Shadow instead of
fighting, of course, but what's a fifteen-year-old to do? 

	Farad gets the urge to kill Sand, but represses it and analyzes
it.  Duncan calls a hawk to track Brand's Pattern, but it's no go, so he
dispels the hawk.  Alastair says it's time to return to Amber.  They all
(Flora included) head back to Amber, via Shadow shifting.  A day and a
half later they encounter Black Road critters spewing sticky acid.  They
all fight, and they all notice Farad's blade seems to be a Pattern sword,
given how effective it is.  Could it be... WEREWINDLE??? 

	Duncan rides on into battle, collecting troops on the way, whilst
Farad does not go with him, as he promised. 

	Sand, Flora, Alastair and Farad arrive in Amber, which looks
different.  Here's how:
	-- the drapes are different
	-- Brand's flag is where Oberon's was
	-- Brand is sitting on the throne
	-- castle pages seem to think that what Brand wants is important

	Brand commands their presence and orders them to kneel and swear
allegiance.  Brand rather forces some of them into it, and then he makes
advances on Sand.  Then he names Lilith a traitor for stealing the Jewel,
and orders Farad to take Flora and Werewindle to go and kill Lilith and
return with the Jewel. 

	Farad asks his dad if he can walk the Pattern (which is day-glo
orange).  Alastair and Sand are sent to guard the Patterns, with orders to
Trump Farad if they have problems.  When it is noted that no one has
Trumps of Farad, Brand performs an amazing feat of prestidigitation and
makes eight Trump out of one.  Nifty trick, that. 

	Sand takes up her post as guardian at this version of Amber's
Tir-na Nog'th, which is a permanent fixture rather than a hologram reliant
on the moon. 

	Farad walks the Bramber Pattern and has to drop Werewindle when he
steps on it;  Alastair picks the sword up.  Flora awaits Farad, who feels
"more Brand-ish, like everyone should worship you," as well as feels more
and more loyal to Brand.  Farad teleports to Flora and Alastair, takes
back Werewindle, has the sudden urge to kill Alastair, but represses it. 

	Flora deduces that Lilith's next step is attuning herself to the
Jewel.  Farad and Flora confer as to *their* next step. 

	Sand puts her foot on the Tir Na Nog'th Pattern.  A large blue
spark kicks her back. 

	Gabriel is out in Shadow with "that jerk Ganelon," who helped him
avenge his wife's kidnapers.  Gabriel is at a loss, as it was his sole
purpose in life to kill those people.  Hm.  He asks Ganelon to join him in

	Farad and Flora make it to the (empty) Primal Pattern.  We discuss
Tony's nose, the saga of which goes like an Amber plot.  Farad continues
to feel more Brand-like.  He also feels tired.  He also feels like just
killing Brand and taking over the universe, after destroying the Pattern. 

	Rasa sleeps, then meets up with Duncan the next day, and they lead
3,000 men down the Black Road towards its source.  Duncan finds their ETA
of a month to be suboptimal and requests help.  Upon Trumping Bleys, he is
given a ring and told to give it to a sorcerer, which is why he puts it on
his own non-sorcerous finger. 

	Sand pricks her finger and lets the blood fall on Brand's Tir-na
Nog'th Pattern.  The blood falls right through it. 

	Farad walks the Primal Pattern.  Flora collects Werewindle while
Farad asks to be taken to Duncan.  Farad has the distinct feeling that
Dworkin and Brand are both in his mind, and that they are fighting. 

	Sand putters.  She Trumps Alastair and they chat.  Alastair gets
the same blue spark when he attempts to walk the Bramber Pattern. 
Alastair is curious to know who Lilith's parents are -- perhaps her dad is
Brand?  (Heh)

	Gabriel notes the aforementioned changes in castle Amber, and
approaches cautiously.  Then he goes ahead with gusto, since Brand was
once a bud of his.  Gabriel offers his services to Brand, and introduces
Ganelon.  Gabriel expresses his concern about Julian, then goes to
investigate the Tir-na Nog'th Pattern.  He notes that Sand is staring into
a Trump, then decides to seek Corwin in Shadow. 

	Farad arrives beside Duncan and Rasa and is most impressed by the
ring that Bleys gave Duncan.  He finds it to be very useful (it's a
Spikard, to make a long story short).  They fight over it.  Farad wins,
though Rasa has to stop Farad from chipping off Duncan's limbs while
Duncan is under a stonebinding spell.  Eventually, Farad has the ring and
Duncan is inside a block of ice, at which point Rasa insists they get a
move on, since they'll never make it to the end of the Black Road at this
rate, and she wants to be Queen of the place at the end, after all. 

	Farad uses the ring to get the troops moving down the Black Road
at a MUCH faster rate.  Farad decides to unfreeze Duncan, who gives up on
the ring.  Duncan tries to Trump Benedict, which bursts into flames when
Farad tries to augment it. 

	Flora gives Werewindle to Eric.

	Brand says he's going to draw a Trump of Lilith (to facilitate his
killing of her, rather than as a memento of her, I'm sure).  Alastair is
looking around and notices that there is no Arden, just a desert.  He
senses the surrounding Shadow, and sees nothing good.  He goes to look up
books in the library about Bramber, and learns that there is no Unicorn...
just a Phoenix. 

	Sand queries Brand as to why he hasn't set a guard on his Primal
Pattern.  He assures her it is well guarded. 

	Gabriel reaches Corwin, who refutes the fact that Brand is king of
Amber.  Corwin also advises Gabriel to keep the sword (Greyswandir) he

	At the end of the session:

	-Farad, Rasa and Duncan are on a collision course with Chaos.
	-Sand has dinner and a date-rape with Brand.
	-Gabriel is with Corwin (and I think Ganelon).
	-Alastair is in Bramber.
	-Flora is with Eric.
	-Others: whereabouts unknown.


Alastair (no memory version): Trump *ON*!  Trump!  I beseech thee!

Alastair: I believe I can lead us out of here.  Grab on behind and form a
	  conga line.
Sand: You fool!  That could destroy us all!

Farad: We could pretend this isn't happening, go back and have scones and tea.
Alastair: I hate scones.

Duncan: [The army] won't last a week.
Farad: A week?
Duncan: Yes.
Farad: You can put a whole lot of living into a week.

GM: Farad's spell peters out at half the usual distance.
Duncan: Don't you hate it when your spell peters out at half the usual distance?

Alastair: Lilith is confronting Brand at his Pattern.  Let us go and kick
him in the head multiple times. 

Farad: Where'd you get that hawk?
Duncan: Wouldn't you like to know?
Sand: I *think* that's why he asked.

Sand: I kneel.  I say "My allegiance is yours," with all the sincerity
that I ever do. 

John: Wait.  You two are fighting over something Bleys gave you?
Duncan: Oh yeah.  "Here, you take it."

GM: Remember, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Rasa: Whereas just a little makes us silly.

Gabriel: [Brand] used to be my friend.
Mer: Weirdo.

Gabriel, to Brand: How is it your flag flies above Amber?
Mer: Well, you see, it's by a system of ropes and pulleys...

Gabriel expresses his concern about Julian's escape.
Brand: I'm sure he'll be as little trouble as Corwin.
John: Which is like saying "as little trouble as God."

Farad, whilst chipping away at the stone-bound Duncan: Don't worry, I'm
not in my right mind. 

Brand: She's Corwin's daughter, you prick.
Alastair: Well, don't blame me!

Steve: I attempt to Trump Benedict.
GM: No luck.
Steve: I attempt to Trump Caine.
Mer: He's dead!
Steve: Well, is it warm or cold?  Oh... wait, I don't have any Trump.

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