Jared uth Wistan


As I made my way out of the offices of the Church, and back out into the great hall, I caught the tail end of services. While most of the parishioners began heading for the exits, a few moved forward to speak with the priest who had performed the mass. They were young and old, big and small... people of every type and walk of life. Minor nobles stood with commoners, soldiers with farmers, the elderly with children... they all had a tale of woe to tell, or grief to share. I lost my son to the Mire... I cannot find work... the crops are diseased and will not grow... please, I cannot lose another child this way...

I can only ask myself what it was that the all-seeing Gabriel was doing over two thousand years of grief and decline in Amber.

Upon reflection, I'm sure that the nature of Gabriel -- clearly even less than human than people of Amber blood are -- gives what would be a good reason for waiting two millenia to act. The Gods ways are full of mystery, Crysania once said to me, and she was right. Do I regret my harsh tone with Gabriel? To a point. What he may not understand, or what he may not have been confronted with before, is that once I course of action has been dictated, I'm the kind to take to it. One thing I have noticed about those who live in this world is that they see conspiracy in every shadow, every conversation; manipulation and cunning are second nature. And while I like to consider all of the elements and facts of the situation, this one required immediate action. It needed immediate action hundreds of years ago.

After Gabriel had left, angered but still with his cryptic nonsense (a trend I have had more than my fill of), I turned to look at Jenner, whom I could not tell to be annoyed, taken aback, or shocked at what had happened. He told me a bit of the role that Gabriel had played in the past, but at the time it did not help to alleviate my quiet anger at what was happening in this world. How could I ever feel safe about leaving my mother here? How could Mythos and I ever build a life together in this kingdom which seemed to be on the brink of a true fall?

With no good answers, I made my way back out into the streets, and headed home. On the way I passed a family that thanked me for repairing their well earlier that day. The feeling that came of giving of myself helped to take the edge of the rage I'd contained earlier. But as I kept on walking, I couldn't help but note that these good deeds were like putting what Mythos calls a band-aid on a mortal wound -- more direct cleansing needed to be done.

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