Jared uth Wistan

Singular Truths

The story behind the final retrieval of my mother from that faraway place is inconsequential now -- the facts that reveal themselves have taken center stage. Mother's confession that she, as a child, was adopted into house Briarmoor... I suppose I should have felt more shock at it, but with all of the assertions, smiles, and comments meant to float beyond my ears, I could not dredge up anger or condemnation. Only a soft ache, a sorrow that that which I had always took pride in was tainted somehow. Her position left her with no real options -- why would she reveal herself before she married my father? The other edge of the blade, of course, was that she'd never had shamed our family after the marriage.

All that rides the winds of the past, now. I met with my maternal grandmother, who holds the position here equivalent to the Revered Daughter of Paladine back home. Despite her age and high position I found myself unable to approach her but with a casual and gentle air. She welcomed me, and subtly let me know that she would tend to my mother, who requested to stay in the Church itself. I agreed to this only if I could gather some information about the faith here -- Grandmother made some vague reference to the "light."

A few pages into the book, and I had to smile. This place worships a holy being, a Unicorn, whose sibling and alter was a dark Serpent who dwelt in an Abyss... Little did they know they actually worship the Platinum Dragon. The Gods work in mysterious ways -- so said Fizban, once.

Heading back to the castle, I encountered Lady Mythos, whose first request was that I address her more informally. Only if she would do the same for me, of course. I apologized for my earlier assertions that had offended her, and she seemed to accept that, and we awkwardly made our separate paths -- though I took one look back again and swore to myself that she did look quite like Kitiara...

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