A sea horse Lorian's Diaries

"He is a fool who thinks by force or skill
To turn the current of a woman's will."

-- Samuel Tuke

Session 1 (Sep. 20, 1997) - "Met my sister today..."
Session 2 (Oct. 12, 1997) - "The inter-dynamics of this group are fascinating to watch."
Session 3 (Nov. 22, 1997) - "Caine seemed surprised when he returned to find..."
Session 4 (Jan. 17, 1998) - "I chatted with Stefan again."
Session 5 (Feb. 28, 1998) - "So, I've finally met my other half brother."
Session 6 (Apr. 25, 1998) - "OK, so what have I learned from my latest conversation..."
Session 7 (June 27, 1998) - "The excitement of being at sea has begun to wear off..."

"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do." -- Walter Bagehot

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All text on this page is © 1997-1999 by Kris Fazzari, with the exception of the attributed quotes.

Last modified on August 4, 1999 by Kris Fazzari.

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