you and me

this is a blog about me. and you.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


So my friend said the other day “yeah not working really fucks with my productivity”. In that way where you plan to write that great american novel on the weekends, a time when you are not at your day job, but then the weekend comes and ... well, its the weekend.
I mean, I think this is pretty normal.

So I've now got this big list of stuff that NEEDS to get done. like,
The Plan.
but (and this happens to me a lot i feel like) The Plan, as it turns out, has no contingencies for little stuff. like laundry. eating. processing time in line at the bank (i went to the bank for the first time since I'd been back last week. I got really confused trying to find the ENTRANCE to the building. It is a really big building. never under estimate how much your assumptions can trip you up.) Anyway - the list of big things is going really slowly.

I went into The City the other day for the first time also. I missed the bus twice, couldn't find the friend I planned to meet, mistakenly ordered a beer which was not included in happy hour specials and got kind of confused trying to figure out what purpose the street festival in front of the bar we were at was serving, if nothing more than just a forum to showcase polka bands. Maybe I wasn't ready to go into The City yet. Maybe I just need to slow it down a bit.

On that note, I really really love where I live. I love being at home these days. Maybe because it feels like I have been moving around so much, but I have been a total homebody these past couple weeks.
There's really no other point to this post. Just that I'm at home these days and I'm really happy with that.


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