Jared uth Wistan

Voice of Reason

The evening passed uneventfully -- I cleaned my armor and weapons in a years-old ritual. I found that my prayers were still answered here, as my armor looked clean and new after some slightly blessed manipulation. Sleep was heavy, and the next morning I talked a bit with Fayne and his consort before making my way to the breakfast table.

I decided to to let the others do the talking. These people who are my cousins seem, sadly, to be much like children in many regards. After my research, I'd found that this Pattern was a lethal device granting great power to only those able to survive -- a most deadly test of wills. My companions seemed to want to make this into a picnic of sorts. I thought I'd best show up in case something took a turn for the worst.


The Church grounds and cathedral were sun-filled and quiet in the late morning, acolytes and parishoners making their way to and fro. I made my way out back to where I was told my mother had gone. She must have had discussions with Grandmother, as she was well aware of the Pattern, and gave her reasons as for why she felt that this was not the time -- all valid. She bade me to walk this Pattern, but I simply told her that I'd need to investigate a bit. I believe she wants me to find this place as endearing as she, but I'm not sure that will ever happen, so I will continue to try to make this place safe for her to stay. Upon returning to the castle I was approached by the palace guard. Shegan, the prisoner that Lady Sarah and I had talked with, wanted to see me again. He was wild-eyed, near raving, insisting that he needed protection, as he knew that the Scions would be coming to kill him. I had extra guards put on his cell and went back to my room. Somehow, these Scions will have to be dealt with.


Mythos answered the door, looking upwards at me with an expression that I wasn't sure how to read. Eventually, though, she looked a bit incredulous when I said that I would just be checking the pattern out and that would she need someone to be the "spot-ter" for her? She agreed, after a fashion, and I began once again the trip back down into town.

Grandmother dismissed the possible threat of the Scions with a backwards wave of her hand. Apparently she had dealt with these people in the past on a semi-regular basis, and did not see them as a problem now. She also felt that my mother was safe staying in the Cathedral. I suggested the prisoner be housed in the Church then, but Grandmother did not see that as acceptable. She didn't seem to notice the contradiction in that which we had just spoke of -- she seems rather stubborn -- so I thanked her for whatever assistance she may be able to give and made my way back again to my lodgings.


So far, so good. Lady Sophie and Cordelia made their way along the infernal etching in this strange fairyland. It was not until Fayne began his walk that things went to the Abyss. He began to hesitate, features blending and flowing into strange forms. My first impulse was to assist -- and I jumped onto the flaming construct.

It is difficult to explain the sensations and images felt and seen during this endeavour, but I found myself making my way along without too much difficulty. Fayne's shifting form trudged forward slowly, and I kept it moving along, heedful of Robert's warnings. Upon hitting the center, I took up the now female form in my hands (doppleganger?) and willed myself to Mythos, who was watching this all with some strange look of awe and horror.

Talk was not needed until we left this enchanted place -- upon hitting the mountain steps, Mythos looked up there, and at me, exasperated, and vowed she would return. I could only smile.

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