Session Twelve
	"The thing about Gabriel is that he just reeks competence."

	Colin has been with Fiona in her private Shadow.  With that
settled, we begin the session.
	Paris retrieves his original pen.  This is important.  To him,

	Lilith comes back from the Primal Pattern to read her intelligence
reports.  The first tells her that Alastair was recently seen in Rebma,
and that since he was there, people can breath the water around the Rebman
Pattern now.

	Colin teleports to Amber and seeks Lilith, who catches him up on
everything I related to you in the last log.

	Duncan pitches camp between Amber and Chaos.  None of his Trumps
work, except the one he has of Ygg.

	Alastair Trumps to Amber, seeks dry clothing, and then meditates
on a way to use the Rebman Jewel to find the real Jewel of Judgment.  He
seeks Lilith and asks her about this same thing.  Lilith thinks that they
can use it as an amplifier of sorts.  Alastair gives her the present from
Eric, but she won't pick it up.  He sets it on a table.  Paris arrives. 
Alastair shows around a surrealistic Trump, barely recognizable as
anything except someone's quarters.  Paris determines it is of Tir-na
Nog'th.  Alastair suggests to Lilith that the Jewel is underneath the
Pattern, so they go down to the Pattern room, Colin in tow.

	Rasa gets a demon form that makes Dann jealous, since it's green,
and he wanted to have the Incredible Hulk as his Chaos form in another

	Duncan heads towards Amber and then Trumps to Arden.  He left his
hawk at the Fortress to take his messages.  It comes and finds him pretty
quickly, to tell him that Chaosites killed the troops he just left behind.

	In the Pattern room, Alastair suggests Paris walk the Pattern. 
Alastair does not sense the Jewel.  Alastair does let Lilith see the
Rebman Jewel, which is blue and pulsing.  Lilith checks the thing for
resonance, and finds that the real Jewel is not in the vicinity.  Paris
asks to see the mysterious Trump, and fails to animate it.  He announces
that it certainly is of someplace in Tir-na Nog'th.

	Farad comes to consciousness above the Bramber Pattern.  Mara is
there, looking away from him, channeling energy from the Pattern to her
troops in Shadow.  Farad casts his mind about like a fly-fisherman, and
hooks Duncan.

	Alastair and Paris try pushing the Trump contact, and pop through
the other side.  Lilith is left alone with Colin.

	Duncan arrives at the gates of Amber and is mentally assaulted by
Farad, who decides to make Duncan into a duplex.  Duncan is not pleased to
find that someone has taken up residence in his mind, and they struggle
mightily.  Farad is mentally superior, but Duncan does have the home team
advantage in a big way.  Farad tells Duncan that he's trapped in Bramber,
and this is a far better place to be.  Farad struggles for dominance. 
Duncan runs his head into a wall, knocking them both unconscious.

	Alastair and Paris are in a cloudy and barren space.  They've made
it through to the mysterious quarters in Tir-na Nog'th, which won't be out
for three more days yet.  They decide to seek the Pattern, and sense
something weird.  Alastair announces his intention to walk the Pattern,
and tells Paris to Trump Lilith, who can't.  Alastair walks the Pattern
and notices that a metal arm is lying in the center.  Alastair is
butt-tired, and stops mid-way.  He throws Paris his Trump deck in hopes
that Paris will use his Trump to channel him some energy.  This works
enough that he can reach the center before he passes out.

	Lilith tries Alastair's Trump, which is cold but not animated. 
She goes upstairs to find that Duncan knocked himself unconscious after
having some sort of seizure.

	Gabriel, upon arriving in Amber, is brought up to speed on events
-- his army is destroyed, and Duncan is unconscious.  He shows up where
Duncan and Lilith (and Colin) are.  Duncan wakes up and begins thrashing
about, the outward sign of an inner struggle.  Uh-huh.  Farad gives up in
order to let Duncan talk to Lilith.  Farad relays information on his
capture and captors to Lilith, mainly that spells won't work so well
against Mara, as she's drawing on the Pattern to support her spell work.

	Paris walks the Pattern in Tir-na Nog'th and tries to awaken
Alastair.  Alastair wakes up and looks for the Jewel.  He picks up the
mechanical arm.  Trump is not functional, so they discuss where to go. 
However, the center of the Pattern does not function except to take them
to places in Tir-na Nog'th, and the mechanical arm will not transport out. 
Paris' Trumps are less cool here.  They realize they are stuck until
Tir-na Nog'th manifests itself into the real world, so they decide to see
if there is Shadow outside of the Tir-na Nog'th Amber.

	Gabriel disappears to his cohorts, but the game log knows he is
riding to Bramber.  Lilith Trumps him and fails to stop him.  He breaks
her contact.  We are confident that Gabriel is going to beat those 4
million troops into submission.  Gabriel disguises himself as a wizard and
sneaks into Bramber, rather than defeating them, so we're a little
disappointed.  Gabriel is challenged by a wizard.  Instead of playing at
this wizard, schmizard stuff, Gabriel up and kills him.

	Lilith suggests that Farad might be happier in Rasa than in Duncan
(and more useful in an attack against Mara), as Rasa has walked the
Bramber Pattern.  Colin is pretty sure he can do the transfer if everyone
behaves during it.  They do, and Farad shows up in Rasa's head, and Duncan
can breathe easier.  Farad and Rasa make peace, and Rasa does a test or
two -- mostly seeing if power words are helped by the proximity of her
companion's psyche.  She casts weaken structure on a table and it falls
apart.  Eric's gift for Lilith settles down on top of the lumber that was
once a table.

	Gabriel redisguises himself as a soldier.

	Colin prepares to teleport Farad/Rasa, Lilith, Duncan and himself
to an underwater cavern near-ish to Bramber.  Farad and Rasa take this
opportunity to merge.  Lilith and Colin seek crossbows.  Colin teleports
them to the cave.  Lilith Trumps Gabriel, but Gabriel is uninterested in
either joining their party or taking their help.  Gabriel continues in to
the Pattern room and kills all challengers.

	Colin teleports the crew into the Pattern room of Bramber.  Mara
is surrounded by five guards.  Gabriel steps into the room, and Mara sends
a fireball after him.  Duncan shoots at Mara, so she sends lightning to
Colin's party.  Duncan casts magic negation at it.  She throws another
lightning bolt at Gabriel, whose sword absorbs it.  Farasa drains Mara's
links to the Pattern and absorbs all the energy happily.  Duncan tries to
bolt the door so more guards don't come in, but he gets knocked out by a
Mara-spell.  Colin conjures a slide beneath Farad's body.  Farasa has ALL
the Pattern energy.  Sebastian falls to the Pattern and someone Trumps him
away.  Farad's body slides down safely.  Mara begins using Logrus against
them, but Farasa nukes her.  Gabriel slices her in half, and half of her
falls onto the Pattern and burns.  Duncan staggers to his feet and bolts
the door.  Farasa destroys the stairwells outside by slagging them, and
then fills the passageways to the Pattern rooms with boiling water. 
Farasa begins dismantling the Pattern network.  Duncan grabs Farad's body,
and they teleport out with Colin, Gabriel and Lilith to that underwater
cave.  Farasa makes a spell that says only Farad and Rasa together can
ever access Brand's Pattern.

	Paris, studying the surrealistic Trumps, thinks the style is

	Gabriel tries to give Lilith the Benedict Trump and the Oberon
sword (the badges of his office) for his successor.  She berates him and
refuses them.  Gabriel insults her, then backhands her, and then Trumps to
"the place where Julian wants to kill [him]."  Colin, et al, chat about
Gabriel's flamboyant defection, and return to Amber.

	Farasa decides they want to stay together forever, when they get
back to Amber, even against Colin and Lilith's urging to separate.  They
pretend they want to take Farad's body out into Shadow and separate out
there.  They cast a spell to leave.  Colin throws magic negation at them. 
Farasa threatens to beat him up if he won't let them leave.  He laughs at
that thought, and insults Rasa's "girl body."  Farasa starts to shape
shift into something mean, but he casts resume true form.  Farasa casts
back pain attack.  Colin steals Farad's body and starts running away. 
Farasa pursues long enough to remember that they didn't want that body
anyway, so they teleport out.  Colin, thinking he is pursued by Rasa's
demon form, puts forth the alarm among the guard to catch the monster, but
since there is no more monster, they catch nothing.

	Gabriel steps through the Trump and sees a girl who looks a lot
like him.  Julian has her on his horse, and rides away to deposit her in a
house.  Gabriel runs after them, and hears a hunting horn.  Julian and
dogs are coming back after him.

	Lilith suddenly is no longer in possession of Oberon's sword. 
Puzzled, she Trumps Benedict's message service, and tells the guy that
Gabriel has resigned his post, and asks for suggestions on a replacement. 
The messenger sifts some papers and assures her Benedict is on the case.

	Gabriel is fighting the dogs and slowly getting bitten up.  He
also gets several crossbow bolts in him, and grounding Julian's lance
doesn't help him much.  Gabriel manages to land a crossbow bolt of his own
into Morgenstern's knee, which shocks everyone.  Oberon's sword shows up,
and eventually, after much battle, Gabriel kills Julian.

	Colin and Duncan set up Farad's body so it won't rot while Farad
is absent, then Colin goes to seek Suhuy.  The GM says that COLIN WILL
FIND SUHUY NEXT SESSION, and Dann told me to write it down so no reneging
would be possible.

	Lilith tries Pattern teleport to her room and ends up in Finndo's

	Alastair and Paris find all sorts of objects hiding under the Tir
na Nog'th Pattern; a total of three Trump between them.

	Gabriel looks at Julian's body and hears the sound of one hand
clapping.  Of course it's Benedict!  Benedict tells him that Oberon's
blade must be accepted by someone willing to take it.  Gabriel seems
depressed, angry, remorseful, guilty, withdrawn, etc., and Benedict tells
him to grow up.  Gabriel goes to see his daughter, named Rebecca, who can
only tell him that Julian kidnapped her.

	Lilith, Colin and Duncan Trump Bleys and tattle on Rasa.  "Do you
know your daughter is mind-melded with Brand's son?  That can't be good
for her..."  Busybodies.

	Farasa Trumps Gabriel and wheedles the Ganelon Trump from him,
which he gives them with little argument because he's busy with Rebecca. 
Gabriel Trumps Lilith and asks her to dispose of Julian's body.  Duncan
agrees to this duty.  Lilith gives Benedict's answering machine Trump back
to Gabriel.

	Farasa doesn't get through to Ganelon.

	At the end of the session:

	Colin is seeking Suhuy.
	Farasa is seeking Ganelon.
	Lilith is in Amber, doing regently things.
	Duncan is disposing of Julian's body.
	Gabriel is talking to his daughter.
	Paris and Alastair are in Tir na Nog'th, waiting for the moon.

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