This file describes an example interaction with example

First, without any arguments

> ./example

no command specified
Use -h option for detailed help
Usage: ./example [-D] [-L] [-V] [-a ALPHA] [-b BRAVO] [-c CHARLIE] [-d DELTA] [-e] [-f FOXTROT] [-g] [-i] [-j ILLINOIS] [-k KILO] [-l] [-m MIKE] [-n NOVEMBER] [-o] [-p] [-t] [-v] command [sub-options]

It tells us to try the -h option, so we do

> ./example -h

--                         end options                                          
-D                         display default values                               
-L                         display available commands                           
-V                         print version and exit                               
-a, --alpha     ALPHA      Assign integer ALPHA to alpha                        
-b, --bravo     BRAVO      Assign string BRAVO to bravo                         
-c, --charlie   CHARLIE    Assign float CHARLIE to charlie                      
-d, --delta     DELTA      Assign boolean DELTA to delta                        
-e, --echo                 Take action echo                                     
-f, --foxtrot   FOXTROT    Assign ecks|why|zee FOXTROT to foxtrot               
-g, --golf                 Store 6 in golf (default 3)                          
-h, -help,                 display this help                                    
--help, -?                                                                      
-i, --india                Clear india (default true)                           
-j              ILLINOIS   Assign string ILLINOIS to illinois                   
-k, --kilo      KILO       Assign float KILO to kilo                            
-l, --lima                 Set lima (default false)                             
-m, --mike      MIKE       Convert MIKE and store in mike (default 0, 0)        
-n, --november  NOVEMBER   Assign ecks|you|vee NOVEMBER to november (default    
-o, --oscar                Store on in oscar (default off)                      
-p, --print                display received opts, args                          
-t, --tango                an Arg parser                                        
-v, --verbosity            increase verbosity level                             

The main program is set up to allow GNU/UNIX-style collapsed arguments (-lip is equivalent to -l -i -p).

> ./example -lipa 123 -b hello -vvv this is a test

really verbose!
Received options:
alpha = 123
bravo = hello
charlie = None
delta = None
echo = None
foxtrot = None
golf = 3
india = true
illinois = None
kilo = None
lima = false
mike = 0,0
november = ecks
oscar = off
verbosity = 3
print = true
tango = None

Received anonymous arguments: this is a test
no command specified
Use -h option for detailed help
Usage: ./example [-D] [-L] [-V] [-a ALPHA] [-b BRAVO] [-c CHARLIE] [-d DELTA] [-e] [-f FOXTROT] [-g] [-i] [-j ILLINOIS] [-k KILO] [-l] [-m MIKE] [-n NOVEMBER] [-o] [-p] [-t] [-v] command [sub-options]

We can also use GNU-style -- options

> ./example --lima --alpha 123 --print

Received options:
alpha = 123
bravo = None
charlie = None
delta = None
echo = None
foxtrot = None
golf = 3
india = true
illinois = None
kilo = None
lima = false
mike = 0,0
november = ecks
oscar = off
verbosity = 0
print = true
tango = None

Received anonymous arguments: 
no command specified
Use -h option for detailed help
Usage: ./example [-D] [-L] [-V] [-a ALPHA] [-b BRAVO] [-c CHARLIE] [-d DELTA] [-e] [-f FOXTROT] [-g] [-i] [-j ILLINOIS] [-k KILO] [-l] [-m MIKE] [-n NOVEMBER] [-o] [-p] [-t] [-v] command [sub-options]

The first anonymous argument terminates option processing

> ./example -lipa 123 -b hello this is a test -v

Received options:
alpha = 123
bravo = hello
charlie = None
delta = None
echo = None
foxtrot = None
golf = 3
india = true
illinois = None
kilo = None
lima = false
mike = 0,0
november = ecks
oscar = off
verbosity = 0
print = true
tango = None

Received anonymous arguments: this is a test -v
no command specified
Use -h option for detailed help
Usage: ./example [-D] [-L] [-V] [-a ALPHA] [-b BRAVO] [-c CHARLIE] [-d DELTA] [-e] [-f FOXTROT] [-g] [-i] [-j ILLINOIS] [-k KILO] [-l] [-m MIKE] [-n NOVEMBER] [-o] [-p] [-t] [-v] command [sub-options]

... as does --

> ./example -lipa 123 -b hello -- -v more args

Received options:
alpha = 123
bravo = hello
charlie = None
delta = None
echo = None
foxtrot = None
golf = 3
india = true
illinois = None
kilo = None
lima = false
mike = 0,0
november = ecks
oscar = off
verbosity = 0
print = true
tango = None

Received anonymous arguments: -v more args
no command specified
Use -h option for detailed help
Usage: ./example [-D] [-L] [-V] [-a ALPHA] [-b BRAVO] [-c CHARLIE] [-d DELTA] [-e] [-f FOXTROT] [-g] [-i] [-j ILLINOIS] [-k KILO] [-l] [-m MIKE] [-n NOVEMBER] [-o] [-p] [-t] [-v] command [sub-options]

Using the -p option with no other arguments prints the default values. The -D option also does this (using a handler method)

> ./example -p

Received options:
alpha = None
bravo = None
charlie = None
delta = None
echo = None
foxtrot = None
golf = 3
india = true
illinois = None
kilo = None
lima = false
mike = 0,0
november = ecks
oscar = off
verbosity = 0
print = true
tango = None

Received anonymous arguments: 
no command specified
Use -h option for detailed help
Usage: ./example [-D] [-L] [-V] [-a ALPHA] [-b BRAVO] [-c CHARLIE] [-d DELTA] [-e] [-f FOXTROT] [-g] [-i] [-j ILLINOIS] [-k KILO] [-l] [-m MIKE] [-n NOVEMBER] [-o] [-p] [-t] [-v] command [sub-options]

> ./example -D

Default values:
alpha = None
bravo = None
charlie = None
delta = None
echo = None
foxtrot = None
golf = 3
india = true
illinois = None
kilo = None
lima = false
mike = 0,0
november = ecks
oscar = off
verbosity = 0
print = false
tango = None

Note that options without a specified default have None as their value, whereas e.g. golf defaults to 3 and india defaults to true.

If an option value is specified that's of the wrong type, a conversion error message is printed:

> ./example -a one

Usage: ./example [-D] [-L] [-V] [-a ALPHA] [-b BRAVO] [-c CHARLIE] [-d DELTA] [-e] [-f FOXTROT] [-g] [-i] [-j ILLINOIS] [-k KILO] [-l] [-m MIKE] [-n NOVEMBER] [-o] [-p] [-t] [-v] command [sub-options]
Conversion failure; error converting one to type int for option alpha
> ./example -f vee

Usage: ./example [-D] [-L] [-V] [-a ALPHA] [-b BRAVO] [-c CHARLIE] [-d DELTA] [-e] [-f FOXTROT] [-g] [-i] [-j ILLINOIS] [-k KILO] [-l] [-m MIKE] [-n NOVEMBER] [-o] [-p] [-t] [-v] command [sub-options]
Conversion failure; error converting vee to type ecks|why|zee for option foxtrot

Another error that can occur is when an option key that requires an argument isn't given one:

> ./example -a

Usage: ./example [-D] [-L] [-V] [-a ALPHA] [-b BRAVO] [-c CHARLIE] [-d DELTA] [-e] [-f FOXTROT] [-g] [-i] [-j ILLINOIS] [-k KILO] [-l] [-m MIKE] [-n NOVEMBER] [-o] [-p] [-t] [-v] command [sub-options]
Missing argument to option -a

Finally, if something that looks like an option (begins with '-') isn't a recognized one, this error is given:

> ./example -z

Usage: ./example [-D] [-L] [-V] [-a ALPHA] [-b BRAVO] [-c CHARLIE] [-d DELTA] [-e] [-f FOXTROT] [-g] [-i] [-j ILLINOIS] [-k KILO] [-l] [-m MIKE] [-n NOVEMBER] [-o] [-p] [-t] [-v] command [sub-options]
Unknown option -z

Subcommands and parse variants

Some programs, like cvs or ocamlfind, have "subcommands", which can have their own sets of options. Pa_arg offers rudimentary support for subcommands (if someone has an idea about a better way of integrating them, I'd like to hear it). This also offers us an opportunity to show some of the flexibility of pa_arg in this example.

This command (as described in the help above) lists the available subcommands.

> ./example -L

Available commands:

We can use the standard help option on the subcommand to see what commands are available for it.

> ./example log -h

--                         end options                                          
-d, -date       DATE       Assign string DATE to date                           
-h, -help,                 display this help                                    
--help, -?                                                                      
-l, -log                   Set log (default false)                              

... and then try out some of the options

> ./example log -l -d 1992

Received suboptions:
date = 1992
log = true

Received subarguments 

The subcommands are configured with the default parsing parameters, unlike the main program. This has several effects:

The subcommand doesn't accept GNU-style collapsed arguments (parsetype=Caml)

> ./example log -l -d 1992

Received suboptions:
date = 1992
log = true

Received subarguments 

> ./example log -ld 1992

Usage: ./example log [-d DATE] [-l] 
Unknown option -ld

The subcommand does allow interspersing arguments and options (keepgoing=true)

> ./example log -l this is -d 1992 a test

Received suboptions:
date = 1992
log = true

Received subarguments this is a test

Finally, the subcommand forms long options with a Caml-style single hyphen (keyspecs=["Short";"Long1"]).

> ./example log -log -date 1992

Received suboptions:
date = 1992
log = true

Received subarguments 

Note that you can have options both to the main command and to subcommands

> ./example -lip tag -a -t version1

Received options:
alpha = None
bravo = None
charlie = None
delta = None
echo = None
foxtrot = None
golf = 3
india = true
illinois = None
kilo = None
lima = false
mike = 0,0
november = ecks
oscar = off
verbosity = 0
print = true
tango = None

Received anonymous arguments: tag -a -t version1
Received suboptions:
all_users = true
tag = version1

Received subarguments 


As a catch-all ability, pa_arg allows options to take over parsing the command-line. It's not incredibly realistic, but the -t option in example does this, passing off parsing to the standard Arg module.

> ./example -p -t -a something -beta 123

Received options:
alpha = None
bravo = None
charlie = None
delta = None
echo = None
foxtrot = None
golf = 3
india = true
illinois = None
kilo = None
lima = false
mike = 0,0
november = ecks
oscar = off
verbosity = 0
print = true
tango = something/0000007B

Received anonymous arguments: 
no command specified
Use -h option for detailed help
Usage: ./example [-D] [-L] [-V] [-a ALPHA] [-b BRAVO] [-c CHARLIE] [-d DELTA] [-e] [-f FOXTROT] [-g] [-i] [-j ILLINOIS] [-k KILO] [-l] [-m MIKE] [-n NOVEMBER] [-o] [-p] [-t] [-v] command [sub-options]