San Diego Zoo: Wild Animal Park

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Waiting in line to get into the Wild Animal Park

Two crested cranes

A funky tree

Looking out over the park

Two rhino walk away from a gemsbok

The unicorn waterbuck


A female ostrich

A gemsbok overlooking a young sable antelope and his parents

Feeding time for mother giraffe and her two kids while some cape buffalo look on

Giraffes eat while cape buffalo look on

Cape buffalo and two southern white rhinos

Two northern white rhinos -- there are seven more at a zoo in the Czech Republic, and that's all

Impalas... not the car

Two roan antelope sparring

Cape buffalo and another Journey Into Africa bus


Rhino and elands


A shoebill.. a very odd looking bird indeed

Sleeping Flamingos

A monkey walks around

I wish I knew the name of this bird

A yellow billed crane

A blue crane

Gerenuks eat

A lion rests on a truck

Make way for ducklings! (Not an official zoo exhibit)

A lioness on her back

The zipline that hasn't opened yet