
First Author publications:

Oswald, E. M., R. B. Rood, K. Zhang, C. J. Gronlund, M. S. O'Neill, J. L. White-Newsome, S. J. Brines and D. G. Brown, in press: An investigation into the spatial variability of near-surface air temperatures in the Detroit, MI metropolitan region. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. DOI: 10.1175/JAMC-D-11-0127.1

Second Author publications:

Zhang, K, Rood RB, Michailidis, G, Oswald, EM, Schwartz, JD, Zanobetti, A, Ebi, KL, O'Neill, MS, 2012. Comparing exposure metrics for classifying 'dangerous heat' in heat wave and health warning systems, Environment International, 46(1): 23-29 link


Urban Climate

The climate within developed regions is particularly interesting to me. Besides being the place where the majority of the world lives it varies spatially at alarming rates, at different scales and that variability (both magnitude and spatially) varies temporally and with the overlying synoptic conditions. While this field is not new it has a surpringly large amount of work that needs to be done. Within this feild i think the intersection of hot weather and the temperature variabillity is especially important.

Extreme Heat Events

The frequency and severity of modern extreme heat events has caused heat to remain a leading cause of death amoungst natural weather disaters. While the cause of the upper air dynamics which creating the surface conditions is interesting I have focused my attention on the ground level impacts. The changing trends in heat waves is particularly interesting because it seems the characteristics important to the public health scientists are not being evaluated by the climate community explicitly. It seems to me that this particular gap could be better bridged.