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2011-present Software Engineer Google, Inc. Cambridge, Massachussetts
2008-2011 Assistant Professor Rhodes College Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Memphis, Tennessee
2001-2008 PhD student Cornell University Computer Science
advisor:Claire Cardie
minor:Cognitive Studies
Ithaca, New York
Summer 2004 intern Microsoft Research Natural Language Processing Group Redmond, Washington
Summer 2002 Northeast Regional Research Center Multi-Perspective Question Answering Workshop Bedford, Massachussetts
1998-2001 AI Engineer The MITRE Corporation Intelligent Information Access Department Bedford, Massachussetts
Summer 2000 Johns Hopkins University
Center for Language and Speech Processing
Summer Workshop in Reading Comprehension Baltimore, Maryland
1994-1998 B.S. University of Michigan Math and Linguistics Ann Arbor, Michigan
1996-1997 studied abroad Sevilla, España