These are old quotes from my .signature files.

With the exception of the last one, I think they are all original. I certainly never intended to quote anybody without credit. However, I might have overheard it and later thought of it as my own. Many apologies if this is true at all.

I'd like to thank Dave Winkel for inspiring this page. Namely, I saw his, thought it was cool, and just copied him. (though the quotes are mine, not his.)

I can't recall many of my quotes. If you remember an old one of mine that isn't here, please tell me.

Only those who are in the shadows truely know light.

It's not whether you win or lose, it's whether I wim or lose.

If you think ignorance is expensive, try out of state tuition at Michigan.

Never regret losing what was never yours.

You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar, but nothing beats cow manure.

Why kill time only to let time kill?

Long for naught, but not for long.

The difference between love and respect is that one is earned.

To dream of death is to foresee the future.

"I don't want to be a pancake" - Sailor Moon

I don't understand women. Would the study of quantum physics help?

"When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth" - Sherlock Holmes

If you mail me I'll be sure to respond, and you can see my newest one.

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