Session 6

Pieces of the Puzzle

I stood there, looking out the window towards Ivory below, while my cousin Bailey described how the mountain Holocaust had destroyed the land over three thousand years prior. Following that, the town and castle were built in the manner they were, including the parapet we stood in.

All I could think about was that damn, she smelled good.

Bailey's quite charming. She's attractive, adventurous, interesting... She's talked to me here, now, as if she's known me for years, not for the week or less than it has actually been. We walked about the castle, she pointing out objects of interest and architectural oddities. And she made good on her promise to explore every nook and cranny of the castle.

Not that I could concentrate. My Id demanded I explore every nook and cranny of her, but I showed some restraint. It had been a while.

I don't know what it is about my family, but the women are fine with a capital hot. Gen, Flora, that new one, the blonde... Bailey.

I snapped out of my daydreaming to follow Bailey down to dinner.


The day was not all wistfulness and fun. The name had not clicked at first, but when she finally mention Cirophsoph in full, all became clear. Bailey had indeed been tormented at the hands of my torturer, as well. I did not react well when this happened -- I backed away, wanting to get the hell off the dance floor -- but Bailey pulled me back into the dance with only a few curious glances.

She didn't go into particulars, later, and I don't blame her. Ciro and pals had a way about them that sent chills down your spine. They gave me my aversion to magic. I wanted so much for her to tell me what they had done with her, but I knew she wouldn't tell me, and some part of me did not want to know.

That much said, it didn't take much to agree to look into hunting the bastard down and ridding the multiverse of him for good.


Later that evening I danced with my cousin Gwyn, after a difficult conversation earlier with her.

I don't quite understand her sometimes. I mean, on occasion we have some truly meaningful discussions. But there are times where she just seems so exasperated, so irked with me, and I can never figure out what it is that I did. I wonder if it's a remnant of something when we were kids? Or perhaps when I returned to Amber. Did I unintentionally belittle her faith?

It's hard to figure her out. I mean, we have these fights, but she'll come back to apologize later. And I feel guilty about them too, later, and so I do the same. What is this all about? I really wish I knew.

I don't know anything about anything.
			-- Michael Irvin

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