Session Fifteen
	In which Mad Man Bonaparte recruits Cloaks to his
		Fierce Fighting Sartorial Army

	It is evening.  Tir-na Nog'th appears, and Colin and Lilith get
that old familiar feeling that the Jewel is near.

	Bonaparte wakes up in a corner, with his hands tied behind his
back.  A demon confronts him when he wakes up, and asks if its form is
particularly pleasing.  Uh... no.  The demon changes to Bonaparte's form
and asks if it's pleasing now.  Bonaparte notices that the demon can
shapeshift clothing as well as facial features, and notes also that the
demon's sword does not change with each transformation.  Bonaparte looks
around, trying to guess where he is, while asking his cloak to work on his
bonds, which seem to be magical (or just really strong).  Bonaparte's
captor leaves, and the cloak seeks an exit for its master.

	Gabriel, at the scene of the crime, notices footprints in the
blood leading off.  The person who tracked all over the clean floor wore
boots like Bonaparte's, was male, and was about Bonaparte's height and
weight.  Gabriel finds that the tracks end rather soon, and returns to the
infirmary with Duncan -- Gabriel using a cane, Duncan transported on a

	In the infirmary, where Colin is recovering from his concussion,
Rasa is bugging Colin because she can, and Lilith is bugging Rasa about
shapeshifting, Gabriel greets the group.  Lilith orders Eric's arrest,
since the substance on Eric's dagger was, indeed, poison.  Rasa pounces on
Gabriel (not literally, fool), and takes the opportunity to point out that
Bonaparte is really stupid, because why would a son of Caine who only
supposedly wants vengeance on whoever killed his father go and attack the
Regent-to-be like that?  Before Rasa can forward her conspiracy theory
that Lilith killed Caine and Bonaparte knows this, Gabriel decides that
Rasa means Bonaparte was framed by a shapeshifter.

	Alastair has a brief sensation that someone is doing something in
one of the warded magical workrooms in the basement, and goes to
investigate.  He is Trumped by Rasa, who comes through and asks him to
lend her the Trump of the room in Tir-na Nog'th.  He agrees, if she will
allow him to accompany her.

	Bonaparte's bonds disappear suddenly, and he makes good his
escape, right into Alastair and Rasa, who are standing outside the door. 
They converse for a time, and Rasa, interested in what Bonaparte's true
form is, Trumps Colin to ask for the use of the Power Word that causes a
shapeshifter to resume their true form (remember, both Colin and Lilith
had used this on Rasa on occasion?) Both Colin and Lilith deny her this
because Colin has a concussion and doesn't want to hurt his head more, and
Lilith thinks Bonaparte will attack her again.  Rasa feels foiled and
breaks the contact.

	Meanwhile, Gabriel has shown up, and suggests the
conspiracy/framing theory with Bonaparte, who thinks it's a really good
idea, yes indeed...  Gabriel takes Bonaparte upstairs and has sketches
made of Bonaparte, his sword, his cloak, etc.  Since someone else has
taken charge of Bonaparte, Rasa and Alastair depart through the Trump to
Tir-na Nog'th.

	Colin Trumps Fiona, and she comes through and heals him.  They
decide to go up to the Tir, in order to investigate the mess on the
Pattern.  Fiona thinks she can fix it, and begins walking the Pattern.

	Rasa begins to search the room they have arrived in, and finds
real papers in a false drawer of a desk.  When it becomes clear they
aren't going to find much else, Alastair leaves to seek Farad.  Rasa stays
and keeps looking for things, whatever they might be.

	Bonaparte and Gabriel's conversation draws to a close, as
Bonaparte tries to escape by jumping out a window.  Gabriel stymies him by
hamstringing Bonaparte, and cutting his sword in half.  Bonaparte throws
the hilt of the sword at Gabriel, who still manages to block it and keep
Bonaparte from dropping backwards out the window.  Bonaparte's cloak
attacks Gabriel, but Gabriel is more than a match for them both, and
Bonaparte is placed in a cell under guard again.  Then Gabriel goes to
further investigate Bonaparte and his supposed actions of the past few
days, including interviewing the people who witnessed the attack on

	Alastair finds the fiery elemental Shadow he put Farad in for safe
keeping, finds Farad (not as easy as it sounds, all those elementals look
alike), and takes him to the body Alastair painstakingly cloned for him. 
Problem is, Alastair has no idea how to get Farad into it.

	Fiona reaches the Pattern drain and gets stuck.  She begins to
smolder.  Colin Trumps her and gets frozen in place as well.  He too
begins heating up.  Lilith Trumps Alastair, looking for Farad.  Farad
agrees to come through and help, in exchange for Colin transferring him
back into his body.

	Rasa, in Tir-na Nog'th, sees a wraith of Bonaparte knock Duncan
unconscious and slit the throats of the guards.  Realizing that she has
witnessed a replay of the crime, she Trumps Gabriel and re-enacts it for
him as she has just seen it played.  Then she has a long conversation with
Gabriel about what it means to be grown up and responsible.  Afterwards,
she heads to the Tir-na Nog'th Pattern room, with Gabriel behind her, in
time to see Fiona frozen on the Pattern, Colin frozen in Trump contact
with her, and Lilith in Trump contact with Alastair, passing through a
fire elemental.

	Farad the Elemental, once there, realizes that he can once again
help the idiots who got themselves stuck on the Pattern.  But only if he
has his own body, of course.  Or any body.

	Bonaparte Trumps Paris and leaves for Shadow.  He finds the cloak
Shadow, and begins raising a cloak army.

	Lilith, Gabriel, Farad, Alastair and Rasa discuss what to do as to
Fiona and Colin's predicament.  They agree that transferring Farad to
Gabriel is the best bet for solving things, since they need a body for
Farad so he can solve the problem.  Rasa, the only one not stuck because
of the Pattern with any experience in transferring minds, is chosen to
take the essence of Farad out of the elemental and place it into Gabriel. 
However, the Sword of Oberon protects the bearer against stupidity, and
Farad bounces off of Gabriel back into Rasa, where FARASA! is formed once
again.  Oops.  However, FARASA! is nothing if not confident, so they step
forward onto the Pattern and go for the Jewel and Fiona.  FARASA! picks up
a small box from under the Pattern, once they break the drain on the
Pattern, and pick up Fiona.  Colin and Lilith attempt to block FARASA! 
FARASA!  has vast amounts of Pattern energy built up, and uses some of it
to clear all the clouds away from Tir-na Nog'th for miles around.  Lilith
tries stabbing herself to trigger the mechanism in the Jewel that takes
the initiate plus the Jewel to a safe place.  It fails, as Colin is in
closer attunement at the moment.  Gabriel is disturbed by this.  Colin and
Lilith continue the attacks on FARASA! by making all their molecules
vibrate at an incredible rate.  Lilith tells them to drop the box.  They
respond by throwing a lightning bolt at Lilith, who goes down.  The
vibrations continue, so they throw a bolt at Colin.  When Colin is struck,
he is immediately transported out with the Jewel to Newark.

	FARASA! reaches the center of the Pattern, no longer hindered by
their molecules, and opens the box.  It is empty.  After tossing the box
aside, a Gabriel-Alastair-Duncan coalition Trumps them, and they readily
pass through Fiona, and then teleport to beside Gabriel.  Alastair pulls
Duncan through.  Duncan (or someone) initiates life-saving procedures on
Lilith.  Gabriel chooses this moment to attack FARASA!, who throws the
remaining energy from the Pattern walk at him and departs -- running
through the Tir and throwing themselves off of the ramparts, sprouting
wings on the way down.  Gabriel pursues them, his sword having absorbed
the energy from their attack, and leaps off of the ramparts after them. 
He lands on FARASA'S! back.  They head to the sea, and hit the water. 
Gabriel attacks again, by attempting to knock them out, but FARASA! grows
spikes all over their body.  Then they begin to sink, and grow gills. 
Gabriel gives up then and swims away.

	Lilith is semi-conscious when Duncan comes back and reports that
FARASA!  jumped off the Tir and flew down, and that Gabriel (without
wings) jumped after and landed on them.  Then he takes her to the
infirmary.  Alastair simply leaves.  Lilith tries to Trump Colin, who is
out of range.

	FARASA! goes to Farad's Shadow to hang spells.

	The next day at 1 p.m. (nearly the hour of the instatement of the
new Regent):

	- Two days have passed in Newark, so Colin is recovered; he takes
the Jewel and himself to Lilith in Amber.
	- FARASA! has hung spells.
	- Alastair has rested, and failed to Trump Colin.
	- Gabriel has put out an all points bulletin on FARASA! and Bonaparte.
	- Duncan has waited and waited for Bonaparte to show up for the duel
in the Grove of the Unicorn, but no one showed.
	- Bonaparte has raised an army about 100,000 strong.

	As Lilith is getting dressed for the ceremony, Colin returns with
the Jewel.  Gabriel, hearing voices inside Lilith's room, is concerned,
and goes in.  The three talk about stuff, and Alastair Trumps Colin.

	FARASA! notices Bonaparte's army (which is a lot more than just
cloaks by now), and decides to play with it, opening up a big gully and
letting 10,000 of his men fall in.  Then they Trump Gabriel and tell on
Bonaparte.  Gabriel asks them to attend the instatement, which they agree
to do as long as he protects them.  He tries to appeal to the Rasa in
FARASA!, but the super-mind will have None of That.

	Lilith is installed as Regent, and names Colin her successor. 
Various people swear various sorts of fealty to Lilith, or at least to
Amber.  It's possible the people swearing to Amber mean it.

	Another sniper rudely interrupts the instatement, and FARASA!
teleports to the ramparts to seek the sniper, who this time got Lilith in
the leg.  The gun appears suddenly at their feet, and Duncan shows up to
see this, and confronts them.  Gabriel arrives and points out that FARASA!
was standing next to him for the whole ceremony, including the Lilith
getting shot part.

	Alastair pursues the shapeshifter who did the sniping, Trumps
Gabriel and brings him through and keeps pursuing.  The trail leads into
Shadow, and they follow it to a cliff, where it simply ends.

	Lilith is not healing from this wound like she has from the other
ones.  Oops.  Gabriel Trumps her mid-pursuit and tells her to keep Gerard
near her.

	"Alastair" appears in the infirmary and asks Lilith how she is. 
Then he leaves.

	Duncan brings the rifle in.  There is a poison specific to
shapeshifters in the gunpowder.  Colin takes a sample of it and
disappears, presumably to have it analyzed.

	Gabriel Trumps FARASA! from the cliff and asks to be brought
through.  The Alastair deception is discovered, and Duncan pursues the
false Alastair with no luck.  Speculations are made, as well as secret
arrangements and devious plans.

	Duncan leaves Amber and is followed.  He sets his hawk to watch
the follower, and it is captured by "Bonaparte," who catches up and asks
Duncan to join his side.  Duncan refuses and is dosed with tranquilizers
for his troubles, and is deposited somehow with the real Bonaparte, who
binds him as a prisoner.

	It is at this point that Colin and Alastair attack FARASA! and try
to separate them.  Gabriel is very angry that they are attacked, because
it means his word has been broken.  Lilith yells at Gabriel for offering
FARASA! his protection without consulting her, thus distracting him so
that Colin can try again.  A struggle between Rasa, Farad, Colin and
FARASA! ensues.  Eventually, FARASA! loses.  Alastair brings the newly
cloned body of Farad through, and they place him in it, leaving Rasa alone
in her own body at last.  Lilith makes Farad swear to never join with Rasa
again.  When Rasa comes around, she punches Lilith, and yells at her to
never, ever make her handle any mind again, especially not Farad's.

	Farad wakes up and goes to walk the Pattern.  Gabriel is told of
this by one of his officers, but finding this to be in the realm of Not My
Problem, passes the buck to the Regent.  Gabriel goes out into the castle,
and notes that cloaks seem to be fighting people at random around the
castle.  He decides to place Rasa in charge of cloak extermination.

	At the end of the session:

	- Farad finishes walking the Pattern and is back to what could be
called normal.
	- Lilith is examining the gunpowder from the gun she was shot with,
so that she can turn it off with the Jewel.
	- Colin investigates the gun in a high-tech Shadow, and wants to
talk to Suhuy about it.
	- Rasa gets a note from Gabriel saying that she is on cloak detail.
	- Gabriel is gone (ominous note to that gone).
	- Alastair returns to his chambers.
	- Bonaparte sees to Duncan, his new prisoner.

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