Received: from by ( with ESMTP id VAA12214; Tue, 24 May 1994 21:01:18 -0400 Received: by (8.6.9/2.3) with X.500 id VAA21983; Tue, 24 May 1994 21:01:18 -0400 Received: from by (8.6.9/2.3) with ESMTP id VAA21978; Tue, 24 May 1994 21:01:17 -0400 Received: from by ( id VAA08712; Tue, 24 May 1994 21:01:14 -0400 Date: Tue, 24 May 1994 20:55:36 -0500 (GMT-0500) From: Sean Frost Subject: log To: jamber ,,,,, Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII SESSION 14 Finndo orders Gerard to take Random to the infirmary. As the deposed King in question is bleeding from the neck, the big guy does not choose this moment to rebel against Finndo's authority. Everyone else pretty much falls in line behind him, though, at least until they can safely duck into an alcove to talk about their options, which Caine opts to do when he sees Cameron. Caine, not waiting to commit at this time decides to wait in sea. Thank you. Archimedes, meanwhile, asks Gerard for info on Finndo, showing just how desparate his situation is. Helpful as ever, Gerard tells him that he could hope to die on his feet if he's really lucky. Laughter leads the puca to the promised land, and somewhere in Shadow Exodus is added to canon. She then gives Ulysses a hand in escaping Amber and fails to Trump Fiona. I think. I was too absorbed in what happened next, actually, to notice anything so trivial as other people role playing. Jubal escapes Amber, his mother in tow. While setting up camp for the night, he notices someone sneaking up on him. He determines it's female and young, so he figures she's harmless. Mistake number one. He and Tianen chat for a while. She wants to know why he's lugging the stiff. She compliments his actions on the battlements, then tells him to offer an alliance to Archimedes. He really doesn't care, and that's pretty much where they left it. Archimedes wakes up to Finndo cheery face. Things get worse. The old boy has drugged Archimedes' old man. He gives him a repreive until Random wakes up. This give our hero the chance to ask Vialle what the Hell he should do. She suggests that he not be around in the event that Finndo remembers how annoying his existance does not have to be. Archimedes tries to round up help via Trump, but Benedict will only assist in situations where calling for his help would be unfeasible, and Gerard doesn't want anyone getting hurt. Llewella is more helpful, volunteering to muster Moire's "Royal Displeasure" on his behalf. He Trumps Flora who gives him his own updated deck, which he uses to Trump Ulysses after returning Vialle's. Ulysses loans Archimedes his Trump of Plaid. Archimedes promises that he won't ever forget the gesture. Meanwhile, Sandr and Cameron break fast with the splendid company of Finndo, Gerard, and Flora. Finndo assumes that their presence implies their allegiance. Sandr excuses himself. While Ulysses makes Trumps of Foil for Laughter, she call Fiona, who reassures her that all is well, try not to call attention to me--or yourself. Jubal determines that Adrian's problem is that she is incapable of retaining any memories. He moves to rectify this. Laughter and Sequence argue. Laughter wants to choose a side, but Sequence seems to feel that anyone in his way is meat to be wasted. Back at the breakfast table, Finndo gives Cameron time to think about his offer, but points out that he would be displeased to learn of his departure. Laughter Trumps Archimedes, but when he answers, it's Finndo. Nothing much seems to come of this, but we are all made aware of who the real enemy is. Look to the skies! Sandr arrives in Foil. He might talk to someone, but frankly too much happened at once, and I kind of lost all of it. Laughter Trumps Cameron. Stuff is said, but I was occupied as follows: Jubal's spell is successful, and Adrian is now capable of charting the stream of conciousness. Unfortunately, the waters prove somewhat shallow. Archimedes Trumps Benedict and informs him that he could do much to prevent the impending tragedy. While Benedict takes steps to ensure that Random fully appreciates his condition, Archimedes finally receives that Trump call from Laughter, which is ambivalently supportive. Benedict leaves, and Archimedes updates Random on the depth of their mutual despair. Random decides that they're not quite desparate enough to call in Corwin. Archimedes Trumps Corwin. No dice. Fiona proves game, however, and she wins Random's ear. She asks if they're comfortable there, then renders the Shadow inconspicuous anyway. Sandr locates a Shadow of Cameron, apparently at Laughter's behest. It must have some relevance that I missed. It happens. Laughter asks Moire if she can walk Rebma's Pattern. Since Finndo has not issued any statement about her, the Queen agrees. Pay attention, kids. Sometimes Good Stuff can let you walk right into a big ole smelly pile of Stupid Stuff. Before sealing her own fate, she directs Sandr to the safety of Foil and says she'll inform Cameron of his twin. Laughter does this thing and tells Cameron to Trump Ulysses. ("Uh-huh-huh. Whole lotta Trumpin' goin' on.") Jubal Trumps Corwin, who does not recall and wasn't there anyway. Jubal decides that he really doesn't like his father. He Trumps Archimedes, who resists, so he picks on Random. The deposed King accepts his promise of an edge, hoping that it won't be inserted in a vital location of his own. Sandr Trumps Tianen and offers himself as a willing toadie. Laughter walks the Pattern in Rebma and has it take her to her father's quarters, outside please. She is greeted agressively by his staff.