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Boo, Elizabeth. Ecotourism: The Potentials and Pitfalls. World Wildlife Fund, Washington D.C., 1990.

Cater, Erlet, and Gwen Lowman. Ecotourism: A Sustainable Option? John Wiley and Sons, New York: 1994.

Coccossis, Harry, and Peter Nijkamp. Sustainable Tourism Development. Avebury, Vermont: 1995.

Croall, Jonathan. Preserve or Destroy: Tourism and the Environment. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, London: 1995.

Engel, Jill, and Glen Cox. "A Costa Rican Notebook: Two Views of One Country." Contra Costa Times 7 March 1997.

Freedman, Adam J. "EcoTopia." National Review 47, December 11, 1995: 38.

Honey, Martha. "Paying the Price." Americas 46, December 1995: 40-47.

Nelson, J.G., et al. Tourism and Sustainable Development: Monitoring, Planning, Managing. University of Waterloo: 1993.

Norris, Ruth. "Ecotourism in the National Parks of Latin America." National Parks 68, February 1994: 33-37.

Rohter, Larry. "Today's Garden of Eden, Fouled By Adam and Eve." New York Times 19 December 1996.

Wong, P.P. Tourism vs Environment. Kluwer Academics, Netherlands: 1993.

"The Country and its People." November, 1996.

"An Introduction to the Switzerland of the Americas." November, 1996.

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[Background Information on Costa Rica][Ecotourism: Preservation or Destruction?]
[Becoming an Informed Ecotourist][Wildlife and Scenic Pictures of Costa Rica]