Lynda Weinman's color tables

In Lynda's words:

The Browser Safe Palette is useful for flat-color illustrations, logos with flat-color, and areas in any image that have a lot of a single color. When a browser dithers flat colors it looks far more objectionable than when it dithers photographs. Look at this test page, which demonstrates this very point.

Since this palette was generated by math, not visual insightfulness, I hired my dear friend Joy Silverman, who spent 60 hours of her life re-arranging it so it might make sense to visual designers. There are two versions here; one organized by hue and one organized by value. You may copy either from these pages and distribute them freely to whomever might want to make better looking Web pages from them.

Note: These two palettes have identical colors, they are simply organized differently...


[The organization by hue puts these colors in order by color]


[The organization by value puts these colors in order of light, middle values and darks]

I transferred them here for speed of access, because her web site seems interminably slow.