What movie series had the biggest drop off in quality between the first movie and its first sequel?

What ring tone should I assign on my cell phone for when you call me?

Where should I go for a four day vacation in late November?

What Vanity license plate did/would you get, and what does it mean?

What's your favorite *bad* movie?

If money were no object, what kind of car would you drive?

What is your favorite simple recipe?

What is the most recent book you've read, and do you recommend that others read it?

What is something unusual about yourself?

What song do you guess I downloaded from Napster yesterday?

What is something in the last 24 hours that has made you smile?

What is your favorite candy?

What is your favorite Monopoly token? How about your favorite Monopoly property?

What is the best book you've read in the past year?

If you won a sailboat what would you name it?

What's the most recent meal you've had? (Feel free to answer as often as you wish)

In honor of Die Another Day, a slew of James Bond questions. Which is your favorite Bond Movie? Favorite Bond portayer? Favorite Bond villian? And, of course, favorite Bond girl?

Are you doing / did you do anything interesting for Halloween?

What should I do with my free time in New York City?

For something totally different, word association! What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see the word "lips"?

What is your favorite snack food?

What is your quest?

What celebrity do you find most physically attractive?

If you could have any job (and income didn't matter), what would it be?

Do you have any superstitions? (And if so, what?)

Who is the most famous person you've ever met?

If you were to change your name, what would you change it to?

If you could observe one event from history (but not affect its outcome) what would you choose?

What was your favorite song of the 1990s?

What should I do after my impending (June 14, 2001) graduation?

Do you have any pet peeves? If so, please describe one or two.

Who is your favorite active musician?

What is your favorite part of your own body?

What country other than your own would you most like to live in? (Please specify your country if not the United States.)

Who is your favorite cartoon character?

What was your favorite fad of the past 20 years?

Who would you like to play yourself in a movie based on your life?

What is your favorite quote?

Coke, Pepsi, or something else?

Should marijuana be legalized?

Which is the best of the Star Wars movies, and why?

What's your take on this whole sheep cloning thing?

What did you have for lunch?

Would you want to know the exact time and cause of your death?

What should my first drink on my 21st birthday be?

What is your favorite joke?

What would you do on an ideal first date?

What do you think of meeting people that you met on the net?

Are you going to wear a halloween costume, and if so, what will it be?

What is your favorite band of all time. (aka - how many Def Leppord fans have web access)

What will you miss most and least about summer?

What sense would bother you the most if you lost it, and why?

What was/is your favorite stuffed animal? How old were you when you got it?

If you could kill one stranger in cold blood, but it would end world hunger forever, would you?

What is your favorite type of sandwich?

Over what one year period of your life did you grow the most as a person. (And I don't want any jokes about physical growth. You know what I mean.)

Have you ever had a reoccuring dream? If so, describe it.

Would you have sex with a phsically unattractive memeber of the prefered sex for $100,000? Why or why not?

What decission that you thought was minor at the time has had the largest effect on your life?

Why does the United States usually get rather low voter turn-out? What, if anything, should be done to change this?

What is your all-time favorite computer game?

What is your favorite form of exercise?

What is your favorite page on the internet other than your own?

How long does it take you to fall asleep once you start trying?

What amendment would you like to see added to the Constitution?

What was your least favorite book that you had to read for school?

What was your favorite toy when you were a child? (Under 13)

What is your favorite type of fast food? Resteraunt and/or specific "dish".

How likely are you to have a one night stand? (Sometime in the future. If you've had one before but wouldn't again, then answer no.)

What is your favorite movie of this decade, and what about it did you like so much?

What is the first event of any historic significance that you can specifically remember?

On a scale of one to ten with one being a typical Pravda article and 10 being Lincoln, how honest are you? Under what circumstances do you permit yourself to lie?

In what position do you sleep? Does it matter if there's somebody else in bed with you?

If you could have any super power what would you pick, and why?

If you had access to a time machine would you use it, and if so to do what?

What is your favorite article of clothing that you own?

What is the worst physical pain you have ever been in, and would you go through it again for $1000?

Is the United States most likely to have a female president first, a minority president first, or a female minority president first, and do you have any idea who it will be?

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