you and me

this is a blog about me. and you.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

you know how sometimes you feel sort of out of it,

and you think you're a little lonely?

i feel like that sometimes. and i get really into my head about it too, like i can burrow it out.

then i get outta my head and take a look around and im surrounded by really wonderful people.

and i feel really lucky.

sometimes you forget whats important to you, as its easier to focus on something else. but you're all you've got. that and your dog.

did i ever tell you my roomate almost burnt our kitchen down? that would've been really bad.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

My dog and I went to our friend’s house last night to have pizza and beer and help them move. We had the pizza and beer, but never got to moving anything.

I was glad I could bring my dog, They said they were excited to have a puppy in the house. It was nice to sit there and just enjoy each other’s company. Me and them and the dog. We had a great time.
It makes me think of times when I am thinking about calling someone, but I don’t because I cant figure out exactly what I want to say or why I’m calling. But I still want to call. Sometimes I only want to hear that person’s voice and to be in their company for awhile.
One time I called my friend Kelly while she was at work just so I could listen to her ring up customers. She put the phone down with the understanding that I just wanted to be near her for a little while, and that the phone was the only way I could get there. That I needed to hear her voice, even if it was just repeating mundane phrases.
I was worried that she thought I was a freak for just listening to her, but that’s one of the best phone conversations that I ever had. Ever.
I don’t know why, or exactly what, I get or give from that phone call. But I guess what I’m trying to say is that sometimes it doesn’t have to be as official as all that. Sometimes I can just call because. Like stopping by. In my hometown, people just stop by sometimes. And it’s not considered rude. It’s really nice.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

havent posted in awhile. been busy. doing unlucrative but important things.

no offense to economics, of course.
did manage to do my taxes.

opened some art shows.

gave some presentations.

now that ive got no deadlines, im starting to think about my time again.
not just my time in general, but my time specifically.
what will i do with it?
and the realization that as im thinking about this, thats what im doing with it.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Oh man.

Its summer here. And im feelin it.

Not only is it the end of the semester, when your body goes from being in 24-7 frantic mode

Where youre running all the time

to being in “hey, lets gooo droooppp thhhaaaaat booookkkkk ooooooffffaaaattttt llliiiiiiiiibbbbrrrrraaaaaaaarrrryyyyyy………… lets just take a nap” mode.

Its also summer.

Im having to propose some projects soon that ive not been thinking about yet. Wondering if I have been working so much on getting random little things done (that reminds me, I need to finish my taxes) that I haven’t been thinking about the big things.

Forest for the trees sort of issue.

Shit. Who has time to think about the big things? Also, isn’t there a thing where if you spend all your time thinking about the big things then you may never go out and do them?

I dunno the answer to any of these questions, nor do I know how to live in a way that I am a better person that the rest of anyone else. All I can do really is be honest with myself and look at things in the face when they’re not clear or seem shady or off.

This is Mike Kelly. He has been making rock sculptures for 23 years in Nichols arboretum. He said that the latest one forms an image of jesus’ heart in the huron river, and was created after jesus gave him the divine inspiration for it 23 years ago. mr. kelly makes things out of natural elements only found in the arb, doesnt want to bring anything in. he loves the arb and loves what he makes and is driven to make these sculptures for other people to enjoy. It is very simple – he is inspired, decides he needs to make these things, and then he does.

I think sometimes I think too much.

Friday, April 07, 2006

been working a lot. building a lot.

sometimes I get overwhelmed.

people have been asking "what are you going to do with all this stuff once you're done with these projects?"

thats a good question.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

this weekend has been busy.
there were a lot of shows that opened this weekend.

and a huge thunderstorm - which was followed by the most incredible evening skies.

some wierd things happened too.

but such is life.

i worked a lot on an installation set to be reviewed soon in a local park. our whole group did. it's a doozy. but will be a great doozy, in addition to just being a doozy.
our advisor took some pictures of us working together tonite. this is the first one she took, on our blog here .

this is the picture she took directly afterwords.

we're worried. but it will get done. eventually. and the laughs, thought they may be preceeded or followed by heady silences, are really nice laughs.

i also had fun being in my friend's movie.

it was nice to act for awhile, make people laugh, wear a hot jogging suit.

sometimes im glad im not a director anymore.
but sometimes i think i still am a director, just in a different way.

you know, i always say im excited to get my life back, that it will be great to have big expansive days filled with nothingness.

but will it?
i dont know that i would trade actually.

Saturday, April 01, 2006