Session 18


Gwyn called for me moments after some hijinx of our own, and Bailes scooted out of the field of vision as I let the Trump call through. Gwyn apologized for bothering me, and I laughed in my head, wondering if it was so plainly obvious what was going on, even to Chaste-girl. She was heading to the Church then, for her meeting, and so I threw on some clothes, bid a quick farewell to my lady, and busted out to Gerard's.

Gwyn and Keif did all their Chruch crap while I listened, observed, and basically opened my senses to this world around me. The dusty, dull colors of the temple were not overall asthetically pleasing to me, but hey, we can't always have it our way. Nothing of major import occurred until the meeting, where I pulled a Polonius and spied on the goings on. Gwyn managed to cheese Ethore off good, but the rest was boring.

Until of course, Dworkin showed again. I dragged him out of our hiding place, where her and Gwyn talked spirituobabble about prophets and crap. He couldn't leave soon enough.

I left then to give Bailes some help at her new place until later that evening, when I escorted Gwyn back to Caine's. I suggested they ask him perhaps to look into Ethore. Of course, my reward for this suggestion is to be told not to come with them. Whatever.

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